(more) bunny problems


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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
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ok so as a lot of yall no i have a new bunny named petey and i have had him for four days now and we've bonded like heck xD i have already taught him to stand up (hes smart) but my friend (who gave the buny to me) just told me today, that he is bigger now so the cage she gave me (that hes staying in right now) iz gonna be too small for him so i might have to get a new one (about $150) and ALSO next week he will be ofically four months old (sexutally mature) so we have to get him nueterd (about $100-200!) i already talked to my partents about the nuetring and they said they could do that but if i tell them how mutch a new cage would cost they will send him back cuz we are in kinda a little "money slump" AND its tax time so they arnt gona wanna pay $350 for a bunny thy didnt want in the first place.

plz help!! i LOVE petey and i dont wanna give him away idk mabey i can MAKE a hutch or somthing (i made him a play pin out of old shelves)


Does Petey have a female bunny friend? If so, neuter him, but if not, don't bother, it isn't necessary. Be aware, he might spray if you don't. Then you can get the bigger cage, and keep the rabbit. The spraying isn't bad, you just need to clean around the cage about once a week. Not that big of a deal.

You could always try and raise money, if the first plan doesn't work out, like, a garage sale, or something of that sort, maybe a fund raiser, etc.

Or maybe if it is absolutely necessary to give him away, you can give him to a close friend and see him at their house instead. A long distance relationship, I guess you could say.

Hope I helped, anyway.

Like Rebbeca said if Petey doesnt have a female friend then dont neutuer him, if so do.

And if your low on money make a lemonade stand or something kind of like that too raise money.

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Don't get him neutered if he will not make any contact with female rabbits. As for the cage price, well... I would take all the money you have in saving and try to raise money. Or if you have an upcoming birthday or any other holiday that you will receive presents on, ask for money, or a new cage for your rabbit. You can also try to convince your parents that Petey is worth it, by showing them the love and companionship he supplies, and how heart breaking it would be for you if he was to be sent back.



Yeah, play the sadness and depression card as much as possible as well. If they think it will tear your insides open and apart, then chances are, they wont give him away in the first place, and if they see how much you love him and vice versa, maybe they will make an exception.

well i wuz doing some research, and if they dont get nuetuerd then by the time their teens they become more agresive and prone to desise and hes reaching his teen-hood and latly i have been noticing hes more jittery and figety and he wont respond to my comands as he used too and when i took him to my friends house to see all of his bunny friends (three of them were girls) he got especailly hoppy seeing the girls (aww teenage boys, so tipical xD) and so today my dad and i were working really hard making him a nice cage/playpin for him out ogf these wires made for shelvs and the box of wires only cost $20 as apose to BUYING a hutch wich iz like $150(yeah we are really cheep but we're great craftsmen :( ) so my parents are still thinking about the nuetering but they arnt sure

ANYWHO thanx yall 4 ur help u guyz are really nice =DD

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