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  1. V


    i don't get why kids now a days drink coffee, it isn't even good. i don't like it, it makes your breath stinky and stains your teeth. i much prefer things like green tea frappuccinos. :lol:
  2. V

    age is 0

    i wouldn't really worry. my tamagotchi's sometimes evolve into teens at 0. just wait and they'll start aging! reseting and downloading do slow down the growth process though, just a tip not to do it so much. :lol:
  3. V

    Help! Not evolving

    is it new? you need to set the time in order for it to hatch.
  4. V


    i think it's quite fun to have the ball glitch! all this interesting stuff instead of a price at the shop it gets repaced with the infinity symbol or something..and once the death sprite showed up and froze my tam :D it was quite funny. :D but if you don't really like...
  5. V

    Confuzzled on v5 marriage....

    i believe when you use the dating show, if you have more than one character a screen with the word SELECT? comes up and just press (a) to scroll through. :D as for connecting, i'm not so sure myself but i'm pretty sure both parents live on both tamagotchis, since they lay eggs right away and...
  6. V

    sorry if this is in the wrong place.

    it is quite difficult to find a v4 right now in any store since v5 is the hot thing now, but with some may be able to find one. try checking the toy section of like a supermarket or something, they don't get new things very quickly from what i've noticed. :D keep looking though! if...
  7. V


    No...not that I remember. o_o;
  8. V

    Why do they always change ideas?

    meh, i don't really like the new versions myself because the characters you get now aren't much of a surprise as they were on the original tamagotchi and 1st three connections. but i still buy them to see what bandai has done with them and if you ask me, they've done a HUGE lot. it's good to see...
  9. V

    Do people think you look your age?

    everyone thinks me and my mum are sisters too. >_< but she looks really young for her age, so i can't blame them.. :(
  10. V


    at grad, we had helium balloons, and everyone kept unknotting them and sucking in the helium. it was funny, my friend sounded like a chipmunk. xD
  11. V

    Help on Families, Characters, and Pets

    what do you mean? in that generation? they only turn into space characters...but after your sunnyitchi marries, you can start raising other families.
  12. V

    What Kind Of V5 Do You Have?

    sing a song. its green with pink and purple music notes and ribbons.
  13. V

    Buying a tamagotchi makes you Happier?

    i always get happy when i get a new tamagotchi. :( it's fun knowing you're gonna raise a new generation of tamas, and new characters.
  14. V

    Help on Families, Characters, and Pets

    If you want a pure family lets say, such as mametchi as mcdougri said, raise one of your teens to a mametchi. raise his bonding to 100%, and then marry him to a chanotchi. when they marry, they will turn into mamametchi, and papamametchi and leave 2 eggs behind which hatch, and then in an hour...
  15. V

    Have you ever been like, sexually asaulted?

    i did too, but she kind of brings it upon herself with her kind of promiscuity kind of attitude 9does that sound right to you?) . what bothered me is that she didn't tell teachers or no one, and that leaves herself open for more attacks. :) ;
  16. V

    Do you wear a bra yet?

    i believe that's totally normal. my friends have that, and even i do. it's usually not noticeable.
  17. V

    Gameboy Color!

    Don't spam your own topic, save bandwidth plz. :P As for me, I had a GBC, and I would play Pokemon for hours. i had to give it to my cousins FORCEFULLY when I got my GBA. I miss those days. :mimitchi:
  18. V


    i played the recorder, but it was boring. we never learned what those 2 bottom notes were. >_>;
  19. V

    Have you ever been like, sexually asaulted?

    oh, this reminds me of when my friend was attacted by a bunch of guys this year, and they're HUGE. they sat on her chest, put their hands down her pants, and all that crap. she was in pain, but never bothered to tell anyone.
  20. V

    Any Inneresting Legends In Your Town?

    There aren't many legends here...but my parents country has so many..i'll post one, but it might sound choppy because there's many variations of it.. :P Well, in El Salvador, there is a legend of a spirit who roams the riversides at night. She tries to attract men more than anything. Well, it...