Have you ever been like, sexually asaulted?


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oh, this reminds me of when my friend was attacted by a bunch of guys this year, and they're HUGE. they sat on her chest, put their hands down her pants, and all that crap. she was in pain, but never bothered to tell anyone.

I feel sorry for her.

I feel sorry for her.
i did too, but she kind of brings it upon herself with her kind of promiscuity kind of attitude 9does that sound right to you?) . what bothered me is that she didn't tell teachers or no one, and that leaves herself open for more attacks. :) ;

this one girl in my school, told 2 boys that if they werent in school she'd let them touch her breasts all night O_O;


Was she your age? If so, she is only a year older than me...

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what bothered me is that she didn't tell teachers or no one, and that leaves herself open for more attacks. ;) ;
I wouldn't have told anyone either. That's just the way I am.

I've been told, "I wanna get in your pants!" Multiple times before. I just disregard it completely and move on.

Girls are sexually assaulted more than boys. Which is wrong.

I was raped when I was 6.....
[SIZE=11pt]I am so sorry. fortunately nothing like that happened to me, but its unfortunate that happens to girls and boys..[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]I am so sorry. fortunately nothing like that happened to me, but its unfortunate that happens to girls and boys..[/SIZE]
It's sad. My mom's a lawyer and does the domestic violence and abuse cases at her office. So I've seen all these cases where there has been drugs, alcohol, sex, and abuse involved. It's incredible how many kids in my city are being abused. Sexual abuse is one of the most common; it happens too often. :) And not everyone goes to the police and gets in reported either, so the statistics are even higher.

It's sad. My mom's a lawyer and does the domestic violence and abuse cases at her office. So I've seen all these cases where there has been drugs, alcohol, sex, and abuse involved. It's incredible how many kids in my city are being abused. Sexual abuse is one of the most common; it happens too often. :( And not everyone goes to the police and gets in reported either, so the statistics are even higher.
[SIZE=14pt]I am very sorry that kids in your city are hurt. Nobody should be hurt...But then where would the emotions be? Unfortunately, some kids are killed after the crime somebody commited... I wish there wasn't any rapist/child molesters...some people are just sick. =([/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]I am very sorry that kids in your city are hurt. Nobody should be hurt...But then where would the emotions be? Unfortunately, some kids are killed after the crime somebody commited... I wish there wasn't any rapist/child molesters...some people are just sick. =([/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]They are sick and wrong. They were just born with that mind set! Some people make me angry and sick.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]They are sick and wrong. They were just born with that mind set! Some people make me angry and sick.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Agreed.. [/SIZE]

No one does this sorta stuff regularly in the UK. And I'm a boy, so it'll probably not happen to me. But your stories are shocking, I thought most boys were shy (like me!)

No one does this sorta stuff regularly in the UK. And I'm a boy, so it'll probably not happen to me. But your stories are shocking, I thought most boys were shy (like me!)
It probably goes on in the UK more than you are aware of.

I got sexually assaulted AGAIN. I was in Dallas w/my cousin ****'s baseball team (the ages of them range from 7 to 12, like me) And they were ATTACKING me and my 6 year old (other)cousin, -------. One night the boys were playing truth or dare and they decided to bother us in the other room.(we were in a hotel) They trapped us and wouldn't let us leave. They created a contest to see who could kiss me the longest. Soon I got fed up with it after being kissed like 10 times or so and I grabbed ----- quickly and got out of there, causing any of the boys who got in the way to cry or fall over in pain by doing a variety of things. They chased after us and I pushed some of them into an elevator as it was closing which was really funny because it went like this: *boys running after us* Me:*stops at elevator and presses 3rd floor button, then steps out of elevator*Boys:*Bout half of them catch up to elevator*Me:*Pushes boys in as it's closing* After it closed, I heard a loud CLANG as they run into the door right went it closed. I couldn't breath for a while after that I was laughing so hard. Several things like that happened over the week, but I never told on them and every time I would do something much worst than they deserved. They were pushed into bushes and spat on. Plus they were beaten with various items, and several times were sent screaming down the hall. I also sprayed them w/air freshener which they hated for some reason. Most of them were my age. Btw, When I say beaten w/ stuff I mean like, one time one of them pulled me on top of him and I grabbed one of those BIG plastic spoons and hit him w/it 2 times. He ran away. By the end of the trip the boys got the idea and would nicely talk and once in a while flirt a little with me w/out me having to hurt them.

I got sexually assaulted AGAIN. I was in Dallas w/my cousin ****'s baseball team (the ages of them range from 7 to 12, like me) And they were ATTACKING me and my 6 year old (other)cousin, -------. One night the boys were playing truth or dare and they decided to bother us in the other room.(we were in a hotel) They trapped us and wouldn't let us leave. They created a contest to see who could kiss me the longest. Soon I got fed up with it after being kissed like 10 times or so and I grabbed ----- quickly and got out of there, causing any of the boys who got in the way to cry or fall over in pain by doing a variety of things. They chased after us and I pushed some of them into an elevator as it was closing which was really funny because it went like this: *boys running after us* Me:*stops at elevator and presses 3rd floor button, then steps out of elevator*Boys:*Bout half of them catch up to elevator*Me:*Pushes boys in as it's closing* After it closed, I heard a loud CLANG as they run into the door right went it closed. I couldn't breath for a while after that I was laughing so hard. Several things like that happened over the week, but I never told on them and every time I would do something much worst than they deserved. They were pushed into bushes and spat on. Plus they were beaten with various items, and several times were sent screaming down the hall. I also sprayed them w/air freshener which they hated for some reason. Most of them were my age. Btw, When I say beaten w/ stuff I mean like, one time one of them pulled me on top of him and I grabbed one of those BIG plastic spoons and hit him w/it 2 times. He ran away. By the end of the trip the boys got the idea and would nicely talk and once in a while flirt a little with me w/out me having to hurt them.
I would tell on them. THEN I would do that stuff. Those boys are sick in the head.


A few of my friends have. Some of them at school. Nothing much has happened to me. Only a 5 year old boy has said "Ooooh! Loook at your ****ies!" Lucky I didn't hit him. I would've been in more trouble then him if I did! He's such a spoiled brat.

I am soo glad, I have not been assaulted like that. I think some people are really perverted these days, I mean being raped when you were 6? That is just wrong.

Lots of boys at school make fun of me in 'that' kind of way, but I wouldn't exactly call them assaults. I just ignore them.

There was, though, one time I was swimming at the aquatic centre and this older guy swam to me and kept saying 'hello' in a weird way and touching my thighs. SUCH a perv - I can't believe he did that in public there was literally billions of people at the aquatic centre that day! And we were in the kids pool! So guess what I did. Yes. Kicked him a splash in the face. A well deserved one indeed!

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