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Becca Juice

Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
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Not Steve.
I lurve coffee~

I just felt the need to post a coffee topic, and I didn't see one.

I'm actually drinking some right now, I like it extra strong, and I put in milk when it is done percolating, but black is preferred. The milk is just to cool it down.

However, sometimes I do add sugar.

Do you like coffee? o_O

How do you drink it?

Feel free to post.

Yes I like coffee. It pwns all other drinks.

I drink it by putting it in my mouth then swallowing. xD

I always add sugar. I need it in my coffee, or it tastes yuck.

I always add milk, usually I like really creamy coffee, and black.

I don't drink coffee.

For me, it leaves a bad after taste.

Probably because I'm too young.

But in Italy, they have a product called Kids Coffee. The name really says it all. You still have to like, put sugar and milk in it, but it's SOOOOOOO good!

EDIT: my sister LUFFS it though. but its sad because her friend is allergic to caffeine and strawberries. No coffee, no chocolate...omg i cannot LIVE without chocolate

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I don't like redgular coffee. i prefer those things you get at Dunkin Doughnuts and places like that that have all of the ice cream and milk and whipped cream and syrups and chocolate and caramel...



i don't get why kids now a days drink coffee, it isn't even good. i don't like it, it makes your breath stinky and stains your teeth. i much prefer things like green tea frappuccinos. :lol:

COFFEE IS AWESOME!!!!!! I know it's bad for you sometimes but its AWESOME!!!!!! I put tons of sugar cubes in it, bweheheheeeehhh!!!! And most of all it makes u HYPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEE!!!!!!!!!! I dont care about the taste, I only care cuz its caffinated, hahaaa!!!!

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I don't really have a taste for coffee. It tastes kind of like expired Coke without all the sugar and carbination and stuff. But there is this restaruant in my city that has, like, the BEST coffee! Even I like it. My brother gave me a taste and I loved it.

If I ever do drink coffee, I'll dump a whole bag of sugar in it and use, like, a hundred cups of that cream stuff just to make it taste good. Other than that, I really don't have a taste for it. Hot chocolate and tea pwns, though.

Dear Becca Juice I prefer not to havee coffe it is discusting why does anybody like coffe? Once again, i hate coffe

I used to drink a lot of coffee, but not so much anymore.

I don't even dare to drink the coffee the way my mom takes it. It's black sludge.

I only drink the coffee that my aunt makes when I go to her house in the morning, which is rare. ]:

Dear Becca Juice, I prefer not to have coffee. I think it is disgusting. Why does anybody like coffee anyway? Once again, I hate coffee.
I have corrected your grammar. No need to thank me ;]

That's your opinion.

When I make mine at home, I drink it black, or with milk and sugar.

But when I order out, white chocolate raspberry mocha, mocha, cappuchino, frappachino, etc. With all the whipped cream and sprinkles and choclate shreds on top<33

I love coffee. Just sometimes I get too lazy to make it at home before school. D: I like to mix hot chocolate in with it, to make it a bit sweeter without all of that creamer crap. I like to call it, "hot chocoffee." :D

When I get it at Starbucks or something, I usually get a Mocha Frappacino. I prefer cold drinks to hot anyday, even if its -20 outside. ^_^

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