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  1. M


    No, because my parents want to know that I'm helping them because I want to, not for the wages. Instead I get paid for excellent performance in swim team events: Shaving 1 to 5 seconds off gets me $5.00* 6 to 10 seconds gets me $10.00* 11 or more seconds gets me $15.00* Placing 1st on my...
  2. M

    Does anyone speak any other languages?

    I'm going to be taking Latin I beginning on the 1st day of 9th grade. I already know a little bit from the 9-week class I took in 8th grade.
  3. M


    Yes, people have called me a nerd. And like Sk8ter_Girl107, I'm considered of as a tomboy and a nerd. I'm also called a mini-Einstein
  4. M

    Do you ever feel

    I've felt the same way most of my life. For example, from 1st to 6th grade I was the only girl who would play kickball. I don't like dressing up either or blowing my money at the mall. Also I have more guy friends than any of my female friends. Male Friend Count - Chris Hayden Avery Kevin...
  5. M

    Bratz dolls these days

    Really? Neither have I.
  6. M

    Your view...

    ^ Same here. ;) However, my parents are trying to "set me straight" by telling me all the time crap like "homosexuality is bad" or "it's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve", anything they can think of to make me a homophobe like them. For example, when I told my parents about a homosexual...
  7. M

    Do You Ever Feel That Your Friends Use You?

    Well, sometimes I feel like deep down, my friends hate my guts. Does that count?
  8. M

    What song have you HAD enough of?

    Oh my god same here. You know, that song in a somewhat ironic twist supports homophobia and heterosexuality. So if you support gay rights, avoid Katy Perry's music (another song by her is also homophobic and called "UR So Gay")
  9. M

    Top 100 Music Artist You Love To Hate!

    EDIT - the person I posted already was posted. Sorry. (hint- 4 squared.)
  10. M

    ok so i've been saving up for a drumset

    To be honest I don't think of eBay as a reliable source. There have been incidents were people have been scammed out of over $400 USD on eBay. Also, no offense, but in my opinion if it's a 5 piece drum set at only 11 bucks, you're likely to get ripped off if you buy it.
  11. M

    4th of July plans?

    My family is going to my dad's co-worker's house for a 4th of July party with a barbeque and some fireworks they bought and a lot of other stuff. It's tonight. Then tomorrow at a local park, called Szot* Park, we get to see even more fireworks. *In "Szot", the "s" is silent.
  12. M

    What kind school you are in?

    Public school. Today was my last day of 8th grade, so I start high school on August 27th. (Go Orioles!!)
  13. M

    Teen Pregnancy

    I know - my mom just thinks she's so right about that. Then again, I live in a small isolated town so there aren't that many services for pregnant teenagers.
  14. M

    Middle School

    To help survive socially, I have 8 important tips that I ignored (therefore making me think that my social life is a living hellhole) Be careful who you tell what. If you confess something to a more popular person, it could get around the school within a week. Be the same person around...
  15. M

    Too old for toystore?

    I'm 14 1/2 and my parents still let me go in toy stores. But I usually don't - I prefer nonfiction books and things that help me learn and educate myself.
  16. M

    Have you ever been like, sexually asaulted?

    If being sexually harassed and sexually assaulted are the same thing then I have two - During Public Speaking X-Block, this cute but obnoxiously popular boy, Tyler, was sitting next to me and he said "I'm gonna touch your rack". I thought he meant my breasts at first but it turned out to be the...
  17. M

    Teen Pregnancy

    There's a girl in my school that's been pregnant for about 5 months I think. My parents said (when I told them about the girl in my school) "She's throwing her life out! Who do you think is going to graduate high school - her or the father of her baby? Who will end up having the better life -...
  18. M

    Asking people out

    I think it really doesn't matter. My parents have made it a rule that guys have to ask me out and I can't ask guys out because it generally is tradition. I didn't tell them this but SCREW TRADITION. I've asked out a few guys before and in some cases they've ended up going out with me. Tradition...
  19. M

    Embaressing Moments

    I have one. Kinda. This evening was the Aloha dance, which generally sucked. I had called my dad and asked him to pick me up from the dance. Sadly, he got the motorcycle (and everyone at the dance had to dress formally) so I had to wear a black dress, flats, and a helmet on a Harley. A lot of...
  20. M

    Is it just me, or...

    Wow. I feel like such a pushover now. But I am just kinda nice.