Yes u__u;; It makes me mad, now you get a whole long story that takes place all year, luckily after I type this, I will sleep :3
So this girl named Jasilyn came to our school last year,she is a year younger than me, immediately she had a crush on this kid in my class, Brendan. Luckily enough, Karen [in my class] liked Brendan too, so she would complain and yell and such about Jasilyn for awhile until one day Jasilyn brought me into this, she called me ugly and I flipped, I told her exactly what I thought of her, and she just stood there, when I was done, she laughed. So I walked away, suddenly the next day Karen and Jasilyn are friends, hmm, something about a phone call. First off, I wouldn't give my phone number to Jasilyn, lucky for me, Brendan hasn't given it too her yet. Anyway, so now their friends, fast forward a few months. I still don't like Jasilyn aand her and Karen get all 'BEST FRIEND' on me and Sophia. So we sort of tag team, and one day KAren tells us she doesn't want to be Jasilyn's friend anymore, and she doesn't want to go swimming with her either. Sophia and I just say whatever, because we are getting sick and tired of all of this. SO later that week Karen and Jasilyn are still friends, and Karen tells us she thinks Jasilyn is using her, Sophia and I know and tell her she is. Apparently, Jasilyn and Karen talk behind our back [big surprise, we knew that much, we aren't stupid.] so Jasilyn comes up, first she asks Sophia is she is her friend, Sophia says she doesn't know. Then she asks me, I was so fed up with her, so this is what I said: "I'm not going to lie," she nods and tell sme to tell her, so I put it as plain as I can, "No." So she walks away, but she yells over her shoulder, "THATS OK! KAREN IS A TRUE FRIEND!" sure enough, a week later, "I don't want to be friends with Jasilyn, but I want to go swimming, so I'll go swimming and ditch her." so I yell at Karen, Bsaically it went like this:
Me: "You're using her,"
Karen: "SO?"
Me: "That means you are just as bad as her."
Karen: "But< I want to go swimming. -whiney voice-"
Sophia: "Go swimming somewhere else."
Me: Yeah.
So basically that's where it ended, u_u I don't care, I never liked the girl.
So, honestly, yes.