You can buy an Angelgotch for about $30, just keep an eye out on places like ebay, they aren't very rare. The tamagotchi Angel European and American versions do sell for higher prices, expect to pay about $55,- or more for those |
You won't see this Wave Ufo often on Ebay, but if you find one you should be able to buy it for $20,-. |
I'd recommend buying Osuchi and Mesuchi together for around $35,- to $50,- The more rare colours like clear green and orange usually go for higher prices. |
The Morino Tama costs about $40,-. |
You can get your hands on a blue Mothra Tamagotchi for $35,- The green version is harder to get and will cost about $45,- |
Digimons seem to be in high demand nowadays, you can purchase them for $50,- up to $150,-. |
The Oceangotchi will cost you about $50,-, but you might be lucky and find one cheaper. The American version called Tamagotchi Ocean is very hard to find (especially MOC), I'm not sure for how much it goes, but expect to pay more than $100,-. |