Feed your Tama properly
You know that babies cry when they're hungry. Well, so will your tamagotchi. Press A to higlight the "fork and knife" icon, then press B to select either a snack or a meal. By the way, Tamagotchis gain one oz from a meal and two ozs from a snack. You're pet will et happy from feeding it a snack, but be sure not to feed it too much (play the game instead).
The object of the game is to guess wheter the number will be higher or lower. To choose lower, press the A button, to choose higher, press the B button. If you guess correctly, Tamagotchi will be happy.
Lights out please
Use the light bulb to turn off the light when it goed to sleep, or else it will get restless. Your pet will go to sleep every night between 8 and 11 pm and wake at 9 the next morning when it will turn the light back on by itself.
Generation 2 Growth Chart.