Well, as binary suggested, I am starting a log of my V5 Celebrity Familitchi.
or is it now simply a V5 refresh? according to a reply that chrism44 received one comment above mine, my unit is simply a refresh.
Their Family Name is Shilh. Long story behind that one, but it stems from one of my characters named Lukan Shilh....
I picked up two Tamagotchi's on the 21st of July from our local Target, North Carolina, and proceeded to be surprised to find out that they are the new versions!
Well, I started it up, and three eggs appeared. Unfortunately they did not last very long.
I had read about the battery removal problem that a couple of people were having and tried it out... Lost the first family. Figured out how to get around the battery issue, I pressed reset and now everything is working the way it should...
My new family consists of:
Mattari-tchi son
Sakura-motchi daughter
Ahiruku-tchi son
The only cheat that I have performed was the training, I have stopped at 80% and will train them normally now, and trained them all for artistic abilities. So far, I have been given training opportunities at 9:30 AM and at 1:00 PM
The training activities are:
Electric Guitar
I have an artistic family now, since I chose the last option for each training period.
My favorite thing right now is the random action of Mattari-tchi!
Before anyone asks, yes, the above image took a while to make! PM me and we can discuss how to make it.
Well, I think that is all for now... I started this family on the 23 of July around 7:00 AM EST. They are Children now, and not yet into their teenage years... I think that this is taking a little longer than with the V5's, but I am uncertain.
Til tomorrow, should anything happen exciting that is!
Oh yeah, replies are welcome, as long as they are sent to me as PM's so that I can add them in a logical order.
[edit] removed the obsolete V5.5 reference and renamed it to the proper Celebrity Familitchi[/edit]
or is it now simply a V5 refresh? according to a reply that chrism44 received one comment above mine, my unit is simply a refresh.
Their Family Name is Shilh. Long story behind that one, but it stems from one of my characters named Lukan Shilh....
I picked up two Tamagotchi's on the 21st of July from our local Target, North Carolina, and proceeded to be surprised to find out that they are the new versions!
Well, I started it up, and three eggs appeared. Unfortunately they did not last very long.
I had read about the battery removal problem that a couple of people were having and tried it out... Lost the first family. Figured out how to get around the battery issue, I pressed reset and now everything is working the way it should...
My new family consists of:
Mattari-tchi son
Sakura-motchi daughter
Ahiruku-tchi son
The only cheat that I have performed was the training, I have stopped at 80% and will train them normally now, and trained them all for artistic abilities. So far, I have been given training opportunities at 9:30 AM and at 1:00 PM
The training activities are:
Electric Guitar
I have an artistic family now, since I chose the last option for each training period.
My favorite thing right now is the random action of Mattari-tchi!
Before anyone asks, yes, the above image took a while to make! PM me and we can discuss how to make it.
Well, I think that is all for now... I started this family on the 23 of July around 7:00 AM EST. They are Children now, and not yet into their teenage years... I think that this is taking a little longer than with the V5's, but I am uncertain.
Til tomorrow, should anything happen exciting that is!
Oh yeah, replies are welcome, as long as they are sent to me as PM's so that I can add them in a logical order.
[edit] removed the obsolete V5.5 reference and renamed it to the proper Celebrity Familitchi[/edit]
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