My V5.5 Family - Shilh


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Well, it has been a couple of days, and I have been slack about posting what has happened to my children.

Gypsytchi married Mametchi! This was on a friends v5r, and therefore I do not have up to date stats on this family any more :)

I went onto the Dating channel to find a marriage partner for the Princess, and the first choice I didn't like.

The second choice though! The Prince Married the Princess!!!

When they married, they became.....



Anxious yet?......


Glasun-tchi and Jyoou-batchi! I was a little down about this... I was hoping for a better parentage...

They had three eggs, and when they hatched I had:

Futaba-tchi daughter

Futaba-tchi son

Omutu-tchi daughter

As they grew up, I found that they had turned into:

Tororo-tchi daughter

Mattari-tchi son

Bell-tchi daughter

I am a little irked that I had three children again, but this is only the second generation and I should not expect tooo much right? They are also 20% bonded and an Artistic Family. I actually prefer the artistic family over the others simply because of the animations. Until a complete chart is drawn up and we know which Tami's are obtained through each evolution and bonding percentages, I think I will stick with artistic and gather data on that family line.

Til next time...


Sad news again...

I forgot my Tami's at work over a long weekend. When I got to them, I found that they had left for their home world...


I am glad that Gypsy was married off to Mametchi on another unit though! At least she is still around!

Time for a nother batch of eggs. Iw ill update tonight with which ones I get.


Also, I got a couple of kudos again! This time from porygonlords and Spartan 1-1-7!

Porygonlords has a log located HERE. lastpost is located here.

Spartan 1-1-7 doesn't have a log yet, but maybe they will soon! :rolleyes: hint hint :D

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Quick update:

The eggs have hatched!

Futaba-tchi son

Omutu-tchi daughter

Mimifuwa-tchi son

I think I will go for the sociable family type again.


Hello everyone!

I have been out with migraines for the past 4 days, and I am just now able to post. The only problem is, I missed an evolution step. ;)

I now have

Mameka-tchi son

Chamame-tchi daughter

Nonopo-tchi son

I know that Mameka-tchi was Mattari-tchi, but I do not remember who the other two were before the became adults.....

The family is a 10% Sociable family at the moment, and until I can find more time in the day, they might just sit there until I think about spending more time on them to get their bonding up.

I think that once I have this round of Tami's old enough to marry off that I will do so, and change the style of how I am doing my logs. I think that it is about time to change things up a little bit.

Til then,

Thanks for reading!


As promised, a new style of logs...... sorry it has taken so long, but school has become pretty busy.. Electromagnetic theory and Analog & Digital Communications are not playing nice this semester.. plus the research work I am now doing...

So, read on, and enjoy the next post!

Warmth.... Darkness....


Warmth and darkness.... That is my world....


Where did the warmth go? It is sooooooo cold.... Must find the warmth..... there is a barrier... must break free.....






Tooooo BRIGHT!!!!


There are strange sounds... high and low pitches... soothing sounds... must rest.....

"Futaba-tchi... Futaba-tchi... Time to wake up dear one.... It is time to eat.... There you go...."

This is good... I feel stronger.... I am begining to understand more of these sounds I am hearing... I feel really strange.....


"Momma.... Pappa..... where are you?" I understand now....

"Oh! Mattari-tchi! You are awake now! Come, you must meet the others... Here is your sister Sakura-tchi, and your brother Ahiruku-tchi"

Great... I am not an only tamagotchi... that is a long work.. I think I will shorten it to Tami... bah, I am digressign again.... must be my thing...

"Hey sis, hey bro. What do you want to do today?"

"Mattari, I don't really know. I wouldn't mind building forts, or playing take over the castle," Ahiruku-tchi says with firey gusto.

"Ahiru," Sakura-tchi shouts! "We will not play fighting games while I am around, and that is that!"

Ohhhh boy.. this is going to be a tough childhood!

*Y A W N *

Is it time to get up already? Can't I sleep a little bit longer?

"It's time to wake up!!!! Come down for breakfast!"

ugh! Why are they always so cheerful in the morning?

Shuffled footsteps can be heard making their way down the hallway. A bump or 20 along the wall is indicative that teh footsteps are not completely awake yet.

Bathroom first... ahhhh... time to wash hands then go eat...


. . .

. . .

. . !!!


Hurried footsteps sound all throughout the house as a stampeed of feet converge upon the bathroom.

"Are you ok?"

"Who is in the mirror looking back at me?!?!?!"

"Is that all that is bugging you? Sheese! you merely evolved during the night you nimrod! You are now a Mameka-tchi!"

Mameka.... hrmm.. this might not be too bad!

As the footsteps fade back to their original locations, Mameka-tchi takes a long look in the mirror and then steps out of the bathroom, ready to take on the day.

I think that I will go to the Expo today! Yes, that sounds very good. I might even make some money there!

Shortly after breakfast, Mameka heads out the door to the Tama Expo.

WOW! that was the most fun I think I have ever had!

"So how was the expo?"

"It was great mom! I won $1000!!! I played this cool 'Save the Earth' game, and I cleaned the whole Earth up! It was awesome!"

"That's good dear. Eat your dinner and then head on up to bed..."

"Ok mom, but I am not very hungry...."



Another day... I am feeling a little lighter today.. hrmmm... maybe I should have eaten something last night...

"Mame-tchi, time to go look for a job!"

sigh.... I must have evolved last night again... I was sooo looking forward to simply relaxing as a kid still... oh well.. maybe if I goto the expo and win more money they will get off my back...

several hours later...
"Hey mom! Here is my share of the rent! $4000. I think that should cover me for a few weeks no? Well, I am off to bed again.. I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow...."


Man, I feel REALLY light now... I wonder what is wrong with me...

Mame heads to the bathroom and shrieks at what he sees!

GAH!!! I have become a model! Sheesh man! I knew better than to skip my meals all day yesterday! I gotta get something to help me get the weight back on!!!

As Mame heads downstairs he hears his mom telling his siblings what to do...

"You must drink your milk dears... That is the only way to get back to normal!"


Mame heads out the door to hit the expo again so that he can buy some milk. After hours at the expo, and then constantly hounding the store clerk until she brought out the milk, Mame finally drank some milk and returned to normal.

Whew! Back to normal... Time to set my alarm to sound every couple of hours so that won't happen to me again.... I think I might even start looking for a wife soon... Not right away, but soon.

 I hope that everyone is enjoying the new format of my log!  LEt me know through PM if you do, don't, or have a suggestion for me!
Today's the day! I think I am going to go and find a wife! Yes I think it is time... I know how to get a lot of money, and I think that I would be a catch for any girl out there!

"Hey mom... dad... can I talk to you two for a minute or so?"

 After hours of talking, crying (on Mame-tchi's mom side), grinning by dad, and wishes of well being, Mame takes off, says goodbye to everyone, brother...  sister...  mom and dad, and heads off to find a wife!
The walk to the dating show station was picturesque. The trees and grass appeared to be a brilliant forest green that made the sky surreal in comparision. The blue of the sky also makes the white clouds appears to be digitally created.

The smell of the flowers, the sounds of the bees humming along collecting pollen, the soft woosh of the kids playing on skateboards adn roller skates makes Mame feel very peaceful and calm as he travels. As he nears the station, Mame notices that he will have to wait for a while since the line to get in has stretched a long way away from the station building.

After several hours of waiting, Mame is ushered into a dressing room. Several people walk around him and apply makeup, to make his skin apear the correct tone supposedly, and to fix his hair.

After everything was done, Mame was shown to the stage and asked to sit down in a chair with an older lady sitting next to him. After answering some questions, Mame is shown 2 possible mates, and declines them both. But the third choice! WOW!!! Princess Tamako. This was a choice Mame couldn't pass up!

The rosey cheeks, the blonde hair... The shining light that reflects off of her eyes when she smiles... Yes, YES!!!

Walking back through the park, Mame talks to his soon to be wife and gets to know her.

YES! Things are going to be great!!!! I cannot wait to get home and introduce her to the family!

"Hey! Everyone! We're home!!"

hrmmm.. why is there luggage sitting here at the door..

"Oh hi sweetie," Mame-tchi's mom says with sorrow in her voice. "I see that you have a new bride with you. sniff I guess that it is time for us to go..."

Go... GO?!?!?!

"Don't be sad Mame-tchi... This is the way it is... You get married, the rest of the family leaves to go back to Tama-planet. Don't worry, we will still write and see you when you come to the planet after one of your children gets married."

As the family leaves on their spaceship, mame looks over at his bride. She has changed! She is now Jyooba-tchi.

Sigh... I must have changed too.... Guess it is time to go find out what I have become now.

Looking into the mirror, Mame grins at his reflection. Papa-Mame-tchi.

Night comes to the newlyweds, and in the morning... There before his eyes, there are 3 eggs!

The first one to hatch is a strapping boy... Omutu-tchi...

Next is a daughter Omutu-tchi, follwed by another son.. Mimi-Fuwa-tchi.

The next chapter begins....

yawn... I am tired... I am tired of being tired..... I think I am growing again......

 {ooc} it has been several days since I have posted, and I apologize...  Life happens....  

Also, just to avoid confusion, ooc is Out Of Character, and bic is Back In Character for those who are scratching their heads....  {/ooc}

{bic} several days goes by as changes occur in Omutu.  His siblings change...  become more annoying, and Omu wakes up and finds he has changed again....  Mameka-tchi has finallly awoken enough to be coherent and realize that he has changed...   He then promptly falls back to sleep because he is tired again... {/bic}

"WAKE UP YOU THREE!!! Are you going to sleep your lives away?


"I am up mom... stop yelling.... Dad wouldn't yell at us!" Mameka thinks he is being tricky with this answer because it is true, father wouldn't yell.... He would just dump ice water on you and shock you into waking up.

"Son," came a deeper voice, "I know you really don't want to test your mothers patience.... She can just as easily tell me to wake you three up instead of yelling at you."

"Good point father! I am up and out of bed, so no need to wake me up anymore!"

A chorus of voices responds from down the hall at the same time.


hahaha I knew that would get them up as well... yawn... time to go and grab some food...

 Mameka walks to the bathroom and does his daily routine.  As he looks in the mirror, he sees that he has changed again... Into Mame-tchi
great! now I will need to go and get a job... This is the age that father told me he had to go and get a job... maybe I should ask him what I should go and do for one...
