So this morning my Hashizoutchi died at 18 years old.

It was the longest that I've managed to keep a Tamagotchi ever as far as I can remember. It was on the Tamagotchi Game Boy game, on which I'm playing what I decided to label the "PoorBoy's Tamagotchi". The rules are that you can only take care of your Tamagotchi if the in-game clock matches your real-life clock. I've made a post about it here:
Upon its death I was labeled a genius by some stranger aliens who took Venus to their home planet.

Apparently they have the ability to revive dead Tamagotchi so Venus was revived and made an Honorary Member of... something lol. They dressed him up weidly and that's last time I saw him.

So as promised, here is my log (@Penguin-keeper) . I'll be covering mostly the 3 Tamagotchi games on Game Boy. I'll be trying to get every character in every game, which I'm sure will keep me occupied for a long time. I'll also mix in some Android virtual pet apps so that the log will hopefully remain fresh and interesting.
I'm starting with Tamagotchi 1 on GB, since for the time being it's my favourite of the 3 Game Boy games.

As you can see I've already picked 4 of the eggs, with Venus being the 4th. It's time to hatch that green one which I'll be naming Gaia (I'm uninspiringly naming them after planets, before Venus was Mercury). I wonder what happens when you hatch all the eggs and the last one dies, there has to be a cinematic or something, we'll see.

So here is Gaia. Since I've been raising Tamagotchis since a very long time and know all the rules, I'm adding myself a new rule to spice things up: for this run, I'm not allowed to check Gaia's stats apart from its age and weight. In real life, your pet or kid doesn't have a hungry and happy meter, you have to guess how it's feeling.
I've also decided thar Gaia will be a nerd, I'm only going to give it Math training. The only exercise it will be doing will be to maintain its weight. We'll see how it'll grow up and how long it'll live with this education.
I think that's all for today, I'll try to post everyday if my schedule allows.

It was the longest that I've managed to keep a Tamagotchi ever as far as I can remember. It was on the Tamagotchi Game Boy game, on which I'm playing what I decided to label the "PoorBoy's Tamagotchi". The rules are that you can only take care of your Tamagotchi if the in-game clock matches your real-life clock. I've made a post about it here:
Upon its death I was labeled a genius by some stranger aliens who took Venus to their home planet.

Apparently they have the ability to revive dead Tamagotchi so Venus was revived and made an Honorary Member of... something lol. They dressed him up weidly and that's last time I saw him.

So as promised, here is my log (@Penguin-keeper) . I'll be covering mostly the 3 Tamagotchi games on Game Boy. I'll be trying to get every character in every game, which I'm sure will keep me occupied for a long time. I'll also mix in some Android virtual pet apps so that the log will hopefully remain fresh and interesting.
I'm starting with Tamagotchi 1 on GB, since for the time being it's my favourite of the 3 Game Boy games.

As you can see I've already picked 4 of the eggs, with Venus being the 4th. It's time to hatch that green one which I'll be naming Gaia (I'm uninspiringly naming them after planets, before Venus was Mercury). I wonder what happens when you hatch all the eggs and the last one dies, there has to be a cinematic or something, we'll see.

So here is Gaia. Since I've been raising Tamagotchis since a very long time and know all the rules, I'm adding myself a new rule to spice things up: for this run, I'm not allowed to check Gaia's stats apart from its age and weight. In real life, your pet or kid doesn't have a hungry and happy meter, you have to guess how it's feeling.
I've also decided thar Gaia will be a nerd, I'm only going to give it Math training. The only exercise it will be doing will be to maintain its weight. We'll see how it'll grow up and how long it'll live with this education.
I think that's all for today, I'll try to post everyday if my schedule allows.
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