The Hapi Log (take 4)


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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2015
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chillin' with my tamas
Hey readers!

It's Hapihapitchi back at it again with a new log, haha. Welcome to take four of The Hapi Log, you can view previous takes here:
the og
take 2
take 3

You should expect some pictures here and there, color coded stories or "adventures", daily-ish posts, and a whole lot of craziness.
I still don't have a new image hosting site to use since photobucket's a pain and I ditched it but I'm thinking of including instagram links like Rory's log does (which isn't active anymore).
I'm not exactly sure what to call the conversations and interactions my tamas and I have. You can read a bit of my 3rd log, that should give you more of an idea of what I'm talking about, or if you've read the amazing Cheesy Noodle Log then you'll know exactly what to expect. I have a similar style to her's and most of my inspiration comes from her because she's a legend.
Let's not emphasize "daily-ish" but rather "posts" because that's what you should expect, lol. True dedication is posting everyday and I definitely struggle with that.
Lastly, the craziness is real. I got a lot of creative juices and I love messing around with my tamas.

One more thing I forgot to mention! I do NOT do stats. This log isn't the formal here's-what-happened-to-my-tama-today log. If you're looking for one of those, Miri's log is for you. Miri posts everyday for the most part and it's incredible. She always has pictures and her log is a must read. Kajah995's log is kind of the hybrid between a more formal log and informal tama convo log. Also a must-read.
Anyways, no stats for this girl! Posts will just be a quick introduction and whatever trouble my mischievous tamas decide to stir up. Of course I'll update you on characters and what version tamagotchi and whatnot.

Because I seem to be giving out tons of honorable mentions right now, I guess I should bring up the fact that WingsThePhoenix and zacksims123 are the reason I started logging and some of my first and best TT friends. Salad isn't active anymore but you can read their old log anyways. I've probably read it 3 times now. Wings has an older log too and also a current-ish one! Love y'all!

Ok I'm done rambling! On to the tamas!

Right now I'm running my 2017 English mini and have a Nyorotchi named Florence. She's super cute. I also have my 20th anniversary M!X with Zyler the Yotsubatchi who starred in my previous log. They won't talk now because I gotta go!

Good night! :wub:
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Heyo! Already missed a day of logging. -_-

Oh well. Forgot to mention in the last post that December 12th 2015 is when I joined TT! Happy 2 years and 2 days to me! ^_^

Anyways, sorry about that weird font, I didn't have wifi when I wrote the post so I wrote it in Notes (on my iPad) then copied and pasted and it turned out looking really odd. Then I tried to fix it and it looked worst! I prefer this default font but I couldn't select the same size for some reason? idk :p

Blah blah blah. Ahem, I'm Florence the Nyorotchi. And this is...AND THIS IS... psssst zyler

SUP DUDES! oh sorry, was that too loud? I haven't been a log in forever and-

Yep, that's Zyler! He TOTALLY embarrassed himself on Hapi's previous log...BAHHAHAH

I'm much more mature nowwww

sureeee :unsure:

Oh really?

Florence you're not all that mature either...

and you are?

Why I'll show you how mature I am!

Speaking of maturity...

*beeps* ...what?

:eek: Y-your kuchipatchi-head snake-body appearance has... changed

*runs to mirror* Woah.

Florence, you're an Oyajitchi!

Way to state the obvious.

*ahem* As I was saying, I can be mature too!

As mature as me? :D


hm? :D

stop that!! anyways-

Let me snap a picture of you Florence!

oh ok *grimaces*

Guys I-

Oh don't make that face! Smile already!

*rolls eyes and smiles*

soooo I-

Oh that was a great one!

I guess I'll have to take a look-


... wha?

Wait that's not quite right, I'm the old one here!

Aren't you happy for me? plus I'm older so there!

Wait you can't get married yet! I haven't decided who you should marry! Nijifuwatchi or Watawatatchi?
I've made the decision myself because you were taking too long.

who are you marrying?

well I assumed you didn't care so I'm not telling you! Tomorrow's the wedding and you'll find out then! hmmph

As an oldie, I demand information!

Hey you can't do that!

but I can post the link to the pictures Hapi took :)

It's fine, I like a bit of suspense. You're all invited to Zyler's wedding tomorrow! See you then. :D



Today Zyler married...drumroll... Nijifuwatchi!

Yeah it was an amazing wedding and I now have a baby girl who doesn't have a name quite yet!

There was good cake. I've started up knitting and s-


Hey! Knitting's cool!

Whatever you say!

I crochet so I guess knittings cool too?

Anyways, since we invited you, here's the whole wedding!

Well not the whole thing, the little parade scene got cut a bit and it's in a couple of sections.

Enjoy and good night!


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Hey there!

So Zyler has left sadly.

*stifles a laugh*

Oh come on! You bickered a lot but you were buddies in the end right?

I guess...

Anyways, then I left his baby girl on the naming screen, put her in my backpack, and went to art class. Bad idea. She must have named herself the default name by getting the buttons bumped by other objects because as I was drawing, I heard a faint beep. She didn't die, thank goodness, but she was sick and hungry and very unhappy with me. She was also a toddler.

uwahhhh I'm still a toddler Hapi!

True dat.

and you smell like one too!

shush granny


bahahah you didn't deny it!

I choose to embrace my age.

Am I ever gonna get tamas who don't argue and get along?


uh uh

Hey you agreed on something!

Don't mention it :unsure:

Speaking of, I forgot to mention that Zyler's daughter is named Yeni! She actually visited her parents earlier today.

yes my parents are the best!!

Yeni's body is a Belltchi shape and is white, with her mother's eyes. Her "ears" are like the golden "ears" Zyler has, except Yeni's are lavender. My favorite thing about her is that when she is happy, a little four leaf clover appears above her head, which is a feature Zyler had too.

Did you seriously need to explain all that?

uhhh yes

Yeah just give them the link already!

You agreed on something again! :D

The link, Hapi.

Oh right.

This is a little compilation type thing of Yeni exploring!

Yeah I ate the best meal ever with my parents! Better than the rice Hapi constantly feeds me :p

I thought you liked that!

yeah I did until I realized what I was missing out on...

Ok, we'll earn some gotchi points later and buy some food. <_<

Spoiled brat! I eat the same food everyday.

oh you poor thing!!!

was that sarcasm? Hey you can't treat me like that!!

Guys! I realized I forgot to give you the link to when Florence was younger!

Here's when Florence was a baby.

Aw, baby photos! I'm gosh darn cute huh?

That can't be Florence! That tamagotchi is far too small and cute!


I thought you embraced your age?

You're just annoying me :angry:

Simmer down!

Here is Florence as a Nyorotchi. Florence, you're always cute no matter what!

If you say so Hapi ^_^

It's debata-


*a minute later* Tea, Florence?

Don't mind if I do. ^_^

Good night everybody!

Hey everyone!

Nothing new has occurred with Florence and Yeni.

I thought I'd introduce two things I used to do in previous logs. The first is (almost) every post, I will mention the current number of likes and put it in bold. The second is when I have something to mention during the post that I don't want my tamas to know about or just something that needs to be said, I will say "NOTE".

That being said, thanks for 107 views! NOTE: That was an example of the first thing and this is an example of the second thing, lol. But seriously, over 100 views! Crazy.

Well that's all, the tamas can take it from here. :)

hey everyone! Last time I was put to bed because I was being mean but now I'm back and better than ever! I bet you missed me :D

She's also still a toddler. I wonder if Yeni will become less annoying as she gets older? She'll probably always be annoying... hmmm...

Keep talking to yourself granny, I'll be in the kitchen eating your stash of Christmas cookies! Toodles!



wait did she say cookies? *runs to kitchen*

oh, did you come to rescue your cookies from my watering mouth? Too late! *stuffs face with cookies*

*stuffs face faster*

*entering room* Hey you guys, where'd you put those cookies I baked the oth-



*facepalm* why are-

she was talking to herself-

she called me a granny-

Are you not a granny?

Anyways, Yeni started it! She ate my cookies which is illegal or should be.

You interrupted me! I was gonna say, why aren't you offering me any?

Because there's none left Hapi.

well wait I think I see one over the-

*snatches the last cookie* Now there's none left. ^_^

awww c'mon

Oh before I forget, even though there were no new evolutions, I still have a link for today!

Ooh is it of me?

You seriously don't remember me taking some pictures of you this afternoon?

uhh no

Ah toddlers and their memories.

I can still remember how old you are!


*sigh* break it up.

Here's the link, it's of Yeni. I still can't get over how cute the happy clover thing is!

NOTE: I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with Instagram, but I usually post many pictures/videos in one post. To view them, you have to click or tap on the right side of the picture. There's like a little hidden arrow that is right on top of the picture, over on one side. I think all of links I've shared so far have multiple pics/vids in one cluster, except for the first wedding video.

oh yes I'm quite adorable!

and full of yourself.

Okay, I can't handle the bickering anymore, off to bed!

I'll put myself to bed, thank you very much. :p

Tuck me in please! :D

now that I think of it that sounds pleasant too... may I- errr can you- I just-

Of course, I'll tuck you both in! Have a great rest of your day, readers! :wub:

What Hapi said :D

Bye everyone!


Thanks for 123 views and to tamaninjacat for liking my last post!

Just a quick post today, spent the whole day either at school or at home working on projects and schoolwork. I'm just posting a quick update now (sorry, no story :p ) before I go to bed.

Nothing new with Florence except I forgot to check on her as often as I usually do and she miraculously didn't die, despite the poo piling up.

Yes, miracously. <_<

Yeni evolved into her teen stage which is adorable! She is a cream colored Kingyobotchi-ish tama like Zyler was when he was a teen plus she has purple wings now. She also still has those little nubs atop her head and the happy clover feature! Adorbs.

Yeah, I'm nearly all grown up!

Looks like my predictions held fast, you're as annoying as ever.

Anyways, I didn't have time to take pictures of Yeni's new evolution, so she will be paused throughout the night so she can't evolve before I get a chance to take a picture. Today she evolved at about 6 in the morning, so she should become an adult 6 tomorrow morning if I don't pause her. I honestly just want more time to admire and play with her in her teen stage.

Yes, this also means no link today. I'll take the pictures of Yeni tomorrow afternoon and post them on Instagram so you can admire Yeni too. :)

Admire me people!

ugh someone put her to bed already... wait will I be in that link?

Good night everybody! :wub:


Thanks for 139 views!

Another nothing-but-school-and-school-work day. Sigh.

I found some time to unpause Yeni and snap some pictures so here ya go!

Tons of pics of Yeni! There's 10 pics in that one post, wowza I don't think I've done that before.

Sleeping pictures of both Florence and Yeni! I'm sure Florence will be flattered when she sees this tomorrow morning. There's no doubt Yeni won't be pleased too. I absolutely love Yeni's room btw. The beds in the Mix look so cozy, and so does the room in general! I swear Zyler's bedspread blanket thing is a different color than the plaid red one Yeni sleeps on.

That's all for now, the tamas are asleep and I gotta sleep too. ;)

Bye now!

Welcome back, I have good and bad news.

This morning Yeni and Florence were both quite pleased when they looked at their pictures, even if one voiced her opinion a bit more than the other. However, earlier tonight I heard a sad tune and checked on Florence's screen to see the dying animation. I panicked and quickly hit the reset button, a reflex I've developed with my v2 when I catch it dying and can reset and download before it actually dies.

Apparently the mini is too simple to even have a download and reset option, so I regretted my actions immediately. I never got to see if there is even a stat screen after death or if you can only see the grave and the clock. It immediately hatched a new baby, which I do not feel like running yet so it's paused at the moment.

NOTE: Florence was a couple hours away from being 14 days old when she died! She lived much longer than I expected.

Ok so we got the bad news over with, now onto the good news!

Yeni is an adult and is more adorable than I ever imagined!

She has pink wings and golden ears that look like Zyler's and the body and face of her mother, Nijifuwatchi.

Cute pictures of Yeni, I'm loving all the different faces she makes. Also, she's blessed with the clover gene! Yay!

I bought her a little blue scarf that is super schnazzy as an early Christmas present. :)

Yes, it is extremely schnazzy!! Man, I wish Florence was here to be jealous.

Yeah it is a bit lonely...

I'll miss her but I can't wait for the next thing you run Hapi!

Yes and I also need to find you a hubby!

Um yeah, I'll do that myself...

Ok but I think you should marry Kikitchi! I'm not sure where he is located but we'll figure it all out soon. I want you to stick around for Christmas.

Why wouldn't I? :D

aww you can be quite sweet when you're not annoying me. :wub:

Because Yeni is all alone now, I think I'll have Zyler come over for a visit in my next post. :) That would be fun!

See ya! :lol:

bye! B)

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Thanks for 170 views!

No one has liked my posts in a while, probably because of they have been so short recently. Today's should be longer, so like away!

Nothing new with Yeni, planning on keeping her around for a while. She went to stay with Zyler and her mom today and that's what this post will be about!

Yes! Dad is super excited to be on the log again! Mom is doing housework so it's just dad and I baking today!

Hi guys! Umm I heard about Florence, and I really do miss that crazy old lady. ;) :(

Yeah...but we're baking sugar cookies in memory of her!

Yep, Christmas cookies actually!

Ok, let's get started. We got some flour and sugar and butter and an egg carton- *throws ingredients at Zyler*

Oh slow down, Yeni! Not so fast!

And salt and baking soda and baking powder-


huh? Oh geez sorry dad

*lugs ingredients to counter* Ok!

Oh and vanilla extract! *chucks it at counter but misses and hits Zyler*


BAHAHHA SORRY IT WAS A ACCIDENT BUT YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE!!! IT WAS ALL *imitates him but in slow motion* pow and then ahhh and then oof

aw stop it will ya

ok then you like put them all in a bowl-

first we gotta measure them sweetie

you talking to me or the sugar?

seriously <_<

hehehe ok uhhh

here, I'll crack the egg. *cracks egg*


not in the cookies Yeni! You have to throw them away!

no no no I sprinkle them on top!

you have to be kidding me


ok but only after we bake them and only on your cookies


Ok I'll start on these wet ingredients

b-but I'm an adult! I can do them myself!

how about you do the dry ingredients and then we'll mix them together?

okie dokie!

*5 minutes later*

Ok I'm done! How's it going Yeni?

mmhf? *mouth full of sugar*

did you even do the other ingredients?

yeshhh... wait I didn't do sugar! *dumps in random amount of sugar* there!



yes. Yes you were.

I'm sorry dad, I'm sure they'll turn out fine. They're called sugar cookies for a reason right?

True dat! Now I guess we add the dry to the wet gradual-

*dumps all the dry ingredients* hmm?

*facepalm* that works too. Mix away!

*2 minutes later*

ok looking good! *eats huge spoonful of dough* mmm so sweeet and yummy

*sweats nervously* not so much Yeni... not so much!

oh come on dad try some

if you say so... wow that is... delicious!!! Extremely sweet yes, but delicious!

Yay! *grabs a ball of the dough and drops on a baking sheet* just a couple more and then we'll back them!

*12 minutes later*


THEY'RE DONE THEY'RE DONE!! YEEEEEEEE!!! *opens oven and grabs pan* YOWEEEEEE! Ouch ouch hot hot hot! *runs to sink* ahhhh

*enters kitchen* did I miss something?

my hand... it touched the pan... soooo hot...

oh no! It's okay, I have extra toothpaste! *runs to bathroom*

Excuse me?

*comes running back with toothpaste in hand* Yes, toothpaste really helps with burns!

NOTE: He's right, the toothpaste acts as a barrier between the air and the burn and seals it off, which lessens pain. Btw yes I know, tamas don''t have hands. Leave me alone :p

If you say so! *smears toothpaste all over hand* ahhhh you do say so

*grabs oven mitt* *takes cookies out of oven* a bit burnt but that's fine!

Yeah! We made them and that''s what matters.


... seriously I need to eat a cookie like NOW

ok ok *hands her one* *eats a cookie* OH THATS GOOD :D

*facepalm* I was hoping you'd forget by now. -_-

NEVER *sprinkles eggshells on cookie* HHHHHOMNOMNOMNOM yummmmmm ^_^

The sound of happy tamas eating. :) Love it.

Bye! :wub:

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Hi everyone!

Thank you so much 191 views and to tamaninjacat for liking my last post! <3 y'all!

Yeahhh, sorry that Zyler and Yeni's font colors are ridiculously similar in color. I know it's hard to read, my bad.

Nothing new with Yeni, I've been playing lots of games with her recently to get her gotchi points up. There's a Christmas hatch today and I'd love to hatch my v2 for it but I didn't bring it with me. :angry: I don't think I wanna marry Yeni off quite yet...


What about Kuromametchi or Kikitchi? They're pretty cute!

Hapi I've never met either...

trueee but you coulddd

Like right now?

that's not wha-

let's go Hapi! To Tamagotchi Town!

ok, if you really want to

Oh boy! I wonder who I'll meet first! Kuromametchi sure is dashing and a charm, but Kikitchi is funny and cute! Kuromametchi's always quiet and cool and Kikitchi is spunky and fun.

oh boy what a dilemma :unsure:

Hey, you're the one who started this!

You're right, carry on.

Kuromametchi probably has amazing, cursive handwriting but I bet Kikitchi has super unique handwriting.

HANDWRITING? Why- how is that- ok ok I'll be quiet.

Then again-

psst Yeni somone is approaching us!

quick, jump in the bushes!

*singing* Yadadada, yadadeee yadada yadadeee

*whispering excitedly* omg omg it's a singing Kikitchi! Gahhh I don't know what to do! I don't have any poetry or a song to sing or a gift to give! What am-

Oh brother just get out there and talk to him already!

ok, here goes... *jumps out of bush* Your voice is beautiful! *claps hand over mouth*

*turns around* Were you spy- *instant love eyes* You're beautiful!

I, uh... errr... hehe thanks

*whispers from bush* ask him to go to the duck pond with you

sooooo you wanna go feed some ducks?

Sure! Uh I'm Jasper by the way!

I'm Yeni! I'm not really sure where the duck pond is or what we're gonna feed them or-

It's ok, just follow me Yeni :)

oh me too! *follows at a distance*

*later at the duck pond*



Wait are we being too loud?

Maybe you should ask the ducks.

Hey do you guys mind if we make fun of you and laugh real loud?


*blushes* oops...hehehe

Ah, young tama love. Planning on making this sort of a "love" series lol. Just so you don't have to listen to Yeni and I blab all the time; it's nice to have other tamas. Yes, Yeni has visited Jasper in game already. Not Kuromametchi, but don't worry, she will!

Good night everyone! :wub:

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Thank you so, so much for 206 views! AHHHHHH OVER 200! Also thanks to tamaninjacat for liking my last post! Again, love ya.

Nothing else to say, let's fall right back into love. Uh, I mean our little series. Heh, see what I did there?

Fine, ignore my joke. <_<

Like he understands me! he finds the same things funny as I do!

We haven't even met a Kuromametchi yet!
We can try, but he'll never be as great as Jasper *sigh*

Well, let's at least go meet a Kuromametchi. Then we'll know for sure.

eh I guess it couldn't hurt

*at the park* Let's sit on a bench and wait this time

yeah last time I felt like SUCH a CREEP

shh we don't want to scare him away

oh yeah

sighhhh *leans against bench*

*pushes Yeni closer to the Kuromametchi*

H-hi there.

Oh, hey.

I'm Yeni!


huh? Ohhh, Steven! Ok um...

Do you like ducks?

*at the duck pond*

I was just here yesterday!

uh huh.

I think I have some leftover bread.

No, we can use mine.

oh ok

*chucks loaf of bread at duck* here duck.

BAHAHHAHA THAT WAS *ahem* hilarious...


How is one duck supposed to eat all that bread though?
One always manages to

umm ok...

*watches duck intensely*

Uh I think I should go-

Yadadadee, yadadadaaaa! *gasp* Yeni?

To be continued tomorrow.

Good night folks! :wub:

Hey, thanks for 235 views!

Also, Merry Christmas! I'm 2 days late but whatever. :p

I received a white TMGC+C for christmas! Also a blue Tarakotchi pillow with a little poo next to him, cute! Those are the only 2 tamagotchi related items I got. Some other favorite gifts were new watercolor pencils and a set of Dutch Blitz! Just played a round with the fam, I looooove Dutch Blitz. :wub:

Aaaaanyways, Yeni's not done a whole lot but she did have a super cute Christmas animation!

(yay, a link) :D There's a picture of my newest addition, the previously mentioned TMGC+C, and my M!X on the tree. There's also a video of the Christmas animation, of course.

That just about wraps up the "news" section of this post, I will now continue my post from the 23rd.

To recap:

*chucks loaf of bread at duck* here duck.

BAHAHHAHA THAT WAS *ahem* hilarious...


How is one duck supposed to eat all that bread though?
One always manages to

umm ok...

*watches duck intensely*

Uh I think I should go-

Yadadadee, yadadadaaaa! *gasp* Yeni?

Jasper! I-I... was just about to go looking for you...

Who are you?

Jasper. DUH!


sigh... would you care to feed the ducks Jasper? *searches for bread* Nevermind, I ran out of bread.

B-but feeding ducks is our thing!

I've never met you before.

I'm talking to Yeni.

It was! I mean, is! Steven is the one who asked me if I liked ducks!

The duck pond is our thing Yeni!

What if we all bond over the duck pond together?

No, it's Yeni and I or nothing.

Wait, are you guys in love?

woah dude... maybe?

congrats dude!

Wait no, keep fighting over me! I love it!

*rolls eyes from behind a tree* how entertaining.

Nah, bro-sephs. She's yours. Not my type anyways, too loud.

Totally cool! I like loud!

See you around! *walks away*

*pulls out bread from backpack* Soooo, you wanna feed some ducks?

YAY! You're the best Jasper. :)
NOTE: No ducks were harmed, however they are overweight. The ducks are now on a strictly veggie diet.

Aww, that was sweet. Btw, I might hatch the new tama soon. ;) Good night everyone! :wub:

Heyo everybody!!

Thank you for 252 views! No recent likes and no rates but I just noticed that tamaninjacat follows this log! Thanks!

So it's pretty obvious that Yeni is crazy in love with Jasper the Kikitchi!

How could you not be? I mean, he's mine, but he's the best tama ever! WAY better than Steven.

Exactly, so they've already set their wedding date for-


wait I thought we agreed on tomorrow

Nah, Jasper and I changed our minds :D

ok, I guess if you're both ready...

*knocks on door*

Come in, come in! :wub:


Ok, ok save it for the wedding.

wait...Yeni, does Hapi know about our new wedding date?

Yes, she just told me. How nice of you to run it by me!

Come on, we just decided like an hour ago.

yeah all right

*at the wedding*

This is so exciting!

Yes can you believe it? We were feeding ducks at the duck pond just a week ago!

Ah, the duck pond. Where love sprouts and happy ducks fill their tummies. *wipes tear*

Yep, and I can't believe how many tamagotchi came!


I don't see why you had to invite him.

What? he's nice! He likes ducks! :D

That's me. The duck enthusiast.

ok I guess I can't completely dislike him hehehe ^_^

*kisses Yeni* I love you. :wub:

Oh they just grow up so fast! *blows nose* :( :blink:

Well, that's that folks! I'll edit this and add in some wedding pics later and tell you about their baby. I'm too tired now, lol.

Good night! :D

EDIT: Here's the link:

Yeni and Jasper had a baby boy named Xavier, following the backwards alphabetic name pattern (forgot to mention that I was doing that oops). He was a little yellow baby and just evolved into a toddler!

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Thanks for 273 views and to Iza for liking my last post!

I'm still only running my 20th anniversary M!X. Short post today to introduce Xavier!


Yeahhhh, feed him too many snacks...


Ok Xavier, quiet down. It's time to say bye to your parents!

Bye Xavier, come visit soon! :wub:

Oh he will! Bye Yeni!

aww is it really time for him to leave? :(

Here's a mysterious gift! Cya! ^_^

Bye Xavier!

OOh mystery gift! I wonder- *falls asleep*

Sugar crash much? -_- Btw I have no idea what was in the gift, I saw Yeni hand him one but he never opened it? Oh well :wacko:

byebye! :wub:

Heyyy, last post of 2017!! I don't have anything cool to post today, just thought I'd post one last time before it's 2018.

Sup everybody! I'm still an adorable toddler but this time there's a picture of me! Yay!

I fell off a cloud but I'm good now.

Yeah, it's pretty cute. I have a plan to hatch my TMGC+C tomorrow, I can't wait!

Well, see you in the new year! :wub:

byeeee :D

Happy New Year!! :lol:

Thanks for 306 views!

Yay, first post of 2018 :D

I started up my TMGC+C today and it's awesome. I got a baby girl which I named Arata. Arata means fresh and new, which is perfect for the new year! Here are her baby pictures:

She is now a Sakuramotchi but I have yet to take a picture.

Xavier is a super cute teen, here are his pictures:

Yes I'm super cool looking and I received tons of money for New Years! Some from my grandparents and some from my parents for a total of 2000 gotchi points! I'm rich I'm rich!!!

You're not rich, Hapi actually played games with me and I got a whole ton of money!


yeah I should probably keep the game playing even heh oops... oh btw that's Atara there in the blue!


I wanna run my iD so she can have someone to connect with, but I'm in the middle of running M!X and I don't think I can handle 3 tamas at once.

what about someone to connect with me, Hapi? I wanna connection buddy too!!

I don't have any other M!Xs sorry Xavier.

:p :angry: :( phooey

bye everybody! See ya real soon!

See ya when I'm an adult!!

Bye! :wub: I'm having some writers block problems right now, idk what to write about. :angry: Hopefully tomorrow's post is better (if I can post tomorrow, I'm a bit busy).

Goodbye, happy new year again!

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Yo yo yo!

viewcount: 323 views

NOTE: Gonna start doing a "viewcount" now instead of thanking everyone, I'm still thankful :D , but it gets repetitive.

Xavier is an adult! Yipee, he's sooo adorable right now. Seriously.

I'm waaaaay more adorable than Arata :D

you just wait till I'm an adult! I'll show you then!

I might be married by then...

uh oh not so soon please!

ok I'll hold off, idek who I'd marry yet hmmm

Lovelitchi is really sweet! and cute too

It might be time to unlock more locations so you have more options...

Ooh let's do it!!!

What do you need to do to do that?

to do to do to do lololololololololol-


Well, Xavier could drink some watermelon juice to make himself red and then we'd unlock...Makkakka Town!


EDIT: yayyyy page 2!!!

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Sup readers!

Viewcount: 349!!

Soooo I didn't actually unlock Makkakka Town yet, yesterday's post was just to set up today's! I also needed to take pictures before Xavier's appearance changes completely. :D

Nothing new with Arata, probably because she's been paused a lot. She's still a Sakuramotchi btw.

*sips boba tea* okie let's get started!



*fake gasp and shudder* oh what ever would we do?

*rolls eyes* Unlocking Makkkakka Town is the key to unlocking Gozaru Village and UraTama Town!! Then everything will be unlocked and there will be much more bachelorettes to choose from!

Ok... I'm gonna go to the restaurant and chug watermelon juice!

*5 minutes later*

Ok I'm back! How do I look? Less or more adorable?

Nice Xavier! Go outside, quick!

Pull it out!

*Pulls out rock*

*looks outside* where'd he go?

To Makkakka Town! ^_^
*gets back* Oh my goodness! I just had the best time with Ura Mametchi and Ura Kuchipatchi and Ura Memetchi and Ura-

ok ok ok but did you fall in love there or something dramatic?


*TBC because I'm all about that suspense :D *

TWO links today because I can! They're both about Xavier unlocking Makkakka Town.

Color changing:

Unlocking Makkkakka Town:

I might stop taking excessive pictures like this and limit myself to 1-2 pics per evolution for all my tamas because my phone storage is crying. Seriously. :p Also, I'll stop running my M!X soon because I want to turn on my iD to connect with my TMGC+C.

Have a good rest of your day! :wub:


viewcount: 398 (sooo close to 400!) tamaninjacat liked my last post, thanks!

Ooof. It's been a while. As in 5 days, heh. Thanks for your patience anyways!

NOTE: One of my new years resolutions was too stop apologizing all the time, and instead replace it with a simple thank you (or whatever that makes sense to replace sorry with in that situation).

Anyways, I have been waiting quite impatiently for a package to arrive in the mail! I wanted to surprise you with what it contains, but I have posted about recently so you might already know. Today I received... *drumroll* my Teku Teku Angel Due!!! It's soooo adorable, seriously!

I hatched the little Gel-kun, as it is called, and his name is Fuyu! Fuyu means Winter in Japanese btw, so I may call him Fuyu or Winter at different times, just know that they are reffering to the same Gel-kun and mean the same thing.

Hola I'm Winter hehehe! get it, cuz it's winter right now?


awww you're cute! Btw I'm a Chamametchi now! And I'm DEFINITELY more addorable than Xavier. Trust me!

Hapi, maybe you should change my name? No one gets the joke. :(

It's okay, Xavier, they're just thinking about other things right now!


Way to ruin the suspense I built in my last post. NOTE: no, I'm not going to continue the last post, it's been too long.

Ooooh yes and I know who!! Xavier and-


Yeah, I've decided to reveal the mysterious bride on the day of the wedding! Which doesn't have a set date bc life is unpredictable. It'll probs be sometime over the weekend hopefully.

wait someone's in love? huh?

Hapi when can I be in love?

Hey, I enjoy being the only one in love here, thanks very much!

*facepalm* Yes, Winter, Xavier is in love. Arata, I don't decide when you fall in love, it's up to you! And Xavier, off to bed!

awww but what about pictures and links and stuff?

I don't have any of you... But I guess you can stay to see the ones of Winter...


Here's the link:

It's of me! I'm such a cute lil jellyfish :lol:


how unnecessary :unsure:

I'm still most adorable! Bye everybody!

No post tomorrow, it's a super busy day for me.

Good night! :wub:
