vc: 1,411 edit: thanks tamaninjacat for liking my previous post!
long time no post! Peacci and Dida are both Oyajitchis now and have been for awhile although I've paused them a lot recently. Like seriously Hapi? Pausing a MINI? THE MOST LOW MAINTENANCE TAMA THAT EXISTS?! ok sorry but I've just been busy and haven't found much free time that I don't take up by sleeping or eating, hehe oopsie.
Wilma has also been paused, I think I'm so proud to finally get a Gijirotenshi that I'm scared of her dying. I never manage to get anything on my angel besides an Oyajitenshi (the absolute worse care on the angel), so this is a huge accomplishment. Heck, just seeing any other teen besides Takoten is amazing. (yay for me for staying on top of training and care

Speaking of, I have already caught Wilma going out for walks and lifting weights and wow it's just so cute?? Probs my fav part of the angel is those little training/angel point animations or whatever. Ya know?
ooh also one of my older logs I would post a key of colors so you would know which color was who instead of backtracking everytime you read my log! I used to do it every so often but I'm considering doing it every post kinda like the viewcount! Let me know your thoughts on this!
and me ofc!

I also use this color for general actions and such
NOTE: Imagine Dida speaking with a Southern accent the whole time!
*steps outside* oooh sunshine on my wings yesss~
*jumps on dog* YEEHAW *grips fur*
Okie uh don't hurt him, Dida? dida?
*trots alongside the sidewalk on dog* giddyup lassie! *gallops*
so we should probaby catch up to them... riiiight? *chases Dida*
*zooms away on nickelboard*
wait this isn't fair!! *tries to catch up* I want my nickelboard back!
*runing alongside Dida* give it up Dida... your barebacking days are over!
*coming up beside Peacci* yeah!~
aha! *swings around to a stop* If it isn't you and your pink piece of plastic!
nice alliteration!
thanks! and you Peacci! I'd bet my rootin-est tootin-est cowgal boots you don't have the watermelon honey lickin guts to square up and fight me like a real cowgirl! I'd bet 5 tater tots and a whole 'naner pie you wouldn't both take me on!
you thougt wrong sista
*finally jogging up to the tamas* hey guys *pants* I totally saw this little bunny rabbit on the way and then I-
we're having a real cowgirl fight!~
but you don't understand! there was this tree and it was totally staring me down and I was all woah hey there and it-
you should join it'll be fun!
but here I am! should we continue walking or riding or running? maybe not so much running i'm k-
hah! I hope Peacci didn't bring a knife to this gun fight!
Ooh what? i'm interested! *sits down*
don't get yer britches in a bunch but I brought the darndest guns you'll ever see! *charges Peacci and Wilma on dog*
*charges at Dida on nickelboard* wooohooo!~
*hops on nickelboard* AHHHHH
uh oh
*KA-BOOM* *everyone falls over*
despite the chaos, she mantains her wavey curl!
*shakes head* owww
... we never even went on a walk ya darn rambunctious kids!
oh yeahhh
come on guys I'll bring you home...
*at home*
*icepack on head* hey... can we do that again?
thanks for reading and have a good rest of your day!
seeya lil boogers around somewhere!
you can drop the accent now, Dida
oh fineee
buh bye!