The Hapi Log (take 4)


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viewcount: 1,227

Peacci and Dida are Nyorotchis now! Wilma is yet to be hatched, I kinda just made up a name and decided to hatch my angel while on vacation.

Time to introduce the tamas!


HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!! :D :wacko: :puroperatchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :tarakotchi:

and easter :)

no but srsly it's coming soon don't worry

Hope you had a good weekend! :D


viewcount: 1,335
Peacci and Dida are both Nyorotchis now! Hooray! Also, Wilma was hatched and she went from an Obaketchi (baby) -> Maruten (toddler) -> Kodoten (finally got the good care teen) -> Genjirotenshi! My favorite character on the angel! Well, Sabotenshi is pretty cool too, he’s the cactus dude.
They all enjoyed the trip to D.C. but we’re back now. I took plenty of pictures and I wanna try using a photo uploading site again. I like having the pictures right there in my posts instead of links you have to click on. The links are more convenient for me, but pictures are more convenient for you readers and let’s be real, they look way nicer. Especially when they’re all cropped and arranged nicely. As you may know, I used to use photobucket, but now it has some new system and so I need a new site. I’ve already gotten some recommendations to try out, but I think I may stick to links for a little while longer.
Oofta, enough with the updates, on with the adventures!

omg hi I’m Peacci and wow I’m here cool
Yeah and I’m Dida!
Wilma, that’s my name and don’t wear it out, teheheheh~
So apparently Hapi is letting us go out for a walk with her and her dog!
Ooh I call nickelboard~
uh I think I’ll just walk alongside Hapi
Ok, I’ll ride on the dog’s back!
Wait WHAT~
whoa what’s with the wavey thing all the time
Yeah, I’ll just grip his fur and bareback it all across the trail!
Great, suit yourself~
cowgirl much
I appreciate the concern, and yes! I aspire to be a rootin’ tootin’ cowgirl! Yeehaw! *swings around invisible lasso*
*walks in room* everyone ready to go? Ok, whoa there, what’s going on?
We’re making plans for the walk! Sis is gonna be lame and actually walk, like on a walk, how ridiculous. Wilma is gonna be slightly less lame and nickelboard, but I’m gonna be the best of all and ride the lil doggie’s back! Waddya say?
Oh no you’re not, you could fall off!
So could Wilma!
Ah but Wilma is a seasoned nickelboarder!
Well I’m an experienced dog-rider!
Fine ok whatever, at your own risk, bud.
*to be continued*

Have a great day everybody!
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vc: 1,411 edit: thanks tamaninjacat for liking my previous post!

long time no post! Peacci and Dida are both Oyajitchis now and have been for awhile although I've paused them a lot recently. Like seriously Hapi? Pausing a MINI? THE MOST LOW MAINTENANCE TAMA THAT EXISTS?! ok sorry but I've just been busy and haven't found much free time that I don't take up by sleeping or eating, hehe oopsie.

Wilma has also been paused, I think I'm so proud to finally get a Gijirotenshi that I'm scared of her dying. I never manage to get anything on my angel besides an Oyajitenshi (the absolute worse care on the angel), so this is a huge accomplishment. Heck, just seeing any other teen besides Takoten is amazing. (yay for me for staying on top of training and care :D )

Speaking of, I have already caught Wilma going out for walks and lifting weights and wow it's just so cute?? Probs my fav part of the angel is those little training/angel point animations or whatever. Ya know?

ooh also one of my older logs I would post a key of colors so you would know which color was who instead of backtracking everytime you read my log! I used to do it every so often but I'm considering doing it every post kinda like the viewcount! Let me know your thoughts on this!




and me ofc! :) I also use this color for general actions and such


NOTE: Imagine Dida speaking with a Southern accent the whole time!

*steps outside* oooh sunshine on my wings yesss~

*jumps on dog* YEEHAW *grips fur*

Okie uh don't hurt him, Dida? dida?

*trots alongside the sidewalk on dog* giddyup lassie! *gallops*

so we should probaby catch up to them... riiiight? *chases Dida*
*zooms away on nickelboard*

wait this isn't fair!! *tries to catch up* I want my nickelboard back!



*runing alongside Dida* give it up Dida... your barebacking days are over!

*coming up beside Peacci* yeah!~

aha! *swings around to a stop* If it isn't you and your pink piece of plastic! :p

nice alliteration!

thanks! and you Peacci! I'd bet my rootin-est tootin-est cowgal boots you don't have the watermelon honey lickin guts to square up and fight me like a real cowgirl! I'd bet 5 tater tots and a whole 'naner pie you wouldn't both take me on!

you thougt wrong sista :p

*finally jogging up to the tamas* hey guys *pants* I totally saw this little bunny rabbit on the way and then I-

we're having a real cowgirl fight!~

but you don't understand! there was this tree and it was totally staring me down and I was all woah hey there and it-

you should join it'll be fun!

but here I am! should we continue walking or riding or running? maybe not so much running i'm k-

hah! I hope Peacci didn't bring a knife to this gun fight!

Ooh what? i'm interested! *sits down*

don't get yer britches in a bunch but I brought the darndest guns you'll ever see! *charges Peacci and Wilma on dog* :D

*charges at Dida on nickelboard* wooohooo!~

*hops on nickelboard* AHHHHH :wacko:
uh oh :eek:
*KA-BOOM* *everyone falls over*


despite the chaos, she mantains her wavey curl!

*shakes head* owww

... we never even went on a walk ya darn rambunctious kids!

oh yeahhh

come on guys I'll bring you home...

*at home*

*icepack on head* hey... can we do that again?

thanks for reading and have a good rest of your day!


seeya lil boogers around somewhere!

you can drop the accent now, Dida

oh fineee

buh bye!


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vc: 1,470 (super close to the big 1.5k!)

nothing new with the tamas! Wilma's been paused a ton, and the minis slightly less. This coming week is gonna be uber busy for me (when is a week not *facepalm*) so there probably won't be any updates from me, again, for a while. Oofta.

In other news, I'm considering making a tama purchase soon! I haven't gotten tama mail in forever so it's prime time! also not to mention the birthday money that's been sitting in my drawer. I've got my eyes on some v3s and maybe a v4? We'll see. :D

color key:




and me ofc! :) I also use this color for general actions and such

*munching on cheerios* mmm these are the best

oooh your new Peanuts collection book?~

uh no my cheerios... but yeah yeah that too

But cheerios are so... bland


You seriously like cheerios?


*head moves back and forth as she watches the two sisters argue*

Ugh I can't believe I got a bland-cereal-lover as a sister! Don't tell me you like plain corn flakes too? or or or raisin bran?

wha-what's wrong with those cereals?





I'll grab Hapi!~ *runs to Hapi's room* hey?~

I heard everything... *sighs* please don't have a cereal war... you know how it ended that day we went on a 'walk'

true that hurt...oh but I was gonna be the announcer?~

uh huh is this a war or a gameshow?

ok but you of all people know that it is the hapi log style to have an announcer no matter the occasion!~

Oh jeez that's true you got me there

we could announce together maybe?~

what the heck let's do it! but no getting hurt this time maybe?


*5 minutes later*

Welcome to the arena! Wilma and I decided that instead of a cereal war, we'll have a wrestling match!

which you could easily get hurt in anyways but try your best not too!~

are you ready?

arrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhh I was born readyy!! *circles Dida in the arena*

and the match begins!~

*jumps on Peacci* you'll pay for eating those cheerios! *runs to those stretchy ropes in wrestling arenas* *slingshots self off of it into Peacci* AUGHHHH


*thuds on ground* ughhh

oof, Dida takes a hard blow. Will she get back up?

so intense!~

*tackles* I don't even like bland cereal... I just believe that people can have their own opinions and stuff! I was just standing up for bland-cereal-lovers out there!


*glares at Hapi*

I'm not a bland cereal lover. But come on, give Peacci a break.

NOOO WHAT IF SHE'S LYING AHHHHH *pins Peacci* how could you eat those cheerios if you don't like them? HOW?

They were HONEY nut cheerios for your information! THE GOOD KIND OF CHEERIOS SISTA!

*pauses* wait what


Oh I like that kind! wait then who ate the bland kind?
do we even have that kind in our pantry? *runs to check* *runs back* shoot we do! why do we have that kind? I don't even like those!

*starts backing away* wow where does the time go? time for uhhhhh yoga hehe bye!~


*jumps out of the arena and tackles Wilma* YOU BLAND CEREAL LOVING TAMA I GOTCHA NOW HAHA

So much for no getting hurt. *facepalm*

DISCLAIMER: If you happen to like bland cereals, that is purely your opinion. We will not try to personally wrestle you because you do you, gurrrl. Also we do NOT have the 'og' cheerios in our pantry. Uh uh, no way, never gonna happen. Honey nut for the win y'all.
audios amigos!

I'm ok... maybe~

I repent! maybe! :p

I'm innocent... maybe!!

WHAT?! *tackles*

*muffled* I was kidding.
bye now!


Hey there!

SOOO it's been 2 months and 3 weeks since I last posted... :eek:

After a hiatus this long, I'm just gonna have to make a new log sadly. But hey, thank you so so so much for 2,065 views! YAY WE HIT 2K!!

Ahem, but before I say farewell and restart yet again, I guess we need one last update to wrap it up.

I did write an update on May 20th, but I never finished it or posted it, so here it is in it's unfinished glory. I didn't even get a view count. :/



[SIZE=11pt]It’s been a while, huh? I meant to post last Sunday and the one before that, but I’ve just been having a busy May. :/[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]I took Peacci and Dida’s batteries out because I didn’t want them wasting away since I had no time to unpause them anyway. So they’re basically dead now since minis don’t have download/reset options. R.I.P. Peacci and Dida, we’ll miss you! :( [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Wilma is still alive and strong however, she’s been paused forever now but I didn’t take her batteries since, let’s face it, the minis are far more boring. Simplicity and low maintenance has it’s perks but I was too bored and sick of the eat, poop, sleep routine.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]I wish I could say that now that school’s almost over, I can post more, but actually posts are gonna get even less frequent. What? Is that even possible? Yes, it is. Well at least in June because I’m taking a 3 week long trip to China.[/SIZE]
also Wilma did get her batteries taken out eventually... or did she die first? I can't remember.

Anyways, I recently got a silver v3 in a trade! I'm only saying that since in my last post, I mentioned making a tama purchase again soon.

But yeah, I'm finally gonna make a new log that combines my 2 fav features in a log: RP style adventures and pictures! <3 I know this one had insta links but I don't really like that method much anymore. I haven't decided which image hosting site I'll use yet, but I'm really gonna try and stay on top of pictures this time!

Alright then, farewell take 4 log. We had some good times. :D

Catch ya on the flip side!!



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