Sakura's Tamagotchi log of craziness


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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2011
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Auckland New Zealand

So this is my first v4.5 log! Hope you like it. But before i start I'm gonna let you in on a little secret,I'm Memetchi7!, and i made a new account because i felt like it :lol:

Okay so now that you know my little secret lets get on with the actual log:

So yesterday, while on the phone to my all time bestie Kuchipatchi-love, we were discussing tamas, and she said she was back into them. And i had to think about weather or not i wanted to get back into them too. I of course thought yes it should be fun. So i went into my cupboard and hunted down my old v4.5 [its got the world design, it came with a PC pack pretty kool right?] Anyway i put a fresh battery into the back and then heard the familiar beeeeep. I knew i had a 16th gen on there already from ages ago :blink: So i pressed download and guess who popped up onto the screen? A Kuchitamatchi!!!! Hes such a cutie!! His name is Joey and he was quite overweight so i played a few games of climb with him and got to him down to about 30LBS.

So, now he's a Daiyatchi! Pretty gorgey i know. Yea he evovled today at school during English and i had 2 hold in not exploding with joy and happiness! :D :D Okay so i also enrolled him in school and his teacher is Mr.Turtlepedia. B) But on the downside of things, he got a snake in the mail, he was very unhappy!! :( :mellow:

Ok i am now finished but i will deffo post again when i have more news on my awesome Joey!!

Okay cya!

From Sakura-san123 :marumimitchi:

Hey everyone,

My little Joey is doing great, he should evolve soon I'm for a ura-Kuchipatchi!! Ok so Joey is doing really well, i took him to my school today and it was horrible because he was about 2 die!! I took him out during English and found him lying on the ground!!!! :( I had to qiuckly stab my pencil in the back to recover the poor little fellow. And to make it up to him i brought him a ice-cream from da shop. :D

Ok now that the bad news is all over lets get on with some good news. Today i played climb and man-hole with him to full up his happy hearts [after the whole dying episode i had to play some games with him 2 cheer him up!] Then i fed him a scone coz one of his hungry hearts was empty. I then took him 2 skool and he got some of his smart points up from Mr.Turtlepedia. And that was basically his day, it wasn't exactly awesome but it was ok for him and for me. :furawatchi: But before i go, little Joey would like to say hi!

Joey: Hi guys, I'm Joey my mummy almost let me die WAAAA :mellow: :angry:

Me: Soz darling!!! I didn't mean to i swear

Joey: I ok mummie at least u cured me, i don't want to end my life here.

Me: Of course you don't sweetie ok say bye to the viewers now

Joey: Ok bye everyone c ya tomorrow!!!

OK bye everyone i wil post tomorrow

Love from Sakura-san123 B) :D

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Hey guys!,

Ok awesome news!! Joey evovled today, at about 10:30am and he evolved into a URATOGETCHI!! Cuteness times a thousand lol. Anyways yea so thats about the only exciting news that happened today with little Joey, I'm still waiting for him to get job mail, but i don't know what job he should have... Oh i guess he will get a job with loads of spiritual points because his current skill points are:




So yes i will deffo get a job with those skill points. Moving on so this isn't about my little Joey [sadly] This is gonna b about my tama-walkie :) My friend Kuchipatchi Love has 1 too, if u red her logs you would already know that!So i have a Memetchi on mine and the city he is in is Washington i think he will be going to a new town sooner or later. I brought some more UFO gas from Masktchi today, and i played jump rope.

Ok thats all for today, will post tomorrow hop u enjoyed this post!!

From Sakura-san123 B) :D

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Hi readers,

Great news! Joey got a job today!!! It was awesome he got a job at the hospital!!!! I'm very proud of him, i took him to his job today and we got excellence! YAY :mimitchi: :gozarutchi: Yes it was very exciting for Joey here are his stats at the moment:

Character: Ura-Togetchi

Hungry: ♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Age: 3 years

Training: 5 bars

Gen: 16th

Skill points:

Smart: 82

Style: 31

Sprirtual: 91

Weight: 30LBS

GP: 51985

That's it :lol: On the bad side of things poor little Joey got a poop in the mail :( He didn't like it, so i played apple with him and filled up his happy hearts. Ok that's about all the bad news which is good :puroperatchi: Joey would like to say hi to you guys, hes very deperate to tell you about himself [bTW, Joey tends to brag about himself so just ignore him *wink wink*] Here he is:

Joey: Hi everyone!, I'm a ura-togetchi YAY i rule!!!

Me: Joey what have i told you about bragging??

Joey: Sorry mummie, i will stop.... I HAVE A JOB AT THE HOSPITAL YAY ME HEHE

Me: Okay Mr that's it your banned from talking on here for the weekend!

Joey: BUT MUMMMMMMMM *sobs* Sorry mummie i won't do it again i promise!! Please let me talk to your veiwers pleasseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *makes adorbs pouty face that makes me crack*

Me: Oh alright, but no more bragging understand?

Joey: Yes i understand, Okay c ya readers time for me to go now i will talk 2 u tomorrow! Byeeeeee :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi:

OK that's all from Joey, told ya he tends to brag!! Okay readers i will update u tomorrow bye bye!

Sakura-san123 :wacko: :) :mimitchi:

:furawatchi: Hey readers,

Little joey is doing really well, i slept in till midday today and he wakes at 9:00am so he had to wait 3 hours before i could attend to him!! He wasn't all that happy he only had 1 hungry heart full and 2 happy hearts. I wasn't very happy with myself for being a bad mother, anyways after i had awoken he got a mail call and it was a fortune that said: points 2 Love 3 and strength 2 well at least hes gonna get a good wife. :ichigotchi: :hitodetchi:

So anyway here are Joeys stats now:

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Weight: 31LBS

Age: 4 years [mates in 2 days YAY!!]

Skill points: 82, 49, 94

Gen: 16th [i know pretty high :ichigotchi: ]

GP: 52325

Job: Hospital

Training: 6 bars

That's all for his stats i need to take him to work today and hopefully i will get excellence!!! Last night before i put him to bed we went to work for a late night shift and we only got a good! :( Joey is very picky about the marks he gets for his work efforts. And i also promised Joey he could chat to you guys today so here he is:

Joey: HI everyone, today my mummie didn't wake up till midday so i had to cope without her care for 3 HOURS!!

Me: Yes they know Joey, I'm a bad mummie! Sorry love i was a bit tired.

Joey: That's ok mummie just don't let it happen again!! I'm 4 years now 2 more days and i will be a proud husband and father!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!

Me: Yes sweetie im very happy about that too, but that means you will to leave me :(

Joey: *thinks bout this for a moment* NOOOOOOOO mummie i will still b there for you even when i leave so that you can raise my baby. I might have gone back to tamagotchi planet to live with my new wife but i will still love you!!! :ph34r: :wacko:

Me: Awwww *heart breaks* thats adorbs darling!!!! I know you will still love me and i will still love you. And i promise to take care of your little bubba and make him/her into a beautiful brave tama just like yourself. Now say good-bye to the readers were logging off now.

Joey: c ya readers!! Hope you like our heart-warming speech, talk tomorrow byeeee

Yea lolz that did get a bit sad and heart-wrenching :kuribotchi:

Anyway c you guyz tomorrow i will deffo have more goss post tomoz c ya!

Sakura-san123 :mametchi:

:furawatchi: Hey readers,

Not much has really happened with little joey today, except that i got a fortune in the mail that said: 3 points 2 love 2 strength, yes so Joey is now 5 years old which means hes mating tomorrow!!! But it sucks because i have school tomorrow so I'm gonna mate him after school then update you as soon as it happens!! I would post pics but i have no idea how to..... Anyway i played man-hole this morning and now i have 107 spritual points!!! I'm soooo happy! I've never gotten so many skill points, its quite a new record for me and for little Joey!!

I think Joey wants to talk to you now, because i can't think of anything else 2 say!!! Here he is:

Joey: Hey tamatalkers! It's me Joey bringing you the best news EVER i have 107 spritiual points MU HAH HAH HAH! B) B)

Me: Joey, stop bragging we've being through this you bad little boy, tell them something good WITHOUT bragging.

Joey: Ok, ummmmmm i got a great in my job last night, i was hoping for excellence but ohh well...

Me: We can aim for excellence today ok? Now say goo-bye Joey were off now.

Joey: Bye guys! Talk to you tomorrow laters!

Yea, umm one quickie, if any of you have any idea on how to post pics on here can you please PM me with the details. And one more tiny detail, little Joey has volunteered to talk to you tomorrow and he wants to be the only one talking and he will update you on whats being happening, he might even have his new baby!!! Ok so were off now but i hope you liked my log and please PM me if you know how to post pics c ya!!

Sakura-san123 :lol: :lol:

Great news readers!!!

Joey mated!!! It was yesterday actually, but i didn't tell you straight away because i wasn't allowed back on the computer :angry: So anyway Joey mated with a Ura-Memetchi, it was the most cutest thing i have ever seen in my life!!! Then out popped a baby boy! Nagww times a thousand. :lol:

I have decided to name the baby Munch (don't ask :rolleyes: )But on the downside Joey leaves tonight NOOOOOO!!! I don't want him to leave because hes the greatest little Ura-Togetchi i've ever had!! And im pretty sure he doesn't wanna leave either. But we both know that little Munch we have to grow up eventually and leave his poor daddy behind...... :( :( Another bit of bad news is that JOEY LOST HIS JOB!!! He was working at the hospital, and then i went to take him to work today during english and well yea... So i had to get a new job and i now work at the t.v station.

Ok this log isn't exactly what you would call cheerful but thats okay coz not all logs can be cheerful!!! B) B) I would show you pics of Joey mating but i still have no idea how to put them on here!!! PM me if you know how to, it would be much appreciated!! Anyways, you know how in my last log i said Joey was gonna update you?? Well sorry about that not happening its because i had so much to tell you about and i totally forgot about it!!! (soz Joey, darling!!) But anyway he wants to say something now so i will put him on:

Joey: Mum, you said i could make the log today!!!

Me: Sorry Joey, i completely forgot!! I had so much to tell our viewers about all your accomplishments that i just spaced out and forgot!

Joey: Ahhh well doesn't matter since you just said i have made accomplishments :) :)

Me: Joey....

Joey: Sorry i know, i know no more bragging. Oh dear i hope I'm not gonna be a bad influence on little Munch!!!

Me: I hope so too sweetie, why don't you let little Munch say something?

Joey: Okay! Hey Munch would you like to sat something to our viewers?

Munch: ...... Hewllloo, me Munch!!! I wuv Dadda!!! Me want foods!!! Feed me!!!!

Lolz soz, i accidently finished the log by mistake. I still have a few more things to say. Firstly Joey got fortune mail today and it said: 2 points, 2 love, 2 strength. Secondly another downside to the day, was that the robber came and stole 300GP!!! Joey, Munch and i were very unhappy so i had to play a game of shapes with him to cheer him up. :furawatchi:

Okay this log is very long so I'm gonna stop here,

C ya l8r, post tomorrow byee!


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Hi loads of news today,

Joey left!!!!! I'm soooooooooooooo sad but im also kinda happy becoz now i can raise his baby boy who i named Munch [as you already know] Anyway Munch is now a Hitodetchi!! Yay cuteness all round. B) :lol: So today Munch got accepted into pre-school and i took him to school today and it was really cute!!! The teacher and Munch sang a song together and I'm like nagwwww......

So anyway, I'm aiming for little Munch to be an Ura-Mametchi because i have only ever had one Ura-Mametchi and so im trying for another!! Heres little Munch's stats so far:

Happy: ♥♥♥ [need to play some games with him!]

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Age: 0 yrs

Training bar: 2 bars

Skill points: 29, 23, 19


Gen: 17th!!!!

Parent: Joey [aww i miss him!!!!]

Weight: 10LBS

Yea, so thats his stats, but i have some seriously AWESOME news!!! Ok heres the story:


I was on trademe yesterday looking for cheap tamagotchies to buy. And guess what i came across!!! I saw three tamas that were only $3!!! Heres the link: koolness!!Aren't they awesome!! The main reason i want them is because of the v4 and v3, i already have a v5, but i wouldn't mind a new one!!! Oh yea one more thing, IM LEADING THE BID!!! No one else has bid on them so far and the auction closes on Thursdy, which is 2 days away, crossing my fingers and toes til then!!!

So yes thats my very exciting story. Quickly before i get on with talking about little Munch, if the link doesn't work when you click on it, you can just try this:

  1. Google 'trademe'
  2. once your on trademe search 'tamagotchis'
  3. Then scroll down and the title is ***3x tamagotchis*** And thats what im trying 2 win!

So yea if link doesnt work try that. OK so back to Munch he's doing really well, and he just did a poop :lol: He doesn't want to talk today because hes a bit shy but thats okay he might try tomorrow.

Ok thats all post tomorrow u guys c yaa!!

Sakura-san123 :wacko:

Hey everyone,

Not much news today, except that Munch evolved into a Crackertchi!!Hes such a cutiepie :lol:

Anyways so yes little Munch is growing up so fast, its so unbelieveable!!! I mean just yesterday afternoon he was a cut little toddler [hitodetchi :hitodetchi: ] and now hes a teen!!! Ok here are little Munch's stats:


Happy: ♥♥♥

Age: 1 yr old

Weight: 25LBS

Gen: 17th

GP: 56065

Training bar: 4 bars

School: Mr. Turtlepedia, hes in proper school now B)

Parent: Joey

Okay, i think Munch is brave enough to talk to you now so here he is:

Munch: Hi... readers, I'm Munch.... Sory but I'm not as brave and confident as my dad [Joey]

Me: that's okay Munch why don't you tell our readers what you did in school today??

Munch: Umm.. okay, today in school i had to choose the right present with the smart smiley face on it and i got it right!! I was rewarded with about 6 skill points in the smart section yea.........

Me: That's right, hes a very smart boy, my little Munch!!

Munch: MUM! please don't brag about me i don't feel comfortable..

Me: Nope your certainly not anything like your father... But that's okay because every single little tama is different.

Munch: Yes mommy i believe that that is very true... Okay im gonna go now and do my maths homework Mr.Turtlepedia sias it's due in tomorrow!!

Me: Alright say bye to the readers Munch!

Munch: Bye readers, hope you enjoy reading my log!!!

Yes, he finally got the courage to talk to you guys. Ok that's about it... Oh i have one more thing to say!! And it's about that bid on trademe, im still leading!!!! :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: The bid closes tomorrow, and i just know for sure that im gonna get the tamas!! Im soooooooooooo excited! Okay thats all update tomorrow, and hopefully with good news about the tamas!! Bye!

Sakura-san123 :mimitchi:

Hey guys,

Okay, today it thought i would let Munch do the log!! Hes being really egaer to since he spoke to you guys yesterday, so hes gonna do the log today here he is:

Joey: Hey everyone!! I'm so excited because today I'm doing the log!!! Okay lets start with my stats they are:

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Weight: 23LBS

Age: 2 yrs [Yay, i should evolve tomorrow!]

Gen: 17th

Training: 5 bars

Skill points: 60,46, 32

Parent: Joey [i really miss my dad. :( ]

Yep that's all my stats for today, i really want to evolve into a Ura-Mametchi!!! That's also what mum is hoping for, and since my smart points are so high I'm hoping its gonna happen!!!

Okay so moving on, today several things happened to me and mummie noted them in her notebook and even put the times that these things happened, isn't she such an organised cool mummie! So here's the list of events that happened to me today:

11:45am: I did the "pee pee wiggle dance" and mummie saw me doing it so i got potty-trained

11:56am: I got fed my favourite food!! Which is popcorn i was very very happy ^_^

2:35pm: Mum fed me again, but this time i got some BBQ and tacos then she played some climb with me, to lose that weight that i just gained!

4:00pm: I got sick!! I needed 2 doses of medicene

4:20pm: I was caught doing the " pee pee wiggle dance" again! so now I'm very well potty trained

6:38pm: Now to save the best for last I EVOLVED INTO A URA-MAMETCHI!!!!!! It happened a couple of minutes ago, and i thought i was evolving tomorrow but it turns out i wa due to evolve today YAY!!

That's all for the list of things that i did today, and now I'm a Ura-Mametchi, I am sooooooooooo happy, and so is mummie!!! Okay, im gonna stop talking now and let mum talk because she also has some exciting news for you so toodle pip [that means good-bye]

Hi readers It's me again, did you like what Munch had to say?? Yea he evolved in Ura-Mametchi SQUEEEEEEEEEE :lol: Anyway fabulous news envovling the trademe auction I WON!!!! I won the bid, which means within a couple of days those three tamas [v3, v4,v5] will be in my hands MU HAHAHAHAHA hehe. Sorry about that im just really excited...... Now there's the daunting task of when i actually get them which one should i start up??? My mum brought me a battery the other day so its a choice between my v4 or my v3, im thinking v4 but i really do not know!!!

Anyway im loggin off now, so c you guys later. Post tomoz!!


PS: if you have anything you would like to say about my log please PM me. OH and thanks so much guyz for the all the views okay toodle pip!!! :)

Hi everyone,

Not much to report today, except that Munch is now 3 years old, and he should hopefully be getting job mail soon. He didn't have a very good day because the robber came and took away 150GP!!!! He wasn't very happy so i played some games of shapes with him to fill his happy hearts again. :D Today was the last day pf the term, so we weren't doing anything in our classes and i just played with Munch the entire day!!! I didn't get caught either which was lucky...... Anyway i also want to say that i will start to post on my Walkie. I know its being a while since i posted on my Walkie because i have being so caught up with my little Munch! Okay so right now i still have Memetchi and i have finally changed cites [i was in Washington foever because i don't play with my Walkie much] So anyway the new city that I'm in is Boston, and i have walked 14257 and i have 6161 steps to go. Memetchi also has full happy and full hungry. [their happy and hungry hearts hardly ever go down unless you play with them heaps :wacko: ]

I've decided that i should name my little Memetchi, just because the naming feature isn't on the Walkie, doesn't mean i can't name it right! So anyway i will now refer to my little Memetchi as Chichi. Yes that's what i will name her Chichi, okay that's all on her for now. Next up i have news on my bid on trademe! The tamas are being sent from Christchurch and the postage is $5:00 so mum says if I'm lucky i will get them by Wedensday YAY!!!! :) :lol:

Last thing to report is that, i have finally decided which tama I'm gonna start up when i get them it will be the v4 because i really like the v4 and i can connect it with Munch!!! Ok that's all for today folks, i will post again tomorrow byeeeeeeetchi!!

Sakura-san123 :mimitchi:

Hey guys,

Heaps of news today, firstly this isn't just a v4.5 log now..... its also a v4.5 and v5 log!!! Because last night i started up my old v5 that i found in my wardrobe, i put a battery in him and set the time, date and birthday then 3 eggs appeared!! They hatched not long after [i can't remember what time it was but I'm pretty sure it was somewhere around 8:00pm. Anyway so i had 2 sons and 1 daughter and their names are:

Pearl: tororotchi

Picasso: Mousetchi

Peanut: ahirukutchi

Yea their toddlers now, and i came up with the names last night :lol: So anyways this morning when i woke up they had no happy hearts full and 2 hungry hearts empty :( So i fed them some fried rice and played tv surfing with them and they were right as rain. At 10:00am they got bonding call and i used the first one because i want a Mame family. Okay that's all on my v5 lets get on with my little Munch!

He's 4 years old now and he got a job last night!!! He works at the hospital, just like his dad did. Hes very proud of himself and so am i. And today he got 700GP in the mail from the gotchi king!!!! he was very happy :D :D Ok little Munch wants to speak to you guys so i will put him on [bTW hes not as shy as he once was so be warned....]

Munch: Hi tamatalkers, it's me munch!! I am a big Ura-Mametchi now, and no longer as shy!!

Me: Yes Munch, do you have anything else to say to our readers?

Munch: Yep, i got a job at the hospital and i'm really good at it just like my daddy was!

Me: Yes Munch, your very skilled at your job, Okay say bye to the readers...

Munch: C ya readers!! I will talk to you tomorrow byeeeee!!

Yes, so as you can see Munch has deffo over come his shyness and is starting to brag about himself like his dad, im gonna have to stop that......

Anyway onto my walkie, little Chichi is going good, i brought her some jogging shoes yesterday and now shes walking all over town like a little athlete!! We also brought some UFO gas from Androtchi [i think...] today and now i have loads of fuel!! And lastly i have done 15287 steps and have 5708 steps to go so i had better get walking!!

Post tomorrow c u guys later!!


PS: My trademe tamas, will be coming sometime this week and then my log will also be about the v4 that i start up!! Anyways cya! B)

Hey readers,

Not much news to report sadly.

This is will be quick update:

Ok so Munch is 5 years old and i hope i can mate him today [because sometimes if I'm lucky i get to mate him when hes five!] And his skill points are 75,60,56 and hes got half full training bar. Plus i took him to tamatown last night and we had heaps of fun!!! I got all these codes for him and i still need to put them in the tama :lol: :lol:

Okay with my v5, they just got a bonding call and i clicked the first one, because i still want the Mame family. OHHH if you haven't already found out i have found out how to write in colour! YAY, so most of my logs will now be in colour. Anyway back to my little cutiepie v5 they are doing well i think they have about 200GP [i suck at the games!] and their bonding is now 20% :rolleyes:

And lastly my walkie AKA Chichi is doing really well shes still in Boston and i i have done 15879 steps and have 5414 steps to go so I'm making slow progress, plus i played jump rope with Chichi and won 400GP!!

Okay, thats all for now because i did say i was going to make this a quick log! And i will most probably be posting later on today if Munch mates, other than that it will be tomorrow sometime. Plus i might even have pics on my next post!!

Anyway post later

From Sakura-san123 :D

Yo peeps!

I know i have already posted today but i just wanted to say that Munch got paid for her job today it was at about 12:29pm [so not very long ago]She got 1040GP, she was very excited!!

Also, i tried mating Munch today in the hope that i might get lucky and she will mate at 5 years old, but sadly it didn't happen so I'm kinda sad :mellow: And ANOTHER thing i brought Munch a sausage and a corn-cob from the hop today, to cheer her up because she got a poop in the mail!!! :angry: So yea this afternoon has being kinda uneventful, but don't worry I'm hoping it will get better as the day progresses on.

One last thing to report and it's about my v5 They want to say something to you, because they want to meet you!! So i will put them on, oh BTW Peanut will be in green Picasso will be in yellowand Pearl will be in Purple

Ok here they are:

Peanut: Hi everyone! Im Peanut!! And I'm really happy that mummie brought us into this world!!

Pearl: Yea me too! Today we got our bonding up to 20% YAY US!!

Picasso: hmmm... we awesome..... i guess.... ummmmmm hi.....

Pearl: Sorry readers, Picasso is a bit shy! Come on Picasso be brave!

Picasso: .......

Peanut: Yea hes tuned out so me and Pearl will talk for him. Hes also really happy that we were brought into this world.

Pearl: Ok Peanut mummmie wants us to say bye now because shes gonna finish this log! So byeeee readers c ya later!!

Peanut: Okay c ya readers, if mummie let's us we will talk to you again tomorrow!!

Picasso: um.. bye........ g-guys

Okay, i may have mucked the colors up but it don't matter.

Anyway talk to ya tomorrow!!! BYEEE


Hi people,

Heaps to report today:


OK little Munch was suppose to mate today, but he's still 5 years old!! I think i may have mucked up the times or something, but anyway i think i will wait until tomorrow to mate him, unless he turns 6 today. And if that's the case i will tell you about him mating later on!! I also brought some tacos from the shop for little Munch and he was very happy. His skill points are 88, 64, 64 and his training bar is still half full. Onto other news Munch went to do his job today and got a excellence!!! I was very proud of him, hes turning out to be just like his daddy!!! That's all for Munch.


My v5 evolved this morning!! I was actually asleep when they evolved but when i woke up it was nice to see three little

teens bouncing around the screen. The teens are:

Peanut: Mamekatchi

Picasso: Bakutchi

Pearl: Chamametchi

They are soooo cute!! They still have 20% bonds and im hoping there will be a bonding call sometime soon. And i think thats about all for my v5 [soz their updates arent very big because there's not much to say about them :D B) ]


Chichi is doing great, we ran into a tarkotchi and brought a sandwich from him for 250GP and then we brought some UFO fuel from Masktchi for 150GP. And i think that's it, oh and we played Jump rope and fishing like a million times :) :)


The bid on trademe is going good i should be recieving the tamas sometime this week, hopefully tomorrow!!!!

Ok thats all for today post later on BYEEEE

Sakura-san123 :lol:

Hi readers,

This will be a quick update because I'm going to my best friends place [Kuchipatchi Love] for the night. Anyway lets get on:


Not much has happened with him, he is due to mate today but i don't want to mate him till get to my friends house [plus i kinda promised her i would mate Munch at her place :lol: ] So you probably won't hear about Munch's mating until late tomorrow. But other than that Munch is doing really well, and i still have to wait another hour before he can wake up,he wakes up at 10:00am. I'm hoping for a baby girl when i mate Munch, because i have had a boy for 2 gens and i want a girl this time. :) :)


These little cuties are doing great too. They now have 40% bonds and are doing great. They only have 150GP [i'm a slacker when it comes to earning points on the v5] And i think their due to evovle today or tomorrow. But before i move on to my walkie they have a few things to say to you. Peanut will be in green, Pearl will be in red and Picasso will be in yellow:

Peanut: Hey everyone!!! I'm a Mamekatchi! And im really happy about that, its fun to be a teen right Pearl?

Pearl: Yea its awesome!! Im a adorable Chamametchi!! But our mummie has being slacking off when it comes to playing games. Whats up with that mum????

Me: Soz guys i didn't realise i was making you feel left out, i will play some games with you after this log :D

Peanut: Ok thanks mummie, we would like that. Picasso say something to the viewers come on you can't still be shy can you??

Picaso: .... Well.. i-i a.... naturally sh-y p-person

Pearl: Ok then Picasso is a Bakutchi, i didn't know they were shy though.....

Me: Just leave it you guys and say bye to the readers

Pearl & Peanut: BYE READERS!!!

Picasso:... see.. u... l-a-ater

Yea ohh i forgot i was gonna add myself in the convo so as you can see im in purple.


Chichi is doing OK. Shes currently using the skateboard to get around town, shes down 17741 steps and has 4067 to go.... Yes thats all....


Oh dear i need to go now I'm due at a friends house post later bye!!


Hey readers,

Okay, i have ALOT to say to you today. Sorry i haven't posted in a while that's because i ended up staying 2 nights at Kuchipatchi Love's place [my best bestie] and today we took a trip to Motat and our little tamas really enjoyed it and so did we!!


Loads happened with this version over the past 2 days, firstly Munch mated!!!!! He mated with a Ura-Violetchi!!! so cute! And then out popped a baby boy [yea i know that's the 3rd Gen that i have a had a baby boy!!] But anyway, i called the baby Ninja [cute or what??] and hes now a Hitodetchi :hitodetchi: . His skill points are: 14,21,32, and he has 2 training bars. And the best news of all is hes on 18th Gen!!!!!! SQUEEEEEE. And lastly he got accepted into pre-school on Tuesday i think and ye hes very happy, i took him today and the teacher sang with him naggwww.


I will no longer be posting on this tama because i took the battery out of it, you will find out why very soon!!!


Chichi has moved to two new cities since Tuesday. First she went to New York and got a new UFO part. Then she brought a sandwich and some grapes from Tarakotchi, i also brought her more fuel from Masktchi and while we were in Boston i got her jogging shoes repaired. Now shes in Chicago and using her skateboard. We haven't brought anything from this city yet. :furawatchi:


Ok this is why i took the battery out of my V5, its because...... I GOT MY TAMAS FROM TRADEME TODAY!!!!! It was sooooo exciting because when my mum came to pick me and Kuchi [that's Kuchipatchi Love's nickname] up from her place to go to Motat, she gave me my new tamas!!! Kuchi and i were over the moon! So anyway as soon as i got home [which was about 10 mins ago :ichigotchi: ] i took the battery out of my V5 and put it in the V4, that's the version i was gonna start up once i got them. And anyway i have my new white V4 going and it's a baby girl who i named Peach shes very cute and she should evolve into a toddler soon. Hopefully while I'm still on tamatalk!!

One last thing my other 2 new tamas the V3, and the V5 are in my room waiting to be started and i might be getting some batteries over the weekend so hopefully i can start them up then and update on them in this log!!!


Okay, that's all for today, and if Peach or Ninja evolve anytime soon i will tell you in a new post!!! Cya!


Hey again,

Tee hee, my Peach and Ninja just evolved so quick update:

V4.5Ninja evolved into Crackertchi!! Yay very cute!

V4 Peach evolved into Mohitamatchi!! [the one with the mohork i can't spell his name :lol: ]

I'm not sure what i want them to evolve into but i will tell you in my next update which if not later on today will be tomorrow!!!!


See ya later!




Yea i know this is my 3rd update today but i just couldn't help it. Plus i have some MORE news, i decided that since Chichi and I have being together for a while now, i thought i would take the battery out of my walkie [sorry Chichi!! But i have other fish too fry!] And i put the battery in my new v3. Its a purple snowflake design v3 and i got it off tradme with my other tamas. Anyway at about 7:12PM i put the battery in the V3 and pressed reset. After hatching, setting time, date, birthday etc i had a baby girl who i named Dolly, shes now a Tamatchi and is fast asleep along with Peach and Ninja :lol: Anyway here is my plan for my three tamas:


- Mate Ninja and Peach when they are both old enough using a jar of honey [PM if you know how this works because i certainly don't!!!]

- Turn Dolly into a Otokitchi and see how long i can get her to live. [That's why i reset the V3 so that i could have a 1st Gen oldie ;) ]


Yes this is my brilliant tamagotchi plan, which i will be sticking to. Okay so as i have already mentioned they are all fast asleep. One more quick thing before i finish this post:

Not long after evolving into a toddler Peach got pre-school mail so she was accepted in pre-school and i took her there before she went to bed.


Okay that's all for tonight [hopefully!] I will update you tomoz cya!!


Good afternoon everyone,

:furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :ichigotchi: :gozarutchi:

Hey, so not much is happening with my three little cuites but i will give a quick update on each one:


Ninja is doing really well, he got accepted into normal school last night and his teacher is errmmm i don't know her name but shes the one that raises gorgeous points. :chohimetchi: His skill points are: 18,25,40 shes 30LBS and she has about 5 training bars think.... Anyway OH he just got envelope mail nagggww he got a love heart in the mail! Oh and the mating between Ninja and Peach is making good progress, they are now best friends because i was connecting all morning and I'm gonna keep the connecting up until they are ready to mate!!!



Peach is all goods too. She is very happy to be getting married to Ninja when shes older hes quite a cute little fella isn't he Peach??

Peach: Yea Mum i really like him!!!!

Thats good sweetie..... Anyway Peach's kill points are 17,6,5 yea their not very good but she does have 2 training bars and he went to pre-school today and had heaps of fun with her teacher Mrs.Flower. Plus i brought her a hot dog from the shop today to keep her happy.


Dolly is pretty much the same as Ninja and Peach. But I'm planning on turning her into a oldie and hopefully i can make her last a long time!! Her training is 3 bars and obviously she doesn't have skill points because its a V3. Not much else has happened with her other than that.

And lastly I'm hopefully Peach and Dolly will be evolving sometime soon, so i will update you when they do cya!!!

Sakura-san123 :lol:
