*Violet's Little Garden*


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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2009
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Hola! Today my friend brought me a Tamagotchi V4.5 and I got extremely happy. The minute I got home, I took the battery out of my music star (I'm sorry Lauren!) and transfered it into my new Tama. It started to beep, and soon hatched a baby girl, Carly. I set the time to 3:14 but by the time I finished entering her name it was around 3:16. I played climb a few times, fed her some cereal and bread, and before I knew it it was 4:16 and she evolved into a Hitodetchi. I read that this means she'll evolve into the urameme (urameme? or meme? idk...) family and I hope that's true because I really want uravioletchi! Anyways, I think she's going to evolve at 4:16 tomorrow and I hope I either get urayoungmemetchi or urayoungvioletchi... tell you what I get! Until then,




(PS if your curious it's the Red Butterflies design- like the most common but I'll take any 4.5 I can get! :) )


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So basically this morning I woke up early (On a Saturday, go figure) and right now it's 7:00. I'm just waiting for Carly to wake up but I know that they sleep FORever so I'll just have to wait... if anyone knows any spoiler charts please either post it here or pm me! Thanks!




(Ps I'll post later when she evolves!)

CARLY JUST EVOLVED! She turned into a Ura Young Marotchi... I guess I've been taking TOO good care of her! I was hoping for urayoungmemetchi/violetchi... but I love her anyways! But now I can get UraZukyutchi, who I love! She'd be a good first character. So long for now!






(PS- Still looking for that spoiler chart! :) )[/font]

Last night, Carly got accepted to school, but I didn't know which teacher gave spiritual skill points, so I accidentally chose Ms. Flower :angry: who gives beauty points... so now I have play manhole and then feed snacks and then play manhole and feed snacks... how many skill points do you have to get to not get a universal character??? I used to have a V4 but I don't remember!!!!!! PLEASE PM ME!!!!! I wanna get UraZukyutchi for my first character, not a universal... Also, how long does it take for the teenagers to evolve into adults? 1 day or more? Well, I've asked enough questions for now...



Violetchilluvr3 (and Carly!)



(Ps Seriously!!!!! PM me!!!!!!!! :D )

My first piece of (sort of) fan mail! Thank you to Tama V9 for telling me that you only need 20 of each skill point! :) Thank you all for reading- keep doin it! ;) Happy Sunday!

Mini Update: Carly's weight is so low she doesn't really let me play games that much... but I've fed her some snacks so she's ok. I hope she evolves again at 4:16 today but I'll tell if she does/n't.






(Ps- I love fan mail! ;) )

So, Carly did not evolve all today. At all. I'm bummed. I really hope this isn't the version where you have to wait 2 days for it to evolve, 'cause then I will be sad. :angry: But I'll love her all the same... Anyways, in other news, I got bored today, and did something I had been meaning to do for a while: I took apart my Music Star. Yep, past the circuit board and everything. I even replaced the background to show that I had been there... ;) but I stripped one of the screws pretty bad so I don't think I'll be doing it again anytime soon... I also made Carly a tiny little bean bag chair! So now, when I'm watching Tv and relaxing.... She can, too! I think I might bring it on our next trip if I can't bring her bed... :) But back to Carly, her skill points are:

Humor: 26

Gorgeous: 55

Spiritual: 60

Hopefully this means she'll become UraZukyutchi! She's been given UraMameFamily care!!!! Sigh... I'll just have to wait till tomorrow to find out... I think this log is long enough, so I'll end it here! Update tomorrow after annoying school!



Violetchilluvr3 and Carly



(Ps- Can you get back into the UraMeme family from UraYoungMarotchi? PM me!)

(PPs- why have a urayoungmarotchi if you don't even have a uramarotchi...?)

So, I got sick and had to stay home today from school. Since she didn't evolve last night, I guess she's going to evolve at 4:16 TODAY instead... Come on, UraZukyutchi!!! She already lost a couple hearts today, so I fed her some pizza and played climb. Not much has happened in 45 minutes... But I'll update when something does!



Violetchilluvr3 and Carly :furawatchi:



(Ps- She loves the beanbag chair! :) )

Mini Update: Carly's training bar just got full! I must be a good parent! :D Only 1 hour 53 minutes until she evolves!!! :eek: She hasn't lost very many hearts today, and her weight is the lowest it can be. I have to say, it makes me kinda happy that my first character is in the UraMame family, even if a UraVioletchi would've been nice... but I'll be happy with whatever I get! I'll update again when she evolves!!!



Violetchilluvr3 and Carly



(Ps- She has 62 spiritual points so I don't think she'll be a universal... do you????)

HOORAY! It was 3 minutes late, but my first character on the V4.5 turned into a UraZukyutchi!!!!!! If the universe if really on my side, she'll get a job as a hairdresser... but yay for Carly! She's in the Mame family! And with full training! Now all I have to do is wait for the next mail... grr!

Her skill points are:

Humor: 46

Gorgeous: 61

Spiritual: 64

Training: full

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Hooray for Carly! :)



Violetchilluvr3 and Carly



(Ps- I really hope she becomes a hairdresser!!! :) )

Hmm... Carly is 3 and still has not been offered a job... normal or glitch??? I've never really had a glitchy Tamagotchi, so that's kinda hard to believe but still...

Carly, like many of us, does not like going to school with me. She would much rather stay home, in her nice, comfy, bean bag chair and watch That '70s show. But seeing as I couldn't do that today, she didn't either. She did like meeting my friends' Tamas though, even though they didn't connect.

Basically, today, I think she's maybe lost 3 hearts, but never getting below 2, so I've played a couple games of tug a war this morning, and for the first time I played shapes this afternoon. Kinda fun, actually... I fed her sushi for breakfast and cereal for lunch. ;) Nothin wrong with that!!! I can't wait till she's 6, settles down with a nice boy, and hopefully has a baby girl who I'll name Aura. (Yes, like Aurora from Sleeping Beauty... :) ) But I've decided that if she has a boy I'm going to name him Bacon. Hm... greasy breakfast food, or pretty disney princess... which will I choose? It all depends on Carly! Sigh... I've talked (typed???) enough for now, so I'll end today's log here. Maybe I'll update later, you never kno-ow! <_<



Violetchilluvr3 and Carly



(Ps- I'm really getting sort of attatched to Carly... I'll be sad when she leaves, but I'll be glad to think of all the other characters I could get! :) )

HOORAY! It took a whole 4 days, but we made to 100 views! You guys are the best!!! Pm me anytime you want! :lol: Anyways, you guys are the best!!! (did I just say that???) Keep reading! :kusatchi: (Whoa! That guys cool!)



Violetchilluvr3 and Carly



(Ps I love all these smileys I just discovered!!! :pochitchi: :marumimitchi: :nyatchi: :nazotchi: :kusatchi: :ichigotchi: :hitodetchi: :wub: )

To answer your first question, yes, this is the third time I've updated this log in an hour, and yes, I may have a problem, but I have a good reason for updating! Carly got a job! At 4:15 (I didn't even know you could get mail then!) the mailman came, and I felt a little bad for her as she said goodbye to Ms. Flower... she looked so sad! But then she took the job as a bus driver. My little Carly, a bus driver... huh... not quite living up to her potential but that's ok...! I think she transports little kids to school, so it's ok, cause little toddlers are cute! She hasn't gotten her payday yet, but tomorrow she will! : ) So congrats, Carly!

Violetchilluvr3 and the newly jobbed Carly

(Ps- Anyone know UraZukyutchi's favorite food?)

Not much happened today. She got paid A LOT from her job, so that was nice. We played some games and got it up to 3000 gp, all of which we donated for a total of 5000 gp. I'm waiting for the king to tell us to visit Tamatown... :rolleyes: Carly likes going on Tamatown. She has fun going to the office, and the bank, and helps sick children at the hospital in her spare time. :wub: Right now we have 0gp, so I'm waiting for payday tomorrow... idk if anyone actually reads all these, but these are her stats at the moment:

Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Training: full

Skill points:

Humor: 81

Gorgeous: 87

Spiritual: 74

4 yrs old

38 pounds (oops)

1 g



username: Dani

She still has no friends because NO ONE AT MY SCHOOL RUNS 4.5S or below!!!!! :angry: Yes, this is a shout out to you-know-who.

Sigh... I guess that's all I have to say right now. Maybe I'll update later if anything exciting happens, though I don't think there's anything left- except getting married which won't happen until Friday. Happy Wednesday!



Violetchilluvr3 and Carly



(Ps- still like fanmail! :ichigotchi: )

Hm... not much has happened lately. I couldn't look after her much during school, so she lost quite a lot of hearts. But when I got home I fixed 'em, so it's all good! : ) Thanks to the request of Tama V9, here are some pictures! :blink:

Here she is just chillin out...

Here she is being a good girl and coming up when I call her!

Here she is chillin in her favorite bean bag chair, made by moi! ;)

Well, I'll update today or tomorrow depending on when something happens! :D



Violetchilluvr3 and Carly



(Ps- if you have ideas for picture ((shots, themes, ect.)) just pm me! :furawatchi: )

Sorry my pictures didn't come out... :angry: if you know how please pm me and help... :huh:



Violetchilluvr3 and Carly



(Ps- Now I'm sad...)

IT HAPPENED! I was doing homework, and all of a sudden Carly beeps for attention. It was only 7, so I thought that maybe she was taking an early shower tonight. WRONG! There she was... the matchmaker! I clicked A, and she brought out a Samuraitchi. He may not be as "pretty" as Carly, but it was love at first sight. Firworks went off! And when they cleared, a new baby boy was on the screen. :lol: Staying true to my previous posts, I shall name him Bacon. I am going to try for a Celebtchi for my first boy. Why, you ask? I have no idea. I've just never had a celebtchi before, ok? Plus this means I'll either get Kujakutchi or Daiyatchi, both of which I like! Normally, at 7:00 tomorrow night I would set the time for midnight and take care of Bacon then, but for all you readers out there, I will do it the traditional way and wait a whole day until saturday. :D That's right, this log has changed me. Well, they're about to take a bath and I don't wanna miss that so I'll update tomorrow! :)



Violetchilluvr3, Carly, and Bacon



(Ps- I didn't know they could get married at 5 years old!!!)

Sorry it's so late!!! I was at my grandma's house visiting my AH-dorable cousin and I just got home... anyways, Carly hasn't gone to bed yet, and idk when she will but tonight's the last night with her! As of tomorrow at 9:00 in the mornning I shall be on Bacon! My first boy, 2nd generation, and boy 2nd generation on the 4.5! I'm so excited! But also sad Carly's leaving... oh yeah! Earlier today at 3 they got sick, but i cured them with one dose of medicine. Carly also got offered another job, which I don't get 'cause she won't be there to get paid... but she's a weight fitness trainor now. I would take a picture of Carly and Bacon but... you know... no one likes clicking on links... here are Carly's last stats:

Hungry: @@@@

Happy: @@@@

Training: full

Humor: 120

Gorgeous: 96

Spiritual: 92

6 yrs

42 pounds

1 g, ect.

Sigh... well, they just went to bed so... Goodnight, Carly and Bacon! (For the last time...)



Violetchilluvr3, Carly, and Bacon



(They looked so cute together! *sob* )

And generation 2 starts! Bacon was born at 9:01 I think, and so far yes been fed four servings of cereal and played one game of climb. He's kind of cute... I'm either going for a hitodetchi or tamatchi so I'm going to leave a couple of the hears blank, but idk if thisll actually make a difference... Well, I'll see and update when he evolves!

Violetchilluvr3, bacon, and no longer Carly...

(ps- I'm doing this from my iPod so it won't let me add color... Sorry...)

Sorry I didn't update sooner, my mom took me shopping and then some other stuff happened but I just finished lunch. Anyways, bacon is a tamatchi and I think tuis means that If I take good care of him and get his skill points up he'll me in the urameme family, right? I hope! I might not update tonigt cause I'll be at a sleepover tonight, but tomorrow I'll definitely update when he turns into a teenager!


(ps- if your looking for another great log, I recommend miss berry's, missvioletchi's, and mimitchi ^o^'s)

Back from my sleepover! At 10:06 this morning, Bacon evolved into a... UraYoungMametchi... <_< sigh... I'm going to turn him into a UraMametchi. My first girl and my first boy both in the UraMame family... I GUESS that's a good thing (even though I like the UraMeme family way better... B) ) I thought that if you get a Tamatchi you couldn't get into the Mame family. Next time I'll just have to get a Kutchitamatchi and take really good care of it, and see if that works. Well, I'm out of things to say right now, so... happy sunday! No school tomorrow! WHOO!!!!



Violetchilluvr3 and Bacon :furawatchi:



(Ps- I guess i'm just taking TOO good care of my tamas! ;) )

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