ZuZu's Gotchi Zoo


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something amazing just happend, but let me start from the begining...

When I was nine, I had gotten my first game system as a birthday prestent. well this gaming system was a DS lite. along with this DS I had to get a game right? so I picked out Nintendogs. I was obessed with it, and played with it off and on for the last five years. Well last year ( I had my my blue DSi by that point) when we moved I lost it, and thought my precious poochies were gone forever. Now fast forward to today, I still hadn't found that game, and I was rifling through my 50 or so game, looking for games worth bringing on our next trip. I hopefully opened up my nintendogs case. And of course, no dice. I had picked about ten games when my brother(10) comes in and asks

"How much will you pay me if I find your nintendogs?" (always about the $$ <_< )

I responded,"pfft. nothing, I own it already."

realization dawned on me and I said

"Hand it over"

"aww..."(no $$ v_v)

And he gave me my long lost game! so just about to start it up, my poor now flea infested dogs... in the game my favorite dogs name is Fluffy (hey, I was, what, ten when I got that particular dog.) she is a wonderful shitzu(spelling?) and I love her to death. I don't always play cushy games though, don't worry! here are my favorites and by favorites I mean OBSESSIVELY PLAYED favs. these are just my Fav. DS games, I have more... from most to... less most?

1. Animal crossing! (my second game, 'bout four year old town.)

2. Pokemon Heart-gold (I love Johto to death ;])

3.Legend of Zelda Phantom hourglass/Spirit tracks (I love link, er, I meant LoZ)

4.Tomodatchi collection*japanese* (Picked this up in japan, it's a Mii game, but not boring like Mii plaza. they can wear clothes, have girlfriends/boy friends and get married, basically you run an aparment building filled with Miis on an island. so much fun. don't wanna describe it all so look it up, Only in japanese, so if you don't speak or read japanese... well you could fiugre it out, but lets just say it's more complicated than an iDL) (it's so cute when they get their hearts broken after a rejection)

5.Nintendogs (well you know my story)

all of them games are loved equally except for animal crossing, it matters as much as my Tamas, the others I love but... nothing beats Animal Crossing. Animal crossing is a seriously addicting game, get it.

that's all, byes.

I wonder which of you TTers follow my Log? I guess I'll never know...

*runs, hops, whatever, levitates?, into the room* ZuZu, ZuZu, what do I need to pack?! what do I need to pack!?

er, Steve, you're a mail box. you don't need luggage.

what about a tooth brush?

Mail boxes brush their teeth?

Well everyone else is packing a tooth bursh.

But mail boxes don't need tooth brushes.

Fine. *does whatever to leave the room*

*runs in* ohmygod I evolved!

yay! UraYattatchi, just as I expected :]

I got horns.... o_O so I packed my stuff, what do I do now?

go convince Steve he doesn't need to pack.

Oh, I should have expected... *rolleyes* Daaddddyyyyy? *runs off*

*runs in* can I pack my electric guitar? I'd like to practice during the vacation.

of course. and don't forget to pack a tooth brush, you'll need it.

well I'm not stupid. oh and my carry on is already full, and I need to fit twice as much stuff in it.

what is it full of?

... Mr. Wubblekins's stuff...

*facepalm* just bring Mr.Wubblekins. not any of his stuff.

But Mr. Wubblekins NEEDS his portable clothes closet.

NAO. o_O



as you can see we are very busy at my house ATM. but not to worry. we will all be packed up by sunday. so the stats... well have to leave for the park in a few minutes, so stats tonight.

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Stayed at that park for longer than I expected.... <_< todays stats:





Training: still six, whut.



Job:Air-plane Pilot(ironic much?)


Name: Amanda

Character: Mimitchi

Age: 5

Weight: 25

Skillz: Maxed out.

Genre: Rock

Ranking: 1st

iDK (oop, mean L)

Name: Kendra

Character: Painaputchi

Age: 1

Weather: SNOW! FINALLY!!!!!

(insert funny tama-ZuZu conversation here)

600 Views O_O


This is going to be my last post til we touch down in Florida, so, sorry to keep you waiting....



Name: Pica

Character: Yattatchi

Weight: 20lbs

Training: trained.

Age: 3?

Skillz: epic

Job: Airplane pilot


Name: Amanda

Character: mimitchi

Age: er, 6?

Weight: Muffin top.

Skillz: to the max.

Genre: rock.

Ranking: 1st


Name: Kendra

Character: Memetchi

Age: 2?

Weather: snow! ^_^


Oh noo...

Oh, don't worry daddy, planes are perfectly safe.

do we get discounts cuz You're a pilot?

no <_<

too bad, it's usually you get discounts from work...

Oh, no! poor Steve. he doesn't like planes does he?

Nope! which reminds me, is everone packed?

everyone: Yeeessss.

good, cuz we're packing the car up now! byez log! see you in florida!

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry!

I couldn't get to the interwebs for a while.

here are a few convesations I made in word. errrm. hope you can figure out whoes who from the colors.

Whelp, on the plane now.

Yes we are! And finally, that was, what? Like four hours of waiting?

Oh… I’m going to be nauseous..

Don’t be, I’ll kill you if you are.

Oh, it’s so exciting though isn’t it? And to think that all of us are going to be in Orlando!

Roller coasters! ^_^

No, no roller coasters! Please!

Steve, are you having second thoughts?

Yes! Please no- no roller coasters.

Psh, Steve, it’s nothing. And it’s perfectly safe!

But it so scary! And I already don’t like flying!

Calm down Steve, you’re overreacting.

Nao! Just let me out of here.

Well unless you’d like to, say, jump, out? There’s not really an option.


Now you’re just being mean!

But it’s true!

You’re so hopeless…

Uh, where are we going again? *Fails*

We’re going to ORLANDO.

Don’t yell!



Gotta concert coming up, you guys cheer me on, kay?

Wait, how does that work? We’re on a flight, but… you can still ive concerts at the beach and stuffs? What?

I’M LEAVING NOW. *slams door.*


She thinks I’m being annoying, and stupid too. v_v

We should find something entertaining to talk about.


That was amazingly entertaining Kendra, congratulations.


Well it’s true!

Wait a sec. if Steve won’t go on the roller coasters does that mean I’m stranded with him?

Heh, heheheheheh.

Oh no. I’m going to be stuck with him won’t I?

Don’t worry, we can probably figure something out. Maybe.

That’s reassuring, “maybe”

Back now. Got first ranking.

Yey! Awesome.

What’s happened since I left?

Kendra suggested for us to have an entertaining conversation.


It didn’t work.

I… See?




What happened to you Pica?

I didn’t expect for it to be that hard to walk on the plane.

Well what did you expect? Why do you think we have to wear seat-belts and stuff?

I don’t know!

Well now you do.

December 19th


Calm down!

Yes, please, Calm down.

But it's so friggin awesome and realistic. O-Oen

If it's so awesome why are you logging instead of running around screaming or whatever you fangirls do?

Because we're waiting in line <_< this wait is three hours long.

No... not ANOTHER roller coaster!

It's not a roller coaster Steve.

Well then what is it?

A simulation.

even before I know what a simulation is like I'm horrified.... O_O

The line wait is really cool though, you see the Fat Lady, and Dumbledors Office. where Dumbledore assures you that professor Binns's Lecture will be... Long.

Oh we're almost there!


Ah no! ZuZu! don't push the people in front of you over!

*Three or four hours later*

Now we're waiting in line to get a wand. likewise, two hours to get into ollivanders.


But it's Sooo worth it.

*two and a half Hours later*

Ah! my life is complete! I got an Ash with pheonix feather wand!

Can we get butter-beer? Pleeeze?

Yeh, sure. you guys mind if the wait is twenty minutes?

Everyone: NO!

*twenty minutes*

-Glad we got butterbeer, so good.

The Log's been kind of sketchy. you wanna somehow merge them into one?

Yes.... Later.


At Grandmas house now. ^_^

so relaxing.... no more five hour long lines....

Since I wasted my energy on the other days I'll waste my energy on a good daily log tomorrow. and stats... you have no idea how my tamas are doing. I shall leave you in suspense. MWAHAAHAHAH.

Oh this is horrid, my Crazy relatives have distracted me from my daily duty! especially the uncles....

Kk, nuther post. Now don't be mad, it was for the best.....


and now you've just started up me again. just the iDL. boring.

Sorry Lena! so sososososo sorry :[...

Hi I'm Lena. I'm currently a Sabosabotchi, a teen. so far what I've done today is: .... well this sucks..... But I got to play with ZuZus X-mas presents today so it's all good.

I've been getting into my DSi lately, and let me just say, man I missed flipnotes when I wasn't using it! still trying to figure out animation. my style is creepily similar to this(these?) creators, named Epic and Guitar, they're brothers who share a flipnotes account and their stuff is fun. What I really need to work on is the transition between the poses. I can draw the poses, but the transition? BLEH. so far I have a few original characters. they're pokemon. Why pokemon? because stick figures are stupid and Humans are even HARDER to animate than Pokemon. so.... here they are:

Actual Person-Pokemon-Name of character(not our real names)


Brother-Tyranitar (y u so hard to draw T-T)- Excell


Cousin(boy and ^s twin)-Minum-Ricky

yey! animation is hard but fun. now poses.... ANIMATE!.... aw poop. it looks like a piece of-


Guess that works, well thats basically all that there is to know, other than I am craving my new Zelda which was ripped from my grasp when we let our house. bye peoples.

I wonder if there are any typos up there in my speed mode.... ah well! farewell!

Our schedule is nearly back to the norm! and guess what movie we watched yesterday....?

Sherlock Holmes! oh man. talk about awesome. here's my fav part *Warning Spoiler alert!*

ya still with me? all righty then! this is right after a scene where Sherlock gets hurt (because an ebil guy stabbed him with a hook O-o) and all the awesome people are hitchhiking on a train.... Holmes stops breathing and stuff so Wattson(who BTW is a doctor) starts trying to bring him back to life and he's all: I know you can hear me you selfish (calls bad word o_O) when that doesn't work he starts punching him so the other peeps restrain him. then Wattson remebers the "wedding gift" that Sherlock had given him so he uses it(the wedding gift brings ppl back to life somehow. they used it on Wattson's bulldog after he "dies" again) and Holmes jumps up and he starts running around the car yelling about some random stuff. when he stops this is basically the exchange between Wattson and Holmes:

uhh, I can't remeber the first part.

Holmes:Why is my Ankle itchy?!

Wattson:because there's a piece of wood sticking out of it.

did you call me a selfish (bad word)


I laughed so hard. especially when Holmes Jumped up and went AUGGUHUHGHUGH! and ran back and forth. and Wattsons "probably".... I love that Duo. theres more I wanna talk about but I can't spoil the END too! that would be stupid...

I'll have an actual update tomorrow or later today....

oh, and 50% of the reason I love the Movies is because of the Music, really cool, it's easy (I just picked out the theme this morning on my violin no problem) but really fun to listen to and play. urm, been doing Holmes Fanart today/Yesterday got Holmes down. now.... Wattson... he's harder. XD maybe I'll start to post my work up on my Log. it'll give you something to look at anyway...

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Oh the horror! my tamas are only allowed on the weekends now... School, you suck. well expect me this weekend. uhm, new obsession? The Avengers, god Tony Stark is so fireaking funny T_T it make me cry that I can't have my babies now. not even the itty 4.5 T_T it's okay, I've got american cheeseburgers to make me laugh( Iron Man ref.) urghghgh, doodleing all over mah school work... BURGERS XD. yuss, burgers are all over my work. most of them have itty Tonys struggling to get on the top. everyone's thinking whut the- when they see theeemmmmm. I might do randomness posts on the weekdays? like this ^ oh, the wurld just keeps getting more and more depressing.

well all alone right now, but if Kendra were here this is what would happen:

It's art class nao..... :]


no! just loggin gwhile there's nothing to do! calm it!

I refuse, this is against the Law!

o rlly?


no. not really, logging is against the teachers rules, not the LAW. :]]]]]]]]]]]]* forever alone*

oh mai. your friend is watching us, does she tattle?.....

probably not.... Cynthia do you tattle?


we're all gud!

This is so weird.

Ya think? I think you're the first person on my log.

she is, just goes to show how depressing your life is, and how you like to waste it....

yes it does *forever alone*

you're very depressing right niw, this is a worthless post, you sure you wanna put this up?

Hurrr... art class again! hey you gais, :] how's life? send me some maaiiill XD c'mon guys, I wanna hear from you.

I like balooonnsss! XD

balloons are not compatible with cacti Kenna....

*pop* wah!


Got Kendra back now! so we can have awesome sauce XD

Yeeeeyy! balloons!

Kenna... you+balloons=No, just no.

I know right.... T-T

well look on the bright side! if you evolve tomorrow(or the day after depending on how messed up the pausing made your growth) you'll be able to play with balloons all you want!

but with my luck I'll turn into a fat tamagotchi and sit on the balloon T-T

PFFFFFFFF- no, you're gonna be an awsome character Kendra!

why did you have to try to supress laughter without really trying at all then?

because you were so er- wrong, it was ridiculous to think that- oh fine, I was imagining a fat girl tama sitting on a balloon and having a forever alone face pasted over her real one.

T-T too much info......

Nou! Kenna! don't cry!

I wanna leave now-

you can't! you're foever stuck the screen, wherever you go I can seee yooouuuuuuu O-o

you're a creeper ZuZu. and a stalker. Imma go tell the PE teacher that you're stalking me

Pshh, don't take the Cyber Bullying unit in THAT direction Kenna. Yuss, we're having a CyberBullying unit in fittness. well at least I don't have to run any more XD(has horrible life scarring asthma, guys, it sucks T-T)

have you ever been cyber bullied?

yes, but the way that girl was trying to be mean to me just made me.... laugh, it was pathetic. I think she damaged her own rep. instead of mine.

oh, so you're not scarred for life by it?

no, that's the asthma(T-T) but some times it can get really bad, bullying in any sense doesn't MAKE any sense.

Yes that's true... but don't you bully your brother every day?

that's not bullying, that's sibling love, plus I have an excuse to tell him to be quiet if he blows a kazoo in my ear don't I?

I HATE that Kazoo, he does it only to annoy. T-T

yuss, now lets go make him turn down his "Halo Driving School" video. it was funny the first hundred times but now?


.... that was the Halo Irony one, not driving school...

ouuuu...... stilll funnay tho!

now just to show how much I love Tony Stark (no not in that way, but he's so freaking funny I think love is the correct term, er, I love how funny Tony Stark is?)


*Audio from brothers video*


Guy: what was that?

Phil:er, I just farted

Guy:you can't just fart in the warthogg like it's your personal toilet.

Guy2: hey I just got some subway- HOLY**** what's that smell!

Guy:phil just farted in the warthogg

Guy2:wow, it just hit me in the face like-



yeah, seriously, I do NOT want to hear about soldiers and aliens talking about farts.

pleassee? 'w'

Bro:No way, *turns up sound really high*



Sorry folks, gotta strangle my brother now- ADAMMMMMMM!(not real name, but I can't go telling you all his REAL name)

Imma go help, better post this.

Lol. today was so hecktic!

I hate plastic bags.... and the shower T-T

you gais didn't even go anywhere NEAR the shower Kendra.

I thought the bathroom was scaary X[ there was a lot of fog and loud nosies and I couldn't hear anything! just this horrible noise that sounded like dying things T_T

that was my singing Rachel! it was good! I am a terrific singer... right Kendra?

that's the reason I hate the shower ZuZu, it makes you sing

you all wanna know what Rachel is? go back to the first page and you'll see my collection, Rach is the red one with jellybeans. a V2.

thats why I am in the color red! but my shell is so boyish...

I'm glad it's not pink or something, I hate pink and purple...

But you made my room a pink one, and it's like, mega pink.

buuut, it has an atrractive cluttered look, and I'm not gonna get a new layout anytime soon, that cost me lots of GP. which reminds me, we all went futon shopping today! XD fun right?

I STILL want that bunkbed ZuZu. I would have used it every single night.

yes, spend $500 on someone who stays with me for a week.

there should be a smilely that's the Gp symbol

Imma fat, cuz ZUZU isn't any good at any of the games. <_<

anyone think this log is super random?

yes, and I'm still a Cactus and Rach is still a blob.


well I'm done suckishly making this conversation flow, bye TT

uhm, just thought to say.... 800 views! you gais are awesome :] now our next target is 1000.... that and I busted out my v4 and turned of my v2. perseverence, lol. see you after dinner log! I'll tell you about MI-4 then. don't know what MI-4 is? well you'll find out...

yeeess here it is! the next post! now here is our REAL update

ohhhh.... you guys, being a cupcake does NOT suit me....(is a perotchi)

lol, er I am really cute! (is a memetchi on a v4)

yeesssss, erryone meet Eliza!

I was downloaded, so awesome sauce.

I am going to introduce Mara, Elizas mailbox... say haiiii!

I see how you tortured Steve,(and he looks like a gentleman) and I fully intend to be in charge, you all are NOT going to boss this box around, no sir!

calm down Mara! we couldn't boss you around if we wanted to, you have that kind of character....

watcha think we'd make you do anyway? theres not much that makes you squeal uncle.

Uncle? my uncle is a Kuromametchi.

sounds dreamy.... *sighhhh*

th-that's messed up! he's my god d*** uncle for crying out loud!

CHANGE OF TOPIC!!!! what did you guys think of mission impossible?

too many chase scenes, not enough men.


Eliza, no more about boys, ridiculous creatures.


almost alien if you ask me.

you guys are ALL aliens, I'm the only human here.

well I am a mail box,

(an alien mail box <_< )

what did you say?

nothing nothing.... <_<

boys're the best invention ever.... *dreamy*


well now the conversation is getting stupid I better power off-.

urrp. you guys. sorry! :] no serious logging til this friday, so say adios! we are gonna do some randoms, but that's it. I gotta hand in my tamas.

everyone: byyeeee!

My Mommy is soo meeaannnnn. T_T she took away all my computer and Tama ad gaming privleges just coz.... well it's a stupd reason. anyways some how my mom forgot to gather up mah little eggys, so they're paused and chillin' in my pockets. Eliza moved on and now I have her ickle son. I'm at school at te mo. it's a thirty minute break right now, so Imma log. Okay Kenna? and Neville?(HP ref. lol) you okay in there?

*muffled* it's so stuffy in here! you should get an AC or somthing.

KENNA! I wanna eat. Imma hungry. T_T

Well don't spill any-


-Thing. er. ZuZu? I think you need to wash your jacket.

<_< nice. well my jacket's gonna smell like Grapes now.

Imma sorry ZuZu.

'tis all good, 'tis all good

Neville! how rude of you!

aw give him a break he's a kid.

YOU can't say that, your still a teenager.

hay now. I'm the one caring for him, I think I have a right to have a bit of control over Neville right?

I love you ZuZu.. *wub* I don't like Mara.

aww. your so sweet!


tumbleweeds: what the heck?

all who are reading this deserve a big hug. I see I have another follower and another vote. thankee. :] well I got tons of free time so here goes.....


owwhhhhhhh.... that gave me a headache. -_- '

*bwah!* oh, you have it SO much better than I do Neville. I had to pee really bad. and I had to hold it in for WEEKS. The iDL's "pausing" works a bit differently.

All right you two. get your act together, the after-effects of pausing are nothing a tamagotchi should complain about.

Easy for you to say Mara, you can just go on vacation while we're paused. <_<

yup yup. I'm getting a cramp now... is this what it feels like to be old?

I- (ow) belive so.

I'm much older than either of you, and you seem to be in more pain than I am. so-

Just how old are you then? you don't LOOK old.

I... am fourteen human years old!


is that old?

you have no idea. I think humans are magical or somthing.

Your Guy's lifespan is just about equivelant of a typical insect. it's a bit short If I do say so myself.

Let's not talk about how long we live anymore, it's starting to make me feel a bit sad <_<

alright, tell us what we're gonna do for the rest of the day after TT. We have TONS of free time and we won't be paused for once :]

Professor Layton. Yeeeeeessssss. I LOVE professor Layton. bahahahhahhabehehheheheheeehehhheeeehehehe*fangirls*

oh no... why did you even ask?

It's been at least two or three weeks now that she's been talking about the Layton games... how much longer do you estimate it'll last?

oh too long. -_- ' she hasn't finished Diabolical box yet, so at least until she's done with THAT. She's already finished all the others, she's just doing the second one last for some inexplicable reason.

Welllll. I guess there's just no helping it is there?


I keep on crying at the end of the games, is that nor-


* a few minutes later *

-so instead of Valentines day you're reffering to it as "Single Awareness Day"?

yes. for all of us unlucky people who don't have a BF. though I don't think "unlucky" is the right term. For me it's more "indifferent" I don't need a boyfriend yet.

Oh how Neville's mom would love Valentine's day... *shudder* I'm glad she's gone -_- ;

Preposterous she was.

yes.... Now let's go play Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box! *drags off*

Urp! turn off the log at leas-

*this line has been disconnected*

Hoho! look who has kept up with kick-starting her log!

Ummm. Okay even I'm confused about what's going on with my tamas so I'll post stats:


Name- Neville :3


Age- 0

Stage- still a baby. I think Neville's gonna die of pause overdose :L

character- Babytchi

Weight-He's got big bones okay?



Gender- Female

Age-who knows anymore.

Stage- an Adult

Character-Perotchi :]

Weight- 15 pounds.

Stamps-two or three.... :/

So how yew gais doin' today?

tiredly. and can you please have me unpaused enough so I actually turn into a toddler? this is just sad....

but your sophisticated lanugage and your baby voice together are so cuuute! you shold stay that way forever.

I would be glad for him to at least become a toddler today, I don't wish to change his diapers as often as I do.

aw fine. I wonder what you'll grow into....

Hay so you know that girl from school with the v4 I talked about? today the japanese teacher said the word tamagotchi and she and I both looked up and squealed. or rather, she squealed and I thought about squealing.

ah, was that why you jumped a little during japanese?

yeah, I didn't know she still liked tamas but I guess so... I wonder if she has a tamatalk account, if you do, say hi :].

Well I still have yet to meet her. She met Leo and Eliza. your V4.5 and V4. I don't know how many she has but the one you saw her carrying around was a 4 right?... I doubt she has any colors tho. :\ pooey. I have yet to meet another of my kind.

Well colors ARE only sold in Japan, did you expect to meet any of your kind?

I-I'm not entirely sure. :[

Oh it'll happen some day. actually one of my friend's sisters had an iDL but she moved. :\

y-you're kidding me right?! you mean to say that I could have met another of my kind!!!!???? aw, now I'm depressed.. T_T

I have a question Kendra, even though you can speak to us in english can you speak in japanese?

Oh sure, I can switch if you like, ii, desu ka? Nihongo o hanasu.:]

er, what? Kownichwaaa me gusta? uh?!

Spanish isn't Japanese Nev. just sayin'

hehehhehheheheh. that... was hilarious XD

no kidding, (me gusta... <_< )

sorry, I'm only a baby geesh.

Oh don't even TRY that one on me, don't even TRY.

haydare. well I have no homework today, and I mean literally NO HOMEWORK O_O this is not no homework due tomorrow, not a project whose deadline is far off in the distance(or maybe a few days away instead) this is NO HOMEWORK. I don't even know what I'm working on next in any of my classes. T_T waahhhh... it's so beautiful.... Since Kendra was a lucky duck she went to school with me today :] so I'll summarize our day and we can talk after that.

oh btw, I had an odd period schedule today. these aren't all my classes. oh and each class is two hours long. poopy right?

first peroid-PE:

I got yelled at while we played basket-ball. fitness is the ONLY class I have major issues in :\. Kendra thought it was hilarious while I got verbally beat up by our teams "leader-ish" person.

third period-Art(love this class to death):

Was boring, I was tutoring my friend on how to draw cartoons and people. She keeps on wanting to give up tho :[. I better remember to bring my seventh grade sketch book.They all think I'm a prodigy or somthing, but if they found out how much time I spend practicing drawing.... they'd have a heart attack XD. I'm ALWAYS drawing or doodling. ALWAYS. one hundred percent of the time. Then Kendra helped me with matting the painting I did, she still doesn't get the whole "center of interest" and "rule of thirds" thing yet.That, and I drew Kendra when she was a sabosabotchi on the white board. Let's see if the other art teacher erases it... lol. he hates cartoony stuff.


it's only fifteen minutes, so I just got my lunch and ate it pretty much.

fifth period- Math:

had a test. aced it. :L was doodling for pretty much an hour and a half. I drew some professor layton characters and some Kendras. Kendra doodled a bit in the corner of my page, she's not bad a drawing y'know.... My friend Nick freaked out when he saw I was drawing tamagotchi's and he went on his "omg you're so obsessed" tirade again. Then he was a weirdo and sent all my paper flying, I hit him for that....


we spent helping my friend with her professor Layton games, she keeps on getting stuck on puzzles, so I was solving a few for her. I can burn through thoes games like a bandit. It takes me less than two days to finish a game. right now I'm replaying Curious village and I'm already halfway through. :\ curses. I brought out Kendra and my other friend said: Oh it's the fun one! and took her to play games. thank for asking... -_-

seventh period-Biology: We did some random activity about bunnys, It was very uneventful. Kendra was very confused about he whole inheritance thing, as thoes laws don't seem to apply to tamagotchis.The ONE entertaining thing that happened was that The teacher used our classes inside joke which set us all off laughing. :] for the majority of the time me and my lab partner just invented puzzles for eachother to solve to pass the time. I wrote her a few professor Layton ones which were fun.

okay now I'm done boring you with our day(heh) let's-

Oh finally! I was getting bored over here...

<_< hmmm....

I wish I could've gone to school. it's so boring being paused.

meh, school's pretty boring anyways. you sure you wanna hear a teacher lecture you about stuff that doesn't make any sense?

I TOLD you inheritance happens in every being except for tamagotchis. everything else. it works.

meh, the only interesting one was art. but ZUZU wouldn't let me touch the paint. <_<

That's because I don't want you to ruin your shell, it's all nice and pretty right now...

right right. and I'm an egg.


don't respond to what I just said okay? :|

ohkay. 'w'

Man your friends are so scary. they go all: WOOSH and I go all: WAHHH! and then they press random buttons trying to figure out what they do T_T

it's so funny how people are suprised at how much you can do with just three buttons. it's simple guys. first, select. second, enter. third, back.

IKR? your friends....: whao! how'd ya do that!!!!!

buh bye Kendra :,D I'll miss ya! She got married a few minutes before school began and she had a wonderful daughter, a momirotchi. I have named her daugter Katia. hur. gaming nerd over here. ANYWAYS Katia is a little Rolutchi. she made me very hungry during Japanese as I had a small breakfast and let's face it. she's a food item @.@ YUM. I love Japanese roll cakes. well on with my day.....

today was an even block....

second period-Japanese:

watched people try to read the text on my iDL fast enough and watched them get frustrated when it went away. I laughed my head off at that and this guy who couldn't say the word ju, pon(ten of somthing) he kept on say yuuupawn and I went: lol man. Katia turned into a little rolutchi during thoes two hours.

fourth period-Orchestra:

we played fun music. Concerto Grosso by Vaughn Williams. the songs are really fun but we keep on screwing up on the third movement :\ hard. the first two movements we got down pat and four and five we haven't really tried out yet. Katia was a sweetie pie the whole time and didn't poo or anything else. :] thanky Katia. My violin(whos name is Fred the Second btw) was out of tune when I first got him out, I wonder why......

sixth period- English: we had a boring test on Romeo and Juliet and we had to do quote responses. Katia said my coat pocket was very stuffy and that it should have better vetilation. I TRY you guys. I TRY.

All right lets start this entry! how are you today Katia?

Is this the "log" you keep talking about?

yes. this is the "log"

oh okay. Just wondering. did you really wanna eat me this morning?

er, that's not the topic of our conversation right now.

-Because I don't think I'd taste very good and I'm not really a-

(not the topic!)

-cake and I sometimes wonder why I look like one, it's not like it's very good camoflauge or it helps and-


Do tamagotchis HAVE any predators anyways? I mean it's not like we have-

Katia hush. please, you're killin' me over here.

Oh okay... :] so what're we going to do over midwinter break?

midwinter-? OMG I FORGOT. O_O I have a weeklong break starting today and I've got no homework at all for it!

yeah, so what're we gunna do?

I don't know, but now we have to sing fun songs to sing.


"we could've had it all, rollin' in the dee-ep"

oof, that's over done ZuZu :T

Fine, "Whatcha don't understand is, I'd catch a grenade-"

No no...

uh... "I gotta pocket gotta pocket full of sunshine, I gotta love and I know that it's all mine, oh, oh oh oh"

"do what you want, you're never gonna break me sticks and stones're never gonna shake me, oh, oh oh oh."


wait wait wait. what's next again?

IDK. more lyrics?

oh very helpful.

I'll have that song stuck in my head for the rest of the day now. <_< ah well.*hums "pocket full of sunshine"*

*hums with ZuZu*

oh this is the best way to pass by the day.....

*both* I gotta pocket, gotta pocket full of sunshine, I gotta love and I know that it's all mine, oh, oh oh oh....

urhrhhrrhhrhrhrhhrhrhrhrhrhrh my dad let me have one of his SD cards so as soon as I get some pictures I'll post em up kay? oh and I have a few of Kendra at Harry Potter world so thoes're going up too!
