ZuZu's Gotchi Zoo


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well put, ZuZu, derp.

that was rather awsome was it not?

hmmmmm.... I like my color!

your color? what color did you make yourself anywa-? oh, Poop.


your color is X-mas tree's color Arnold.

but X-mas isn't coming for a while ZuZu, I won't even be with you anymore.

but what if we decide to summon X-mas tree?(by changing the time)

then no one can tell you two apart! and then maybe I'll send you back to the north pole instead of X-mas tree!!!

uh- but YOU can see me ZuZu.

oh, well then, Derp.

Well are you going to Derp or tell TT what we did all day?

Well, first, I had some leftover thanksgiving Breakfast. (yum, gravy) then I watched my Dad play SimCity, then, Mom came home and she had a-

Basically what we did was go to GameStop and we bought RayMan Origins for X-Box, then we played it for three hours.

err, yes, I guess so.

Heheheh, it was fun just leaving you to die in that pit.

*shock* it wasn't fun! it was horrible!!!

No more horrible than you killing my over and over again by pushing me into that fire!

Now THAT was fun.

<_< Derp, Derp is the word of the day. and er, the weather is cloudy but clearing in iDL world

407 views! and page three! I've been logging for a month! what accomplishments!

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I'm sooooo tired... I was, erm, busy all day soo..
You weren't busy! you were playing Rayam all day... AGAIN!
Rayman's fun! and I got all the worlds except for Land of the Livid Dead, so it was worth it. and you weren't abandoned all day! I took you to see The Muppets!
that was a cute movie...
yes it was! now, time to sleep!
But you've only put in six lines-
Seven, now, go to sleep.
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Sorry peeps, Finals are in two weeks and the teachers are starting to realize, oh, yeah, we better work these kids butts off, so we have something to grade them on... so I can't play with My iDL (Boo) or update my log every day. :[ I will be back on the weekends, and in two weeks, every day again, so see you soon!

Arnold is currently a BokuHoshitchi, but paused...

bye bye log! and sorry!.....

:{[ daww, this is makeing me depressed

kay' we gotz some time here to log.

Time? more like no time.

Urm, yeah, actually I should be working on an essay right now.

Then why aren't you?

Because I have LosersLurgy.

You do NOT have LosersLurgy ZuZu, and not working and procrastinating are't symptons of LosersLurgy anyways.

You so sure?

Yes, LosersLurgy is just another way of saying someone is a bad loser, Luna(Lovegood) talks about it as if it's a disease, but we all know Luna...

Loser? I'm not a loser. whatever you think...

Steve? is that you?

Yes, how many mailboxes do you know? one, that's right.

erm, well there is the one on my V4, her name's Laura.

well I didn't know that! Now where's Rick? I have to ask him a question...

Steve? I don't know how to break this to you, but Ricky's gone, his son lives with us now. Steve? Arnold. Arnold? Steve.

Nice to meet you Steve.

Oh, what a gentleman! I like him, better than his father anyways.

was my dad really that bad?

Sorry, but yes, and ZuZu please change this ridiculous color you've made my words, it's complete-ly, oh, much better!

Steve, where've you put Piper?

About that...

oh, yeah, right, still can't find that dang V4.5

Sorry, but she's fine, still paused. I see you have more views the last time I checked. ;]

And ratings and followers.

Dang right we do! WHOOO!

I can't belive it, you didn't log yesterday? that's the first time in... in weeks!

well she was busy taking Biology Notes last night.

yes I was. and this will be the last for maybe two weeks.

you've gotten Rayman? that looks, er, time wasting.

Hush you, it's amazingly fun. one thing I love about it: It puts in some mature stuff but cover it up just enough so kids can play it, fun :]

here's a piccy (or three) of it:


this is what the game play actually looks like, and it's so fun and pretty! don't even get me started on the music, some of it cracks me up, (ie. Italian operas with a bass singing and a few Rabid-like voices joining in and the same voices singing and bubbling into water [underwater levels])the game is so pretty and artsy! here's some more gameplay piccys.


and here's some of that subtle adult humor, rayman's blowing up her skirt on purpose :rolleyes: poor betilla (the nymph)


okay, I think I'm done geeking. derp.

Ok, well, I fail.

Hey, so I found out what Punnet squares-what are you doing?

erm, working, i'm typing up my essay on To Kill a Mockingbird.

but you said we were going to work on Biology, and that's TamaTalk, not Microsoft word ZuZu.

Lagasp! how could you accuse me of doing such a horrible deed! on TamaTalk? me? never!

uh huh, and you totally aren't typing up every word I say.

How right you are! now go write down what Punnet Squares are in my biology notebook.


No buts! I'm busy!

ZuZu don't yell please I have a migrane and-

Steve! I was looking for you! now go on my moms PC and start writing an essay on To Kill a Mockingbird, and then you can go fold my laundry and pop me some kettle corn.


I do not wish to be informed about the Gluteus Maximus, now go finish that essay.

What if your teacher thinks you copied someone elses? you know your style is atrocious ZuZu so it isn't a good idea.

just go do it, and remember the kettle corn!

er, ZuZu?

did you finish my Bio notes?

ah, no, the pages were to heavy for my tiny arms.

well then get Steve to do it!

but Steve doesn't even have arms!

*sigh* here, *turns*

thank you... :D

did I just see Arnold give you "the cute face"?

yes, yes we did. :D

:3 :3 :3

so you're not so Emo after all...


Oops, old post reference.

nevermind, but what should I be as an adult? I've gotten a few care misses.

It was so Haaaaaarrrrrrrddddddd.


care misses, I hate those, they're too hard to get.

ooooohh kay?


YAY! lotsa views and another follower! my tamas give you a big hug! (go ahead! hug them!)

whut the- *Squish*

AHH-! *smoosh*

*sing-song*Guess what I found this morrrrrninnnnng!*sing-song*


that's right! my 4.5!!!

yes, but you found piper was dead.

oh, well, way to be a kill-joy. but yeah, it must've been squooshed by my back-pack or what-not. I admit I was a bit sad that Piper was gone...

sad? that's not very accurate, it was more like, "oh, poop, well let's start up this sucker."

way to be a kill- a kill-sad.

(Kill sad?)

anyways time to meet Pica!~

is this the log?

yes sweet :3

well I like it! and I love the color purple and you know what else I like? I like the word like, because, it's like, awsome, and like, everyone uses it, and, like-

Pica! remember? no child of mine will use that darn california like!

well, technically she's not your child. she's adopted.

I'm adopted? :c


so you didn't tell her she was adopted huh?

uh, oops.

well did you think steve was your dad Pica?

Yessum, He's my Daddy.

So am I your mommy? :3

No, you're ZuZu.

*dies* *pouty*

pffft. I'm totally not laughing at your expression.

don't mock her, it's not her fault she's not legit enough to be called "Mommy".

you saying I'm not legit?

in the most polite sense-

He doesn't think you're legit ZuZu.

*Swear word of choice*

-copy_and_paste- *Swear word of choice*


it isn't my fault Pica learned how to copy and paste! it was YOU who wanted her to be ahead in her education!

Pica, you must never say that word.


Todays word is Kill-Joy! and the weather is not snowy yet in iDL world.


is a Kuribotchi


is a BokuHoshitchi, on Pause except for when we do the log.

Oh, essay, how I hate you.

so still procrastinating?


Good Pica!

whelp, I'm too short on time(and motivation) to finish my log in a legit sense so let's fill the empty space with a comic! I found this :p and I love love LOVE this artist, his stuff is so Funnay! now let's look for a kid-appropriate one...


Link! XD

stats: the same.

ITS FRIDAY FRIDAY! ZOMG. so happy... so everyone is un-paused until log is over,





I better put Pica to sleep,

the the friday log just started! what are you?

A mailbox.

I agree with Steve, Pica looks tired.

Naw, I'm not tired....

Let's put you in bed, shall we?

noooowwaaaa! Idunwannnaadadaaaaaaa.

pshh, let her stay up.

Like we can trust your opinion.

My mom just deleted all the info on my iDL :[ But I still got my 4.5... My iDL won't be on the log for about a week, but I might push batteries upon my other favorite. Music star! so as soon as I find my tama box, I (might) take the batteries out of the 4.5 and put it in the Music star. today it's only Pica, Steve, and me.

This was just not our week was it? two deaths, the last death before that was more than a year ago!

I know steve... I know.

Would anyone care to explain to me why I'm still a Kuribotchi?

Finals dearie, soon as they're over ZuZu'll have all the time in the world for you.

well that's fine with me, but I would like to be a teenager at some point, getting stuck with the pre-school teacher is extremely boring. she just goes on and on about the alphabet, I'd like to learn about Genetics, or maybe start working on algebra.

I don't think you'd quite understand that though sweetie.

here, look at my textbook.

oh! this makes sense!

it does?...

yeah multiple allels make one gene.and Incomplete dominance, co-dominance, dominance...oh! punnet squares! we've worked with these right?

are you feeding her steroids?



Awesome! But I'm still a Kuribotchi <_<

don't worry Pica, all this pause time'll add up to X-mas, you might be there to witness it.

yeah! if you're not too old to get married I'll keep you until X-mas, same with anyone else that I may turn on.

I hope you aren't planning on giving my batteries to that music star, because that would be a horrrible thing to do, I've been on Pause forever, and it's like being in a coma, no, it's like being in the Quiet Box.

I don't think anyone knows what the quiet box is on TamaTalk Pica.

well almost 9:00! g-night!

<_< this was stupidly short-

Am I the only one who dreams about my tamas or...

It's only you.

I do not Belive this is true, I hypothesize that most of the users on Tama Talk do dream about their tamas, but it's not at the point of obsession whre they can remember, I further Hypothesize tha-

*clamps hand on mouth of annoyingly genius Tama*


Well her hypothosis is very impressive if I do say so for myself.

Well it annoys me that she's smarter and more intelligent than me, so there.

But at least she's your level now, you're both teens. you know, instead of getting mad at her you can make her do your homework. she's itching for some homework you know.

would you do that for me Pica?


Oh noes Pica! you're starting to have a british accent! you're taking after Steve!

does anyone know I have a british accent on Tama Talk?

Well now they do! and I don't know if they know I'm american either, so there you go, totally american here.

Just been reading through the old posts here, there's so many grammar mistakes!

well ZuZu isn't exactly getting an A in Lit. is she?

Nope, which reminds me I better work on her essay.

yes, have fun.

I will! now... muttermuttermutter

You working on my essay?

well I found it too atrocious to edit so I started over.

<_< thanks.

you're quite welcome.

So hows that essay coming along?


Speaking of school... how'd you like MY school?

The Best! I loved all the classes except for art and Orchestra, those were too boing-hard.

In BOTH of thoes classes you were playing games with my friends the whole time!!!

well whatever.

I can't wait to start my music star, it'll appreciate Orch. which reminds me, I love harry potter and the movie's sound track, but I hate how the string orchestra... GETS THREE MEASURES OF MELODY! the rest of it's scales( 12 note per beat? no thanks) or whole notes. why?..... four pages? one measure per page of melody. it's short though, beauty and the beast is 13 pages long, and Aladdin is 15. Aladdin is so much fun!

Done ranting?

Yes, yes I am.

yay! Log ist here!


what's up?

The survey.

Oh come on Pica, that was only ten people,

it was Horrible!

Tama talk is in the dark about this survey so...

Basically I survey ten people to guess whether Pica is a girl or a boy and 6 of 10 said they thought she was a boy.

I'm so offended! one of your friends said I looked demented!

you look amazing Pica, don't let ZuZu's friends do that to you.

So are you still doing my homework or....

Sure, but if you EVER do that sort of thing again...

Nooooo!!!!! finals draw nearer and nearer.... I'm so sorry Pica! & Steve & Tama Talk... grrrrr....

whelp as you may see my Posts as of late have been atrociously short, not informative, stupid, and lack any zest. I might not have a chance at Logging for the next week or so, but I'll try. As soon as the date hits the 15th I'll be over this Huge,annoying summit and my posts will be back to the good ol' long Dialouge, a few pics every day, and other good things...


My school seems to be celebrating X-mas, we got endless free cookies and icing to top thoes cookies :D there were a few giant X-mas trees on campus for ppl to decorate with foam ornaments that you can write messages and draw pictures on.

yayz go school. I really want it to be the 15th already... c'mon Vacation!!! speaking of the vacation... I'll keep on posting from my destination about my vacationing tamas, there'll be tons of fun, rollercoasters, and TON and TONS of running tamas, maybe five or six? or is that too much?... I know I'm running my V4.5 My V4 and My iDL but I am considering to add to that list... Music star? probably. I might order a TMGO for the trip to keep me occypied on 6 hour plane flights. and then there's the rest of my collection whom I will prob. bring just in case. lol. any suggestions? any at all? if so you can PM. BTW I am NOT running that V5.5 of mine. talk about boring...

Finals kill, I swear... Most of my week-days are gunna be: work work work work, oh, and did I mention work? two hour long tests T_T but on the 15th I will be free!!!! I wanna join the twelve days of x-mas hatch but if I have to wait till the 15th to log can I still join? I wonder.... yayz, really want a TMGO now. hah. well see you in an eternity five or so days tamas-log!

well at least I have art which is during the finals week a two hour long par-tay and orch which is likewise relaxing.

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Yay! a few minutes of NOT being paused!

well let's give the readers a taste of what the log will be like! :D

one per tama:

Inset picture here

Insert dialouge here

yey, adventure!

what? what was that supposed to mean?

you need to work on your vocabualy young lady!

but... but yey isn't a word...

too bad! I like yey better than yay.

Oh... *nyoronyoro*

what's up? not feeling well?

I don't think I want to go on the plane trip to Orlando... WHAT IF WE CRASH?! WE'LL ALL DIE!!!

Daddy? the plane isn't going to crash, you know that. and just think of how fun Harry Potter World is going to be.

I'm going to be sick.

we're about a week from the flight Steve, there's no need to be nervous right now, save the nausea for the flight.

So you want Daddy to throw up on the plane? if he gets over his nasea now we won't have to clean up the post that has just come in during the flight.

So that's what he hurls huh? the mail.... can you get new mail on a plane? I mean, can Nazotchi fly?

I don't know how Nazotchi does it, he just can...

erm, hehm, SO what're we gonna do down in Florida anyways?

First we're landing in Orlando after a six hour flight, then, we're going to our hotel near Universal Theatres, then we're spending two days at Universal, one, at Harry Potter world, the other exploring the rest of the park. then it's off to grandma's to spend the rest of the holidays! Over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house we go...

Are the lines long at Universal?

Hecka long. which is why I'm going to spend the line waiting time doing dialouge logging with my trust old DSi! Yey! adventure!

I don't think that I want to go on any roller coasters either.... :[

well well well! what happend to mr. Machismo:

*fake Steve Voice by ZuZu*: I can take on a roller coaster any time, anywhere!

Well I was young then,

young? you don't age, and that was a few weeks ago, not a few years.

Oh, he's very grown up, and a wonderful Father *Wubs daddy*

y'know what I wanna get from Harry Potter world as a souvenir? MY OWN WAND!

Oh god, not the WAND again. I better turn this off before her ranting gets out of hand.

-and I wanna swishy with pheonix feather and cypress-

The worst of the storm has gone!....

yes, all you people who have the time to read my log, I- ZuZu, have finished the biology final,

well you just barely scraped an A so I guess you're off the hook, but even if you think the other classes are easy you should still study for them.

way to be a spoil-sport! *sing* I fininshed my bio finals, I finished my bio finals *sing*

*wakes* huhghu? what? we were taking your finals and- how'd you sneak your laptop past the teacher-?

Oh Steve, :rolleyes: you fell asleep!

I told you that you should have gone to sleep earlier than three! but noo... you HAD to check ZuZus notes on Rh+ and Rh-....

what did I do wrong?

you taught your daugter too well Steve. but what I wanna know is why Pica is flipping out about you and doesn't give ME a second glance, I mean. I stayed up til' 3AM too.

Well Steve has a heart problem.

And going to sleep at three is bad why?

Wait- I have a heart problem?

er, I need an excuse.

and you know what I got an excuse for? getting lots of CR2032 batteries for free!

why do you need so many, my battery'll last for at least another week, so...

it's for dat music star! I had only one useable battery left so when we went to Frys (computer geek store, err, my dad took me) I bought two new batteries.

you said lots, but you only really got two?

these batteries last for at least a month in tamagotchis, so I'm all fuled up for a while, but it doesn't mean we're getting any less ripped off. <_< those batteries last years in watches.

which reminds me, let's everybody meet Amanda! *pushes batteries into purple(yuck) with stars music star*

wh- what? But I don't wanna play the Violin, I'd rather keep playing my electric guitar ,thank you very-

hi Amanda!

wait, what-

don't wanna waste batteries! bye Amanda! * tabs up and removes batteries (like a bawz)*

That was.... that was messed up.

well if I don't have the TIME for her she'd get neglected! that'd be worse.

That was a very odd looking tama, it had no antenna and yet it was more technologically advanced than us?

I hate antennas, now, pop quiz Pica! who's that tamagotchi! (like who's that pokemon, gettit? get-? oh never mind... <_< )

Amanda is a Mimitch, but is that even physically possible? you're such a bad care-taker.

am not! at least I don't get Gozarutchi and Kunoitchi...


I wanna doit again!



well as you can tell I am extremely happy I got the Biology Finals finished, the rest are a breeze. so I'm just hanging back at the mo. but I gotta study for an hour or two tonight anyways. I got chocolate from a friend and the flavor made me think of my violin teachers house. random I know, don't worry, quality updates are coming on friday! includeing pictures, conversation, and three or so tamas! oh and there's steve. ;] well I may or may not have time every-day to do this so bear with me til' thrusday! Poor pica, still a teen... :[

last thought: I hope my tamas like my new jacket, they better O_O the inside of the jacket and the pockets feel like thoes plush stuffed animals. so waarrrrrm!

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Come on thursday! you're almost here! just a day til' my Vacation will have begun!

and it's determined, Pica is definitely coming to Harry Potter world! oh come ON thursday.

oh, and I better- *unpauses Pica*

Bwah-! I had to hold my breath for HOURS ZuZu! would you wait until I'm in a comfotable position before pausing me?

of course Pica, and guess what? you're gonna get to visit Harry Potter world with me! you still being a teen, well, I'm going to marry you during vacation.

Fine by me, and look ZuZu, I think Daddy is calm enough to go on the plane now.

are you Steve?

I think so, though it is a bit frightening still.

it's ok, you'll see how easy and safe it is on the plane. :]

I hope so, are you still planning to bring all off your tamas to Florida?


(shh! too loud!) and who will you be running?

well I'm going to re-start my iDL, and download my Music star Amanda (with whom you met yesterday) and I'm going to start them both tomorrow. oh, and you guys'll be staying with me as well.

I hope you take good care of the ones you're re-starting, and please check on all of us at least once every hour, I know we'll all be playing Zelda, but sometimes you don't notice when we need a bit of help.

well I'll try, but you might not be so luck to be able to hold my attention long enough to get you back to minimum weight. I er- I might just feed you snacks instead.

but I'm not sure if any of the snacks'll be left, the way you pigged out at the party... *shudders* I'm not sure we'll survive.

Hey! that was a party I was supposed to pigg out. and that party was amazing and you know it. I love art class now... :]

you just drew pictures of Link all over the white board, I don' think that counts as partying.

what do you know ms. Study pants, that was the main attraction, the room being full of ninth grade artisits and all. somone wrote a rap about link on the board, and my friend drew tons of dragons :] the white board looked so boss up there, one of the white-board markers was yellow, so I colored in all five Link's hair on the white board.

hey after the party I was paused, what did you do with the extra candy?

( I had to bring candy for the party) I threw all the candy into a mob of boys passing by, they fought over the candy. it was so scary.... they were a swearing and calling each-other *swear words* and such. I think high-school boys are sugar deprived. o_O

ya think?

Leo was a bit like that..

you're lucky that you passed the Math Final without un-pausing me, if you needed my help for that test almost as much as you did for the Bio. one- *shudders*

hey, chillax Pica. Maths is easy ;]

you can't even say math the right way.

that's the "cool" way to say math

so cool nowadays means stupid?

<_< meanies


so, yes, more excited posts, and I promise a quality update on thursday, I have friday to the end of the winter break off so two weeks of awesome updates, coming your way. I no longer have to study my pants off, whoo! so if you didn't catch it in the dialouge:

  • Pica is still a little tea-pot short and stout, here is her handel- oh, went a bit too far with that ;]
  • I will be running a V6 an iDL and of course V4.5
  • we WILL keep logging during the vacation and the log will be oriented around that
  • The pictures will return, the iDL will have actual pictures, and the Connection series ones will have blown-up, made in MS Paint pixelations since the actual pictures aren't good.
  • and I will continue with the cute dialouge cuz they're fun ;]
  • No more pausing! oh yea!

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whoa, what the- *yells to other room*ZUZU! YOU LEFT THE REPLY TO YOUR LOG ON!

ssit on? oh, yawawawwawn.whelp, I guess we could do another update bu-yawawawawannn

bu-yawawawan but I'm so tired, it's 4:00 PM

ZuZu. it's only 4 you can't be tired already.

bu-awawwaawn, I amumumun....

And you yawn really wierd, most people just go yawn, but you go yawawn like you're yawning in a car driving over a really bumpy road ^_^ '

weawaawawwn.... well, I like sleeping in cars, we're talking about cars right?

not really I was just-

y' y' yawawwawan y'know, riding in the dark reminds me of vacation, cuz we all- awwwwwwnnn always are going on planes early in the morning and getting off late at night.... and driving from the plane to

the- the- thawawawawan, the final destination always seems to take at least an- an- awawaanur.

a what?

sorry, an hour.

you gonna wake me up early in the morning on sunday?

n- n- nawawawawan no, we're leaving pretty late actually, at one pm...

so I'll be awake by that point then, cool, I really am looking forward to the trip. take tons of pictures of me infront of random stuff, that'll be fun.

y- y-youaaaaawwwwnn and my music start and iDL are all gonna get lots of pics taken of you....

well I can't wait to meet your other tamagotchis, just being with Steve all the time is so boring.

I think I'm over my yawning fit now. well would you like to know what Amanda is like?

sure, we didn't get properly introduced the other day.

well she's very nice, and stuffs, but she will not budge if you ask her to do-change something to a way she doesn't want it. I think you got a taste of that the other day, I wanted her to get into classical music but she resisted. so yeah. She's really sympathetic though so don't worry, if Steve gets to be too much she'll be there to be awesome. and, er, I guess if I get to be too annoying you can complain to her, but that's just kind of weird.

that would be a bit weird, you talking to me about how she's so sympatheitc and all.

She's dangerous, she uses her Mimitchi-ness to an advantage <_<

O_O Scary.

but over-all she's a great person(no, tama- wait- what?)

er, person is fine, ^_^ '

okay then, person.

how'd you describe me?

hmmm.... Smart, cute, funny (according to your skill points) and a daddy's girl. organized, but still a cool person.

I'm so glad you're over the phase where you were a nerd to the extreme *shudders* it's still in there but at least you act fun now ^-^

yay! are you SURE you don't like the nerdy side of me? *evil*

ah no! the return of the Study-nut!

Haha, was I really THAT bad?

yes, but now you're smart AND cool, Steve is responsible for the genius and I don't know anyone else who could teach you to act normal more than... me I guess.

We Don't act normal though! *smile*

oh fine... ^_^

are you two studying?


so you've just finished or you're about to start?

No daddy we're just hanging out.

Oh... *looks crushed and walks away*

Oh no, I think I made him sad :[

He thinks he's not cool enough to "hang out" with you Pica. don't worry, he'll be fine. But He's still not sure whether he can be your friend or not. It's too late, he's been "Daddy" for too long. he was Leos best buddy, so he's a little confused right now...

well bye bye log! gotta go shopping now...

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Soon as my daddy gets home (yes I still call my dad daddy even though I'm a freshman, got a problem with that?) I'll get to do a picture update, but in the mean-time....


Not so loud!

sorry Pica, but guess what?


Harry. Potter. World.

Aw, hell, you're starting to make me excited. ^_^

Me too! Me too!

sounds really amazing. ^_^

wait, waiiiiiit. I haven't introduced Kendra yet have I? I know TT met Amanda. but Kendra was born this morning.

I am Kendra, but TT can call me Kenna, who's TT ZuZu?

TT is an online website Kenna.

well I like it! am I gonna be a Lauvlitchi ZuZu?

If we're unlucky.

but Lavu is sooo pretty!

I don't know, I like Meloditchi better.

Exactly, Melody is amazing, she's my Fav. >_<

I like Lavu, she looks so delicate

Well I don't. Oh look guys, the next update'll be page four.


we better do the pictures tonight.

yes we should! oh, better go practice, *practices electric guitar*

I cannot belive I'm STILL a Teapot. I mean, I've been this way for at least a week.

I don't like me being Kingyobotchi for, uh, a few hours.

*plays crazy electric hard metal ACDC music*

I'd still like it if you'd play the violin like me. I'll be more fun.

No! I'll never trade! I'm to cool to do the violin!

So cool you have a Koala bear stuffed animal.

well we're stuck with our childhood toys until we have kids, so that's the only reason I have it. It just sits up on my shelf all the time.

I just saw you cuddling and talking to it a few minutes ago. o_O

<_< fine, I occasionally use my Koala.

Can I play with the little fluffy bear? ;u; *reaches for koala*

Don't touch Mr.Wubble-Kins! he doesn't like babys!

-__-' "Mr. Wubble-kins"?

Black maaiiiillll.


Oh my goshness, It's almost vacation time! and it's already break time! now... stats... we need them more now I'm running three at a time ;]


Name: Pica


Training: only 6 filled! oh noes!

Age: apparently one, but we know better

Skillz: epic.

Job: student of a Autotroph

Weight: 15 pounds

V6(music star):



Age: 4 I guess. ^-^

Skillz: 999 (so bawz)

Music genre: Rock n' Roll

Weight: 25 pounds


Name: Kendra [Kenna]

Character: Kingobotchi


Weight: 5 pounds

Weather: It's not snowing. it's pouring rain -__-'
