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Which games do you have Kenza? You have Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass right?

Those are the only ones I DO play. Ocarina of Time. Oldies FTW.


Since I'm not a double poster, look at this awesome video.

These guys are amazing.

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OoT and MM!! Woot. <3 I'm lovin' MM right now, but it still can't compete with OoT for my favorite. I actually finished the snowhead temple yesterday though! 8D

Guess what you guyses? There's an Ocarina of Time Abridged Series that is actually funny! 8D Here, i'll post the link...

So yeah... enjoy! Apparently this guy also made a Twilight Princess abridged. Maybe I'll watch that one next. x3

Well, if you're in the Palace of Twilight, then you don't have much farther to go. Just finish up in there and then you just have Hyrule Castle, which actually isn't that difficult. The final battle wasn't too difficult either, so when you have time just finish it. btw, i just watched that spirit tracks thing, it was amazing. The recorder part is cool. I have a recorder, I should try playing it. Oh and that reminds me I'm still upset that I can't find my ocarina.

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Of all things, Jae, I'd think you'd say that the hands weren't scary or something like that. xDDDD You're full of surprises. You should really finish it. o;

I had a terrible urge to play OoT all weekend, but I've been too busy to sit down and play for a good while. DD:

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Oh C'mon Jae! The hand moves at, like, one mile per hour! It's not that scary!

Krystal, are you at the water temple yet in OoT? That's where my friend gigi stopped playing. She hasn't played in a while. I told her she needs to play bc the mini-boss is dark link.... lol. She doesn't care tho. xD I actually didn't think the water temple was that hard the second time I played it. The only part I hate is when you open a door and the Like-like is right there and it ate my shield and zora tunic twice! D:< I had to reset so i didn't lose them for good.

Oh, I was just watching that Twilight Princess abridged series and I was cracking up. xD One of those shadow monsters sees Link's hand with the triforce, and he says "Kids these days and their glowing tatoos!" in that annoying elderly voice. lmao

I'm on my way to the Water Temple, Pais. Although, the next time I play, I may work on sidequests for a little while and then get to the temple. It depends on my mood, lol. I want to fight Dark Link! 8D I think...

let's see... it's been awhile, but i think what I did was if the hand started coming down i'd just pick up the sol and chuck it across the room. Depends on where you're trying to get it. while you're working on something else you're gonna want to stop and move the sol every once in a while, but if you can make it out then grab the sol and run for your life.

Krystal; Dark Link seems like an extremely difficult mini-boss, but the strategy's really quite simple. If you Z-target him and try to attack he'll just mimic your attack and you'll be slashing swords until the end of time. So... I found that you can just run up to him without targeting and mash the B button. xD It honestly works.

Man, it is so hard to get back into video games. I turned on Twilight Princess and I was all lolwuh. I looked at the dates I last played both my files. My first file was December, 2008. My second file was last year in May. I turned it on and had to get used to Link's movements. Most importantly, the fact that he can't jump. And he runs really weird. xDD

I attempted the STAR game. I always have, like, one left or something. I'm like BAAAAAAAAARGH. Oh. I also brought the barrel of spring water to the Goron.

Does anybody know what you're supposed to do with the little puppies you befriend? They're so cute. :D After he brought back the bone, I picked him up and then I was all, "Uhhh. Now what do I do with you......-jacks puppy-" I attempted keeping it, but it didn't work. xD

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I dunno, as far as I know the puppies don't have any purpose in the game. But they are adorable. And the cats. It's so cute how they follow Link around. x3 For some reason I really want to start a new TP file again. Even though I'm working on MM and already started new files on OoT and WW that I never finished, lol. I haven't made any progress in MM since last time though.

The reason I want to play TP again is probably because I've been watching the abridged series, which is hilarious, and reminded me how much i loved that game.

Does anybody know what you're supposed to do with the little puppies you befriend? They're so cute. :D After he brought back the bone, I picked him up and then I was all, "Uhhh. Now what do I do with you......-jacks puppy-" I attempted keeping it, but it didn't work. xD
I don't think there's anything you can do with them, but they are sooooo cute. The kitties, too. :3 And right by the STAR game, did you see the three girls that fangirl over Link? :'DDDD Pais, Jae, and Krystal.

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Right? I call the one with green hair. xD

Maybe I'll play Ocarina now. I have absolutely NOTHING to do. Wish me luck in the Water Temple?

Oo. Theres a funny TP abridged series? Link please? :D lolpun

^Lol, yeah, that was a good pun. xD when i sent my friend the link i'm like "ya.. literally". Okay, here you go:


I still haven't watched all the episodes, but from what I've seen it's sooo funny!

And Krystal, didn't we already establish that those fangirls were us? I seem to remember this conversation.

And Jae, good luck in the water temple! Actually, the second time I played through the water temple, it wasn't that bad. And then of course there's dark Link.... In my OoT file right now I'm before the shadow temple. I don't know when I'll play that again. I need more video game time, there's so much i want to play and so little time... and not just zelda games, but others too. I also want to start Metroid Prime soon. I recently found it in my video game cabinet gathering dust, never been played. I totally forgot I had it. But that's totally off topic right now.

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