Now that i'm not sick anymore, i probably won't be able to play until friday/ the weekend. I'll see if i can figure out how to get to the first dungeon. xD I like the Termina Field theme, it's kinda similar to the OoT theme, only it resembles the LoZ theme a bit more. And it has a cool kinda rhythm behind it. I dunno, i thought it was cool. I had, like, no rupees before i left clock town, and after i did i suddenly filled my wallet. But then before I saved i forgot to deposit them in the bank....... oh well, first thing next time i'll go out to termina field and get some rupees, and then buy the maps so i'm not always lost....
Also, my system must have had some saved data for the Majora's Mask game already, bc the actual game was new in the box, because there was a file on it with all 24 masks and all hearts and everything. o: I wanted to just use that one and be like "Woot i beat the game already go me *plays with different masks and stuff*" but i decided to delete the file before i got too tempted. xD