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While you were flying, there was an airplane race and they wooshed you back tot he ground. Now everytime you fly, there always seems to be a helicopter/airplane/etc. that wooshes you down.

IWIH the whole Urban Decay line! Woo!

YWIGB theres no potatoes D:

IWIH a cute, nice sweet Boyfriend *edit*handsome

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YWIGB He has some weird issues...umm....he never cuts his nails and they are like....5 feet long (ewwww....)

IWIH the ability to eat as much chocolate as I want and never get pimples....

But, We all left then the earth exploded with you on it.

I wish I had anything I wanted whenever I wanted it, but the stuf couldn't break, burn, explode, is waterproof, and could not implode. It could also not be damaged.

YWIGB the stuff tastes like chocolate and you get 100000000000000000000000000000000 ants in your house.

IWIH sprite.

YWIGB the bunny is actually Ron Weasley,who an unregistered Animagus.

IWIH a Snape action figure.With batteries included.

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YWIGB i doesn't have batteries included and i doesn't work with batteries or anything else.MUHUHAH!

IWIH a the biggest most delicous creamy vanilla cupcake with choclate icing(the best),and rainbow sprinkles.

YWIGB there was no cake in the just icing and sprinkles

IWIH the super awesomely bright pink nail polish I want....Pink Punk

granted: the nail polish is so bright it outshines the sun and blinds everyone on earth.

I wish I no one made fun of me at school

YWIGB the codes are written in some ancient language that no one in this world can understand

IWIH a cellphone type of watch necklace

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