Your reasons for getting uninterested in tamagotchis?


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Aug 29, 2011
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What are your reasons for losing interest in tamagotchis? Whether it be losing interest permanently, or if you lose interest for only a few weeks/months and then get back into them? What are your reasons for the loss of interest?

The reason I fell uniterested in tams (And pretty much most things I became uniterested in) Is because I became interested in something else. I got back into tamas though recently. I realized how much I love Dreamitchi and Tensaitchi. Even better I learned about Maisutatchi. So adorable <3

Well, I was too caught up with schoolwork and mid year exams, so I got back into them now, although my final exams are coming, since I need something to take off stress. Plus, when I was trying to study it was sort of getting to me. Also, for some reason I was getting bad care characters all the time so that was driving me a little nuts

I drift in and out of my interest in Tamagotchis, but as others have stated: it's usually because something else comes along. The break always does me good, though; I'll go through phases where I spend most of my downtime catching up on books I've been meaning to read, and so forth.

I got interested in other things, such as Sims. Also, Tamagotchis are very high-maintenance, which sucks because I have school.

Sometimes its just because I really can't be bothered to look after them. I just find something cooler and I kinda forget about my Tamas. Also because I get really busy and have no time for them.

I feel bad now. :/

i got uninterested in tamagotchi sometimes because i must have got interested in something a little bit too interesting that would attract me to it.

I got uninterested in tamas because I started getting into soccer, and because I was getting bored of having to play generation after generation of the same tamas. Tamas get very boring after like the 5th generation. Especially if it's like the v4, when after you get all the characters you want, you have like nothing to do. Since I was into tamas around the v4 and v4.5 age, it wasn't fun. Especially with the v4.5, with only like three charries I wanted that were actually pretty.

I tried getting back into them like a couple of months ago, but ragequitted as I didn't like having to stare at a pixelated screen waiting for the dang thing to do the potty dance so I could get training points. It seemed like every darn time I looked away the thing pooped so I never got any training points. Raggeee.

For me I don't really get "Uninterested," but there are periods where I don't pick them up or play with them at all. It happens when my school semesters start and stop, there's a period in the beginning of the semester where I'm doing nothing but racing between classes, figuring out my schedule, rushing through bookstores, and figuring out how I'm going to work in practicing when they're on pause. When I get everything in sync then I get to turn them on again and play as muc as I want. The last three weeks or so of class they go on pause or sleep as well because I'm in concerts, I'm frantically practicing, studying, and taking my finals so I don't have the time to play when they need me and I do feel bad when they get upset and fly off (or die, depending on how you look at it).

Really there are just times in my life where I have to go without them because if I concentrate on my Tama's then I'm going to end up missing something important, and in College you can miss anything.

I haven't lost interest recently but I came back and I don't know why. But this time I'm here to stay! I lost interest because I got caught up in my DSi and I got bored. :)

I just got back into Vpets earlier this year. But for the past two months I haven't played with one. I believe it's due to my hectic schedule. I played with my Vpets mostly during summer (about 3 Vpets at a time) when I only had one class at a time to worry about. Now I have 4 classes at a time on top of my two jobs and my social life is sprouting a little more because I recently got out of a nearly 3 year relationship. I'd really like to start up at least one Vpet soon but I really don't know when is a good time. I'm constantly busy now.

I only just recently got back into them. I lost interest because school and practice exams were getting in my way, but now that I'm on holiday i can start playing with again. Although my final NCEA exams are next week and i have being studying really hard for them and haven't had the time to start up a tama :(

I will be starting one up probably tomorrow, as i miss playing with them sooooooo much! Then i can get back into logging and tamatown.

So basically the main reason why i lose interest is because of school. I also tend to drift in and out of interest with tamas, i don't know why. But I'm back into them now and probably will be for a while!

Sakura-San123 <3

I've lost "interest":in them for a while due to an unforseen move by my mother.

She gave away my collection box to charity, by mistake I might add, thought it was meant to go to charity cause it was right by my door. It contained some expensive Tamagotchis, and some less expensive ones, but it was my whole collection.

Due to that, I've had no Tamagotchi for a while and lost interest, then I saw the Tama-go appear on stage, and thought well it may be time again to buy me another one, and try to collect more again. So here I am, back in business, and up an running a Tama-go.

I've never really lost "interested" in Tamagotchi in it's real definition, i've always liked/loved Tamagotchi, but I rather not have my new collection thrown away again, and that's why I waited till I moved out.

Hmmm, I would say if something else distracts me. The only tamagotchi I played through the summer was my color and when the batteries ran out I waited about a month or two before buying new ones and playing them again. Sometimes its just the lack of batteries that put me off of them for awhile.

I guess the times I stopped playing I just got bored of having to CONSTANTLY take care of a tamagotchi that would keep dying on me on top of my busy schedule. My friends and I stopped playing them I think because we just got bored of the older versions, but we got back into them because of the newer versions ;)

Because they suck, well, that's personal opinion, but... Naw, that's not a detailed answer.

Opinions: Because they are so high maintenence, there are things MUCH, MUCH better then Tamagotchis, the fact that the characters look uninspired, Bandai running out of ideas, it being discontinued, the Virtual Pet style is bland and unoriginal, and, well, what the crossed out answer said.

Well, there's school, gaming, tennis, piano, busy scedule stuff, etc. So yeah, I gave up on it. Plus, staring at it for hours waiting for it to take a dump is odd.

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Because they suck, well, that's personal opinion, but... Naw, that's not a detailed answer.

Opinions: Because they are so high maintenence, there are things MUCH, MUCH better then Tamagotchis, the fact that the characters look uninspired, Bandai running out of ideas, it being discontinued, the Virtual Pet style is bland and unoriginal, and, well, what the crossed out answer said.

Well, there's school, gaming, tennis, piano, busy scedule stuff, etc. So yeah, I gave up on it. Plus, staring at it for hours waiting for it to take a dump is odd.
Makes me wonder why you're on a forum for fans of them. <_<

When I first got my tamagotchi, I was probably around the age of 11 or 12, I loved them. But I guess just like everything else, the excitement wears off. Once V.2 and V.3 came out, got those and was entertained for quite awhile again, but as before, lost interest.

Anyways it's been a couple years since I've really started getting back into them. But I've always been into nostalgic things. Tamagotchis were around when I was little back in the 90s, I've never had one myself, but like Furbys they've been kind of the in-toy everyone was talking about. Since I've never had one as a child, I've gotten into them more when I've gotten older. Now I'm working on starting my own collection :) . I'm hoping to someday have collected all of the different models and versions. Gives me something to work towards ^_^ .

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