Your reasons for getting uninterested in tamagotchis?


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are the best toy in the world, is the best that Bandai has done, hopefully not disappoint usBandai, and the follow tamagotchis doing better than ever!

are the best toy in the world, is the best that Bandai has done, hopefully not disappoint usBandai, and the follow tamagotchis doing better than ever!

I was obsessed with v-pets for about 10 years. I lost interest because a few things.

1.Tamagotchi got to be to much like a game in newer versions instead of a pet for me.

2.I burned myself out on V-pets, I remember having four going at once when I was younger.

3.Maturity has some part in it to though. I still like to start up my v-pets once in a while but not as much as I used to.

Tamagotchi used to be unisex, and for people of all ages! But now it's just for little girls.

Princess Spacey. What a unisex, mature name! :D *sarcasm*

Well, I NEVER EVER lost interest in Tamagotchi in the least, and it baffles me that there are so many people of this site who do not constantly run at least three Tamas... but I guess that's just me. ;)

Anyway, I don't know about "losing interest", but what's really irritating is how all the new, girly characters are overtaking everything (Lovelitchi, Moriritchi, Melodytchi, and Kizunatchi). I definitely prefer Mametchi, Memetchi, and Kuchipatchi... I'm sick of all these new characters. XD

I am not uninterested... I just lost interest in US tamas after TAMAGO. I can not stand this version... it is so SOOOO dull compared to Music Star which I loved.

Hence I have switched my interest in Japanese versions. :3

i only got unitrested because of so much school work and going on to Fanpop more then playing on my tamagotchi. Then we moved to a new house! But then I got intrested agein! :)

School. I have no chance of being able to look after my Tamas in term-time, my school days are too long. So I paused 'em and left them in a box, and i kinda forgot about them. Now, though, I'm on summer hols, so I remembered my Tamagotchis (a V5 and a V6) and decided to do a scientific-style research project on them - I'm really into science. That's what rekindled my interest in them and now I'm hooked - I managed to get my 1st pure family on my V5 today :)

I think I get uninterested because I mainly run them for cool characters.

v4.5 must despise me because Ive raised many generations and still NO tamas in the uramame family.... <_<

v4....meh. Ive had almost every character and a ton of universals.

I really want a v3 because that was what I had when I was much younger...I loved watching them sleep and seeing the idle animations :D

Hmm, I get tired of the Tama-Go when I have a character I don't particularly like. Right now I have a Pipotchi, and she's not one of my favorites, so I tend to neglect her a bit.

However, I simply can't put my Music Star down; I have a Kuromametchi on that one right now, and he's won two No.1 Ranking awards from the Gotchi King for jazz and latin music! Really, I just find the Music Star to be a fun version. I haven't gotten bored of it, yet.

My reasons for losing interest in Tamagotchis? Good thread, Well back when Tamas first came out my sister had a school trip to America, Tama's weren't over here in the UK yet (1997) so everyone was talking about them, She brought me back one so that i had a Tama before anyone else, It was so awesome!

After a couple of months all of my friends had them, we were all in the last year of primary school (Not sure what the American equivalent is but aged about 11) After the summer holidays had finished we all went to high school, with the long break of summer holidays and the more "grown up" world of high school Tama's seemed to just fade away.

It wasn't a lack of interest, it was merely a part of growing up, new times, new places, new people, new things, all of these factors contributed to my own disconnection with my Tama, and i'm pretty sure the same basic reasons apply for most people here.

Great thread btw

(P.S. I just realise you'll be able to work out my age from this post lol)

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The only reason i didn't care for a tama for 3 years was cause my only owrking tama stopped working. Got back into them once i bought a few vintage tama's off ebay though

Sometimes I get uninterested in Tamagotchis because they just get boring after a while. Especially when I try to run 2 or 3 at a time, I can't look after them all since I'm too busy. I tend to run 2 or 3 in the holidays (I normally only run one). But if I get uninterested in them, I try getting back into them and then they don't seem that boring to me ;)


Yumemitchi and Kiraritchi, two really stupid, ugly, girly characters, taking over the new Tamagotchi version, show, toys, and everything.

That is all.

I dont really lose interest in Tamagotchis though sometimes the battery dies and I cant buy one for a while because of cash being tight . Then at times I just get too busy and distracted with other things in life, and sometimes they get lost. I recently found my v6 and my aunt gave me a battery for it, then I heard about the newest tamagotchis. Thats how I got back into it and on this forum. Now if I can only find my v2........

I always go on and off with playing with my tamagotchis just because I have school and I don't bring them with me, so they need A LOT of care afterwards and sometimes I'm just too busy to tend to them or I completely forget because they die! I play with them most during summer vacation, march break and Christmas break. This time around I'm trying to keep them going without forgetting!

Like the majority of posts, I found something more "interesting" to me at the time. ^^- Also, when I was younger I wasn't able to go out and buy the special batteries whenever I wanted. I got back into them because I found my long-forgotten Connection v2. Since I can drive now I thought, "Hey! I should buy a new battery for this little guy!" and the rest is history. :p

I got uninterested for 2-3 months when my friends teased me and made fun of me, but lately I've been taking my v2 to school and leaving it in my locker and my friends think its cool now!! :kusatchi: :kuribotchi:

I suppose I stopped playing with Tamagotchis for a while because they became 'uncool', as stereotypical as it sounds. I became my own person near the end of my schooling and decided I wanted to start up my V1 again. Now, I have two jobs, am starting University and quite happy to bring my virtual pets along for the ride. I also used to ride horses a lot and dreamed of competing and when that became too expensive for me to was nice to have something else to be interested in.

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