Young Adult Girls!


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I wear bra,but not to attract boys.My friends wear bra to attract boys,because of that,some of their classmates thinks they are flirty girls(theyr'e only 9,actually theyr'e breast is not broading).But they don't become angry because of that,they tell that was real,but theyr'e only a bit flirty.Hope that some doesn't thinks that i'm like them.

^^ Often you don't wear a bra to attract guys, you wear one to defy gravity and slow the sagging process.

9 year olds should be being kids, not being flirtly!

I still act like i'm 5 and when I was 9 boys were the last thing on my mind!

Hey, t(w)een girls....
Are you wearing your bras yet? Training? Push up?

I just thought about asking, because everyone seems to have them... Me rarely x.x

It may be disturbing, but all of the girls want the boys' attention, so even if they don't have breasts, they wear bras because they think it looks attractive. XD

Please reply.


uhh yeah, but... ^_^

I started wearing a bra at 9, no cups. Now I wear cups. I hate it when younger girls are going, "Look, she's wearing a bra!" They just know, 'cause when I started, I used to wear black bras all the time, and you could kinda see them, but you can't anymore, but now everybody knows, and it sucks. It stoped happening now that everybody does, but I wonder if people still remember.

Noooh. I don't. I'm 10. I don't wanna be a teen D:<

(so there was a topivc about ****s..O_O)

What if the boys see this thread?


I wear bras. I like the comfy non-underwire ones. =3

but they come wiff a price;;

there's this littlekids class in my school

and these three little boys come up and attack meh

and when they do they always snap my bra >8O

I scream at them

but yeah they always are like yelling; Emileeee weeaarrss a braaaaaa~

I'm just like nuuu! ._.

aha. I hate the little kids at my school. Got their minds poisoned by the Jocks. X-x


Noooh. I don't. I'm 10. I don't wanna be a teen D:<(so there was a topivc about ****s..O_O)

What if the boys see this thread?
That's why i put GIRLS on the title :wacko:

I'm 12, and have worn bras since I was 11. o_o

Training bras though, and yes, I need 'em. >_>

Actually, I need to start wearing a real bra, but they're itchy. T.T My ****s stick out of my chest like triangles when I'm not wearing one. It's really embarrassing :rolleyes: Plus they jiggle T.T.

Thank you all so much... but in my opinion, mine don't sag... they look exactly like they have training bras on :mametchi: <_<

No, I think they're uncomfortable, and itchy, and hard to breathe in! I have a bunch, and my mom thinks I wear em, but she is not gonna get me into one any time soon! XD I'm planning on, like another three years, when I'm fourteen or fifteen. I have real bras, but they're padded. Not for weird reasons, but when I wore em last year, they were more comfortable. Also, at school, some friends *coughs* Cayley and Heather*coughs* used to snap my bra, and lemme tell you that that's painful.

I need a [training] bra. D:

Can someone suggest a way to tell my mom? xD

Cecib :unsure:

I wear a taining bra.

I only have 4, so I feel emberassed.

I know a girl at my school and she needs a bra REALLY BAD! When she runs "they" jiggle. It's disgusting.

OH!!!! And a guy in my school needs a bra. He is the most disgustingest fattest kid ever! They jiggle even when he talks!!!!!! Jason... yuck!!!!

I'm 10. I wear a 34A cup bra, but I NEED one. DX They point out and jiggle if I don't. Plus I feel weird. I wore training bras since I was eight. Just got my first cup bra. <3

OH!!!! And a guy in my school needs a bra. He is the most disgustingest fattest kid ever! They jiggle even when he talks!!!!!! Jason... yuck!!!!
Eww... :p


They irritate my back cuz I have a little bit of acne on my shoulders and it feels weird. But of courseyo. Mummy wouldn't let me not wear one at this age, yet she still tells me that I'm growing and I tell her these exact words ''poop''. Yessss.

I have an almost proper one. It's not a cup, but it has that little underwire thinggo that I hate. So yeah, I should get a cup.

I'm in year 8, I don't wear a bra. I probably could. But it's not necessary, so I don't.

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