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[SIZE=14pt]DONT WEAR A BRA UNLESS NEEDED! There I said it. lol![/SIZE]
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I'm 13 and I have basically nothing. I have blossoming ****s, but I'm sick of being behind!!!!!!!I'm 11 and... *Checks* A nothing of nothing-ville. My mum and sisters have been telling me to get one, but I don't need one. I have little blossoming ****s, but not proper ones. Everyone in my class wears bras, and some don't need them. They all tell me to get one and I'm all, "Nuuu! >:[ " And then I punch them if they don't quit it.
We need to get changed for P.E, but, I simply keep one t-shirt on, then pull the arms out and slip the other t-shirt on,then pull the 1st one out. It's better than wearing a bra. xP To me at least.
It's okay. =]oh sorry. in that case dont worry, the only reason i said that was because in australia we have this show called all saints LOL and theres this girl who is 16 and hasnt had her period and she went to the doctors just to check that everything was normal. ok nevermind im just gay O:
hey can someone answer me??I have this bra, well actually 4 of the same kind, and they keep giving me little rashes, and its so itchy, what should I do? I really like the one im wearing.
They are on my body where the strap and cup meet.^Where are the rashes? On the straps? The band?
Your skin may be irratated by the type of fabric.
Have you washed them in a scented detergent? Have you washed them at all yet?
Make sure you dont put a bra on when your body is wet. You could be chafing.
There's a girl at my school, Megan, she's had wayyyyyy bigger **** since 2nd grade and rumor is she had her period in 3rd but whatever. SHE NEEDS ONE 2!!! It must be kinda embarrassing, there all pointy and the just sag. She needs to get one, but she doesn't want to grow up, but sadly we all must.I'm getting a real one tomorrow. AT school, there is this girl named Zerra, and she doesn't wear a bra. SHE SO NEEDS ONE! They show SO much. It's awkward when she jumps. ewwww