You paid how much!?


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I've seen cheaper on eBay (some for just $60 or $70 shipping included).

Where are you buying from?

Amazon. I can't buy from Ebay and my mom will only buy from places that she trusts, so that means Amazon, toys r us, or Target pretty much.

But it's ok. I love it. :)

Hmm...the most I ever payed for a tama was $25 (with shipping and stuff inluded) off, my v4. It was used but in good condition and on sale. The last I've ever spent is $0, when my mom bought me one :)

I paid 27.64 dollars today because I just ordered a brand-new Tama-Go, White with Kuchipatchi, on Amazon.
YAY! Congrats :)

I have that design too and it is adorable! くちぱっちかわいい2222

LOL i just felt like writing your name in japanese XD

Have fun with your tamago :)

A completely clueless ebayer sold me a Devilgotchi for only £10. :rolleyes:

By the way, I since sold that devilgotchi for £250. Good deal!
I can't believe that!!! ^.^' ... wow. WOW. WOW I wouldn't have sold that either...

The most I've paid was probably like $30 for, either tamawalkie or it was home deka, wich I mistoke for the real rare one, and got the orange one...

Best deal was (except for those my friends gave me) probably the two v3's I bought on a Swedish site, for like 0.15 $ each, I think :) That's 1 swedish ehm... krona ^.^' ? each...

I anyhow gave one to a friend and kept one ;)

Holy moly! I won a bidon eBay for a used gold american tamagotchi angel for $41.00, because the other seller bid $40.00. My LIMIT was $67.00, so I bid that at the LAST 10 seconds, and I got it for $41.00!!!! GREATEST DEAL EVER! :D :D :D :D

Splurge: I didn't personally buy it, but a family member of mine did. An iD for me for $60.00 (It was the cheapest.. iD's are NUTS on eBay.)

Best deal: Probably the v3 I got from walmart last year for like, $14.00

I got a purple ID L on eBay for $55 and $12 for shipping. It's not exactly cheap but considering that Amazon is selling it at like $100 or more, I think it's a deal.

I think the best deals I've gotten are my TMGC+C and my Angel. Both were used but in great condition. My TMGC+C was $42, and my Angel (US version) was $21. ^_^

Most expensive: I ordered a TMGC+C for $78 today. Because I wanted it in green and it is new.

Best deal: I paid NOTHING for a v5 by using didnt even need to pay shipping. Love that site.

The most ive spent is $63 canadian for an id l

the least is eh about 10 for a v3 when I was 5 years old :D

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