Idk if these have been done before, but:
- When you feel really guilty for accidentally feeding your tama a food that they hate
- When you care more about if you drop your tamagotchi than if you drop your phone
- when you want to make sure nothing hurts your tama so badly that when you take it anywhere you keep it in something that probably has 500x too many tissues/cushions/etc.
Also,i talk to my iD L in Japanese, because I figure since its a Japanese tamagotchi it'd probably understand Japanese best
Also, when you almost can't bring yourself to get enough care misses for the bad care characters, even though you want to get the bad characters. Seriously, I could barely handle 2 care misses, how am I going to survive like 6 or whatever
(sorry I keep posting, I keep thinking of more things and I'm on my mobile so it's hard to edit/delete posts
