you know you're obsessed when...


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When you cry yourself to sleep because your parents took your tamagotchi off you. (When I was little, this would happen at least every month)

- When you DON'T check on your Tamagotchis every five minutes because you already know exactly when the Tamagotchi will need feeding/playing with, and you have the brains to know your Tamagotchi won't die of 5 minutes without attention ;P

- When you play with your Tamagotchi for two hours straight with no breaks at all

- When you love all Tamagotchi characters and all Tamagotchi versions instead of complaining about every little thing that isn't 100% what you want. :rolleyes:

- When you feel like a terrible tama caregiver for giving them bad care to get a certain character

...every time you get upset at someone or something, the first thing going through your mind is EX-TER-MI-NATE! :)

(check my avatar if you don't get it ^^)

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I have a bed for my tamagotchi. Every night I kiss him/her good night. Except for the first night I had my tamagotchi and stayed up all night waiting for morning to come so I could play with him. I'm always checking to see if my tamagotchi needs something. When my tamagotchi does beep I feel like I'm in heaven. When I put it in time out I give it a snack after just so I can play with it and help it feel better. When I first got my tamagotchi I didn't take it to school because I was worried I'd lose it. So I'd draw pictures of him all over my papers. (I take to school now just cause I miss it when I'm at school) my friend once told it seemed I prefer my tamagotchi more than I prefer my friends.

It was the only thing you ever talked about and your friends started to think you were a bit weird because you didn't have any other interests.

For your information I used to be like that but not anymore haha

When you watch Tamagotchi ads and reviews on YouTube. :p

When you have a mental-and sometiimes written, wishlist of the Tamagotchis you want next.

When you mourn for Tamagotchis that die or leave.

When you are paranoid at school/work thinking about how your Tamagotchi is doing if you left it at home.

When you get all defensive when people think Tamagotchi is 'for little kids' and for boys, 'Tamagotchis are for girls'.

When you decide to make an account in Tamatalk to share about your obsession with Tamagotchis!

That's all I could think!

When the first thing you do every morning and last thing you do every night is check your Tamagotchi.

When you refer to your new incoming Tama as the old one's "playmate" even when they can't connect.

When you show off your Tamas with enough pride to make people stop thinking that it might only be a kid's toy.

When you feel like you've found a second home when you realize that there exists an online community of people just like you.

When you're having a wash and you're suddenly like: "Oh my gosh, my Tamagotchi might be about to die because I've left it alone for too long!" So you rush to get dried and dressed and then, panicking, rush to your room, only to find that you had paused it but then forgotten that you had. Massive wave of relief! (yes I have done that before!)

When you name your V5 Family Name after a record company or a category of music.

I called my first family "OWSLA", then it went to "EDM"...etc

To actually look out of the window every day per hour to see if the mail service has arrived with your new Tamagotchi!

(I'm currently waiting for my iD L English version and I'm soooo excited!!!)

  • When you keep checking your tracking number for your Tamagotchi, even at the library

When you stay outside for hours until your parcel arrives when your tracking says "Estimated Delivery Date"
When you don't brag about how many Tamagotchis you have because Tamagotchis are your friends, not something to be boastful about :)
When you spend an hour or more deciding which one to start up. Then if you find one you like on bay/ Amazon, you ask your parent over and over for it. Then proceeding to only talk about tamagotchi to all your friends, teachers, parents, and random passerbyes.

I have been dreaming about playing with tamas even though I dont have one yet...

Idk if these have been done before, but:

- When you feel really guilty for accidentally feeding your tama a food that they hate

- When you care more about if you drop your tamagotchi than if you drop your phone

- when you want to make sure nothing hurts your tama so badly that when you take it anywhere you keep it in something that probably has 500x too many tissues/cushions/etc.

Also,i talk to my iD L in Japanese, because I figure since its a Japanese tamagotchi it'd probably understand Japanese best :p

Also, when you almost can't bring yourself to get enough care misses for the bad care characters, even though you want to get the bad characters. Seriously, I could barely handle 2 care misses, how am I going to survive like 6 or whatever :eek:

(sorry I keep posting, I keep thinking of more things and I'm on my mobile so it's hard to edit/delete posts :p )

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