you know you're obsessed when...


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i actually did this.... i pay my friend $5 a week to watch my tamas.

when you hire a babysitter to sit them while you're at work.

When you break up with your boyfriend because you suspect he likes other stuff more than Tamagotchis >: (

(but we're back together now yay)

And when you'd rather marry Mametchi than marry your boyfriend :blink:

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When you set alarms at certain intervals from 7am until your actual wake up time to try and make sure you don't get too many care misses. I'd just get up but I don't usually finish work until after midnight so I think it might actually kill me.

Oh and when you put off a paper you need to write because you haven't had a chance to come on TamaTalk yet, or your Tama is still young so needs a lot of care... Which is totally not what I'm doing now at all ¬__¬

You get upset when they go to sleep and are tempted to change the time just to play with them some more. :p
Every night! Especially when I'm on my own, gets a bit lonely when they go to sleep.

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When you wake up with a start way too early to fly out if bed and check your tamas, only to find them soundly asleep, and realize that the signal you heard was just in a dream.

Has happened to me numerous times... :p
All... the... TIME! Sometimes (mostly on weekends) I'll look at my clock and think it says 9:00a.m. and I jump out of bed and check my tamas. But when I find them asleep I'm all confused until I look at my clock again to realize it's only 6:00a.m. Then I can't fall asleep no matter how hard I try. :p

When you wake up with a start way too early to fly out if bed and check your tamas, only to find them soundly asleep, and realize that the signal you heard was just in a dream.

Has happened to me numerous times... :p
That happened to me at 5am this morning! I ended up falling out of bed because of it >.<

You know you're obsessed when you stay up all night trying to get enough care misses to get a certain character.

Literally did this last night tryna get eight care misses for Amiamitchi.

When you bring your Tamagotchis to class everyday and check up on them every 5 minutes..

When you are terrified that your Tama is going to die with one heart empty..

When all you ever do is play with Tamagotchis..

When you're usually addicted to social media and have no crave to check it ever're too busy with your Tamagotchis!

That's what I can think of. :)

When the first thing you do once your turn on computer is go to every Tamagotchi web site you know.

- And you check the Tamagotchi Friends website every half an hour for new websiodes

- And you check Gotchishinbun every half an hour in case of updates

When you're ill and what makes you feel better is cuddling up in a blanket with your tamas for company.

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you find songs specifically for your favorite characters.

you name your pets after characters/band members.

you have their name written on the wall.

you see a word that reminds you of it/them everywhere.

you decorate your room in that theme.

you buy every single of merch.

That's all I got atm!

(tama related/non tama related)

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When you make a backyard memorial of every single Tamagotchi that dies with their name, weight, and age on point.

I have a lot of stuff to write...

-When you ask them for advice (I actually did this with my ID L and P's, by pressing the C button after asking a question. They give surprisingly good answers.)

-When you hold conversations with them

-When the only thing on your arm (besides the string bracelet) is a pouch containing your tamagotchi.

-When you buy their favorite foods even though they already got their stamp/puzzle piece for it and the food costs 800 gotchi points.

-When a bug flies around your room you grab your tama and hide under the blankets together.

-When you ask your neighbor to make a special shelf for your tamas.

-When you dance around the room together

-When you take 500 pictures on your phone when your tama gets it's final Tamatomo.

-When you cry when the tama gets married

-On the Color tamas, you dress up your tamas, make them take a bath. and treat them to a special meal before getting married.

-You take them with you into the bathroom when you shower and put them on the sink under a towel as a "sauna" and so no they don't see you changing

-You get super angry when someone says "IT'S JUST A V-PET"

-When you spend hours poring over where you could hide them when you take them to school

-When the name of a tamagotchi character you don't like becomes an insult. "You are such a Cofrretchi!"

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