You ever fake sick?


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No, well kinda.

Sometimes something WILL be wrong, but I make it all the more dramatic so I can stay home longer.

Hehehe. xP

Haha, yeah.

Once I went to school and we had to present our projects and I said I had to go to the bathroom and I lasted a long time and came back and lied that I threw up.

I went home. =]

Only reason I did it was because I didn't want to fail this Rome test (I cant fail, or I flunk the sixth grade o.o Thats what I get for not having a long attention span) That I didnt study for. Anyway I did everyone a favor by staying home since no one likes me <.<

Oh, always.

Well actually, most of the time I only fake sickness if I'm already a bit sick. I just make it seem as if I'm sicker than I actually am (e.g. if my throat feels a bit dry, I say, "It hurts when I swallow.")

Nope. Even if I tried, I'm not a good enough actress to get away with it. I can't even fake sick properly.

But, I would force myself to be sick somehow if I had to dissect a frog.

But I have really been sick and I've tried to go at least one year without any absences and then guess what? I am the unluckiest person. Everytime my class went on a fieldtrip swimming, I would get sick. Most of the time, I'd throw up or something but those were the only three times I wuz away frim skool!

Well have you ever in your life faked sickness? Tell the truth! Was it because 1.a test, 2.a project, 3.P.E or 4.just because your a lazy fool who hates school? X]
Lol. I've done it before. It was for the fourth one. I felt like I just didn't want to go to school that day. I just coughed a lot (I'm really good at fake coughing :wub: ) and pretended to feel dizzy. It worked! :lol:

But another time, I really didn't want to go to soccer, so I put some cocoa powder, salsa sauce, milk and water in a bowl and mixed it all up and put it in the toilet and a bit on the seat. My mom found out that it was fake, though. :p

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Lol. I've done it before. It was for the fourth one. I felt like I just didn't want to go to school that day. I just coughed a lot (I'm really good at fake coughing :p ) and pretended to feel dizzy. It worked! ;)
But another time, I really didn't want to go to soccer, so I put some cocoa powder, salsa sauce, milk and water in a bowl and mixed it all up and put it in the toilet and a bit on the seat. My mom found out that it was fake, though. :D
Nice, I should try that...

The way I fake sick is by talking kind of scratchy, and coughing alot. I'll say "My throat hurts when I," *short kind of pause*,"talk.." So then I get to stay home, and sleep in until ten, I can't sleep very long if I've already been woke up. Then I jump on the couch and dance while saying, "Oh, yeah! I did it! I rule! I'm the queen, oh yeah!" Then I turn on the T.V. and watch it, and I'll eat so much junk food its not funny. Then, I get up, and get on the computer. Then when my dad calls to check on me, I make my self sound sleepy, and sick. Can't forget sick.

And thats how I fake sick.

Well have you ever in your life faked sickness? Tell the truth! Was it because a test, a project, P.E or just because your a lazy fool who hates school? X]
I had a MAJOR test today, I faked sick. My friend does it all the time. I missed Frog Dissection though X(
Frog Dissection! Awesome! I've already done it! ;)

Anyways! I don't really feel like fake sicking, I like going to school, and besides If I miss a test, I have to do the next day. >.< Kinda stinks eh?

If you have tips on Fake Sicking I would like some! :D

Except I'm really bad at Fake Sicking, I start laughing. I start to laugh cause it's funny when my mum actually falls for it. haha! :p


Only once.... STOP STARING AT ME!! I AM TELLING THE TRUTH!!! AHHH! lol maybe more the once... mayyybeee... the last time i remember was when i fell down the stairs at my school and twisted my ancel a bit and somthing told me "start screaming and get out of school" so i did. I stayed in bed for about a week XD but it was good, for the last day i was out, there was a fire at my school in the girl's bathroom right next to my classroom. ;) it was REALLY weird...


Sometimes yeah. I haven't done it for a while. I always fake the night before I go bed with a stomach ache or something, then I pretend to feel kinda sick and say like "I gotta.. go.. to school.." and my mom will insist I stay home.

I should do that tommrow, I forgot all my homework at school and my teacher will have my head..

Im the Master of Faking Sick XD.

I usually skip about 3 days of school a week, from september 6-2006 to now (that doesnt include winter holidays or spring break) I missed around 104 days. I skipped today aswell. I just got up at 6 am (like i usually, do, to watch Yu-Gi-Oh), went back to sleep at 6:30-6:45. Went to the bathroom. just stood there. doing nothing. Flushed the toilet. sprayed Febreeze.(so it would create an illusion that i was just in the bathroom,actually using it) Then i went back to bed. woke up at 7:22 am. Went to the bathroom again. (did the same thing as last time). My mom woke up, i said (in a weak voice) "M-mom...I wasnt feeling well when i woke up at 6, i went back to bed after i watched Yu-Gi-Oh, cause i didnt want to miss that episode. and when i woke up again, i went to the bathroom and...diareah. (sp?) i went back to bed, and woke up again. Same thing" My mom says "Well go back to bed untill 7:35, and see how you feel then. me -"ok" so i went back to bed. until 7:38. went to the bathroom. Did the same thing as before. So i went to my moms room and i said "Thats been three times. i dont feel so well" my mom-"...Go back to sleep then, you can go to school on monday" (cause theres no school tommorow)

No way I LOVE SCHOOL !!!!!!!!!!!AND HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND TEACHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND EVERYTHING ABOUT SCHOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


my mom would probably kill me, and she'd probably know if I was faking it. So, no. I just don't know how to act sick. (well, you know what I mean)

At our school it's called wagging.

What happens is when the teacher takes the register it is then sent up to the reception. The receptionist phones any parents of children who aren't at school to ask why.

You also have to bring a note to school the day you come back signed by your parent.

I've never done it and probably never will.

At our school it's called wagging.
What happens is when the teacher takes the register it is then sent up to the reception. The receptionist phones any parents of children who aren't at school to ask why.

You also have to bring a note to school the day you come back signed by your parent.

I've never done it and probably never will.
They do that at my school, except it's automated and goes to your home phone. So you can either pick it up, and just let it talk and hang up, or you can let it go to the answering machine, and delete it.

boys pm me
your very annoying >:0

stop trying to get a boyfriend on a computer its not buaena (in my book buaena mean its not right)

boys pm me
What an idiot you are. I bet if you met a boy you thought was 13 in person, but it turned out h was a 50 year old man, you'd never do this again. Maybe you're too dumb and try to hit on every guy. That's probably why you're single.




P.S. I love boys too but I'm not retarded enough to get an internet boyfriend. That's stupid.

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