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Have you guys recently changed your clothes detergent or anything? It could be an allergic reation to the soap. Or if your sheets are a different fabric than you're used to.

Think back to anything and everything that's touched your stomach since the rash started. You may be just having an allergic reaction to something.

I had an allergic reaction to a medication, and it looked simlar to that.

If it gets worse, see a doctor.

Have you guys recently changed your clothes detergent or anything? It could be an allergic reation to the soap. Or if your sheets are a different fabric than you're used to.
Think back to anything and everything that's touched your stomach since the rash started. You may be just having an allergic reaction to something.

I had an allergic reaction to a medication, and it looked simlar to that.

If it gets worse, see a doctor.
Naw, we have been using the same Detergent, and it just appeared o_O I wash all my clothes before washing em

Not really.......Unless you count BBQ, but I always eat that and nothing
Odd o.o' I'm out of ideas, lol.

The only thing I can recommend for the itching is using calamine lotion or cortizone cream until you can see a doctor about it.

Well, One I had the exact same thing and I had to go to the hospital. They said it might be a reaction to dust or dust mites.


It might be allergic reaction to a cream or lotion you're using. Ask your dermatologist for more details on what it might be. If s/he says it's an allergic reaction to some product your using, than discontinue the use of that product. Before using a new brand of cream or lotion, test a little on your wrist and see if you get a rash. If you get a rash, that mean's you are allergic to that certain brand of cream or lotion and you shoulden't use that brand. Also, buy creams or lotions that say "Hypoallergenic."

somewhere on the bottle or container. Hypoallergenic means, there are no allergins (Anything that can cause an allergic reaction in some people.) in the product. If you find out your allergic to a certain ingredient cream or lotion, check on the back of the container or bottle where it says "Ingredients." If you read an indgredient that you're allergic to on the bottle or container, don't buy it.

Ask your dermatoligist what indredient you're allergic to, so you can look for it on the container or bottle (For example, benzonyl peroxide can irrate sensitive skin, so if benzoynl peroxide irratates your skin, then don't buy skin creams or lotins that have benzonyl peroxide in them.)

Hope I helped! ;)


I have eczema on the joints of my elbows and knees and its at the top of my left arm :ichigotchi: I have a bit on my hip too, but it doesnt itch much) I used to have it REALLY bad on the back of my neck but its gone now (but you can see the scar) eczema sucks! TRY NOT TO ITCH IT TOO MUCH! It leaves awful scars! :ichigotchi:

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Sounds like you got what I had about two weeks ago. x.X First it started in my arms, then up my whole body. I was super itchy! It was small red dots, not chicken pox nor hives. It was a rash, my mom said, but she said it might have been because a) my body was fighting off a bug or :huh: having an allergic reaction. If you get really worried about the itching, go see a doctor! Or, a dermatoligist of course! :eek:


MeowBark I'd go to the dermotogist before getting answers online,(no offense meant to anyone) They should be able to tell you for sure what the problem is and how to treat it. Sweet_Kandi advice was the best of putting something on it to stop the itching. Hope you feel much less itchy soon.

Strange that this topic was brought up......... I've had a rash on my neck,around my eyes, and cheek that itch terribly, though I don't have dots I've got blotches. I thought it was the shampoo I was using but aparently its not since it won't go away. I'll have to suffer, my 15 year old cat has an upper-resptory infection right now and she's going to the docters before I do.

Is anyone else itchy on Tamatalk right now?

I had it in the same spot on my stomic. My mom says it wasn't anything to serius.

That's exzema(sp?). I know how to cure it!!! I've had it on my FACE!!!!*shivers*

Use Aquaphor, it looks like this or this.

It got rid of mine in a week!!! it might take longer for you because it's a bigger amount of it. Mine was the size of a nickle.

I took it earlier today, its still there, and whats ecemza?
Hmm, I have something a bit like that. I've been to a doctor and a dermatologist. They both said it was foliculitis (sp?) Witch means that my hair folicles are infected. :)

I recieved some medicine, and it went away, but now it is back today. They dermatoligist said they might have to 'take one out' and look at it under a microscope. *pukes*

You might have the same thing as me. :S

Kate ;)

Hmm, I have something a bit like that. I've been to a doctor and a dermatologist. They both said it was foliculitis (sp?) Witch means that my hair folicles are infected. :) I recieved some medicine, and it went away, but now it is back today. They dermatoligist said they might have to 'take one out' and look at it under a microscope. *pukes*

You might have the same thing as me. :S

Kate ;)
What does "Take one out" Mean?

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