x.Chasing Sunshine


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I'll check whether it's correct English or not, though. Probably not, knowing people around here xD

Brandon shook himself out of his thoughts when she spoke and said, "Okay, sure. See you a bit later." When she got to the bathroom her stood up and went to get himself a glass of water, and then just stood out on the balcony of the room and just went over things again. How different things had been only a mere half hour ago. The cooler evening air helped to clear his head a little and he just suddenly felt bad, not feeling like he was maybe as supportive as he should have been; he didn't care how shocked he was, he could have said a little more to comfort her.

Caden checked the courses he had planned out on his phone calendar and said, "Well, luckily enough I've got a short trip next week, and when I get back from that bookings are clearing up completely because it's summer and so most people are finishing with this kind of thing now. I can easily make it, in that case, I'll just make sure to block all that time off in case anyone comes in late."

Do many people speak with incorrect English?

Avery had stepped in the shower, the water was almost scalding hot, but she preferred it that way. She realized she hadn't even thought to ask the doctor how long she had been pregnant now. It couldn't have been very long of course, but it would have been good to know. After a long while, she stepped down and towel dried her hair. She put on her pajamas now, since she didn't foresee that they would be going out later.

Cassandra nodded. "That sounds great," she said, as her phone vibrated. She checked it, slightly surprised to see that her brother was still awake. "Well, he's in Amsterdam now, if you want to make plane reservations," she said. "Here. Give me your number as well and then I can call you whenever I get there."

It's actually amazing how many people speak terrible English. No wonder people can't learn languages here very well xD

The one that really bugs me is mixing up 'was' and 'were'. So, people say, "You was there," instead of, "You were there."

Oh, saying 'if I remember rightly' is correct, by the way :)

Brandon heard Avery after a while. He stood up from having previously being leaning against the bars on the balcony and came back inside, setting down his glass on one of the dressers in the room. He didn't really have anything to say, but he went over to her and paused for a moment before he just pulled her into his arms in a tight, but still staying gentle, hug, having those one of those moments where he just felt like he needed one. "I love you, you know," he told her softly, not really knowing where it was coming from, he just felt like he needed to tell her, and let her know that everything was going to be okay. "Nothing in this whole world is ever going to change that."

"Amsterdam, all right," Caden made a mental note to book flights when he got back home. He called up his number on his phone and then wrote it down for her, handing it to her. "Or, you know, you can call me any time before, if you just want to say hi," he added to her suggestion with a slight smile.

What bothers me is some people who work on our student newspaper can't make a proper sentence. :/

I guess we just use correctly more commonly here.

Avery hugged him back, smiling slightly, but he probably couldn't see it. "I know," she said. "And I love you too. I always will." She looked up at him and kissed his cheek before pulling away and climbing back on to the bed. Admittedly, she did feel a bit better already.

Cassandra nodded, adding his number into her phone. "Maybe I will," she smiled and put her phone away. "Do you want to stick around here for longer?" She asked, changing the subject "I wouldn't want you to miss your train again."

Really? We don't have a student newspaper but I'm sure the English teachers would interfere before it was printed xD

He asked her, "Can I get you anything?" Since he was still up, he thought he would, just in case, before he sat back down on the bed. He felt a little bit more relaxed already, at least.

Caden said, "It is what it is. My next train is tomorrow afternoon, so I should have time. And if I miss it again, it happens. I'm having too much fun right now." He smiled slightly as he took another sip of his drink. He wasn't really in the mood to leave, he was having a good time.

Well, both the editors & our adviser look them over. Small errors pass occasionally but this one was atrocious. There was one about my physics teacher - they changed her name from Kolb to Kollum once and nobody caught it. That same article, which was only 150-200 words by the looks of it, was full of fragments. And the write spelled chemotherapy as "Kimo therapy".

My friend who always looks for those told me that he has never seen any in my articles, which made me happy.

"No, thank you," she replied. "I think I'm just going to try and sleep. Are you going to stay up for a while?" Avery pulled the covers around her tightly, feeling a little cold.

Cassandra nodded, and finished her drink. "Whatever works for you. I don't mind anything. Just don't forget to get your stuff from my place when we're done." she said. "These are good, by the way." She gestured to the empty glass she had just set down.

Oh, that is bad. Really bad..

Always good to know that yours is good, though. Not that I'm surprised in the least :)

Brandon looked thoughtful for a moment, not really sure what he would do if he were to stay up any longer, other than think, before he said, "No, I think I'll jut get changed and sleep, too. Only, if you fall asleep while I'm getting ready, I wouldn't want to wake you up or anything." He started getting out his shorts and t-shirt for sleeping in as he spoke.

"Oh, yeah, of course," Caden said, glad she'd reminded him, because he'd forgotten about that for a second. "Thanks for remembering that." He chuckled and set his glass down. "They are good, but I suppose I should't drink too many more if I want to make it to your apartment, get my stuff and manage to get into a hotel."

This issue was the best, layout wise, but the worst copy wise. Blah.


Avery nodded and closed her eyes, trying to will herself to sleep. She took much longer to fall asleep than she usually did though, and ended up laying on the bed for a while before she finally fell completely asleep.

Cassandra laughed slightly. "Yeah, I probably should lay off them for a while at least," she agreed. She was feeling slightly tipsy at this point, but it was nothing extreme and she wasn't planning on letting her drinking get out of hand.

Oh, okay. So somewhere in the middle overall, then.

Brandon when to the bathroom to wash up and such, before getting changed in the room. He sighed softly to himself as he folded his clothes up and put them away again. But then he saw Avery as he was about to get into bed and he couldn't help but smile a little, because of how beautiful he thought she was. Yes, he hated that she had to go through all of this, but at the same time he was glad, in a way, that he was having a baby with her over anybody else. He very carefully got into bed so as not to wake her, and therefore he wasn't as near to her as he usually was, which was somehow unnerving in a way. He knew he wouldn't sleep for a while yet, and for a long time he just laid on his back and did what he did best, and thought about everything again, until he fell asleep some time later.

"But, hey, now you know that there's an extremely strong and very good cocktail named after the lead singer of Queen," Caden chuckled, for a slightly elongated length of time thanks to the the strength of the said cocktail, and gave their glasses to the bartender.

Yeah, I guess, when you look at it that way.

ONE MORE DAY OF SCHOOL<3 thank goodness too, I really need to go shopping.

Avery slept peacefully for the whole night. She didn't think she would have been able to but the hard part was really just getting to sleep. She woke up early the next morning, before Brandon. Using the coffee maker that the hotel had provided, she made some coffee, some for him as well, in case he woke up soon.

"Exactly!" Cassandra nodded, drumming her fingers on the countertop. "Sooo...what now?" She asked, mainly to herself as she looked around the large room. Most people were doing one of three things: dancing, talking, or drinking.

I know! I'm so glad. And them I'm off to a party tomorrow evening straight after. I made some cupcakes with snow icing and snowmen on, I'm quite proud of myself xD

Brandon woke up about a quarter of an hour after Avery after a night of surprisingly sound sleep, once he'd managed to get to sleep. He eventually sat up in bed and yawned to wake himself up, then got out. "Morning," he said to Avery giving her a kiss on the cheek and checking his watch. They were up pretty early.

Caden said, "Well, if I'm being honest, I'm not the mot decisive person in the world. I mean, I know you said you have friends you were ditching to hang out with me. I don't mind if you want to go and say hi to them for a while, you don't have to feel obliged to stay with me if you don't want.. Otherwise, I don't know, it depends on if you want to stay here for a while longer or not."

OOH. I love cupcakes. Take a picture of them!

"Good morning," Avery smiled. "I made you some coffee. I think it's still warm." She pointed to the mug on the table.

"Well, I was only joking," Cassandra said. "I see them almost everyday; I'm sure they can make it through a night without me. As for staying here, I go to these every few days so it's not new for me. If you want to, we'll stay. If you'd rather leave, then we'll leave."

I shall. I'll put them on Tumblr tomorrow at some point :)

"Oh," Brandon said, then spotting the cup, "thank you." He picked it up and took a sip. It was just right, in fact, not too hot that it was undrinkable or cold enough that you could drink it all at once. "How did you sleep?" he asked her after he'd had a few sips.

Caden said, "Well, I mean, you come here often, I get to party occasionally, too, so maybe we could check out something else. I'm not sure what else we could do, but I suppose in New York it can't be too difficult."

Okay:) I'll check for them after I get back from school.

Tomorrow's Friday! I'm so excited because tickets to the concert I'm gonna go to are going on sale, and we need to buy our tickets ASAP.

"Very well, thank you," she said. "And how did you sleep?" She took a sip from her coffee mug, though she had drunk half of it by this point. "Do you want to get breakfast soon?"

"There's always something to do here," Cassandra said. "Shall we leave, then?" She asked, just to be sure.

Yeah, they should be on by then :)

Oooh, who are the tickets for?

"Well, too, thank you," Brandon replied with a smile, leaning back against the wall a bit while he continued to drink his coffee. "Breakfast sounds good, actually. I'm pretty hungry. So I guess if we finish the coffee, change and then go get something, that would be an alright plan of action?"

"Sure, okay. As long as you're happy with that," Caden replied as they started head out, also wanting to make sure she was fine with leaving the party before they were completely outside.

I quite liked it, and the Christmas tree as well. :)

All Time Low's headlining. Hey Monday, Yellowcard, and The Summer Set are opening for them.

Your writing wasn't really bad, by the way.

Avery nodded. "That sounds good to me," she said, finishing the rest of her coffee. She set the mug down and went to get some clothes. After changing into a pair of jeans, a tank top, a light jacket, she waited for him to finish before they could leave.

"Oh, I'm fine," Cassandra said, leading him outside. Once they were a block or two away, she asked "Is there anything you have in mind, because whatever it is, I'm sure we can find it."

To be honest, they weren't very good pictures, but I'd half eaten it before I realised xD They tasted good, though.

Oh, now I see why you want ticket, that sounds amazing!

I just didn't really know what to write, I suppose. Particularly because Caden and Cassandra's situation begs for decision-making, something I'm not good at xD

Brandon finished his coffee and then set about getting changed into a pair of dark jeans and a white long-sleeved t-shirt, of which he pushed up the sleeves. When he was done, he asked her, "Okay? Ready to go?"

Caden chuckled and said, "If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I'm not too good at deciding what to do with myself. I'm the kind of person who usually waits for a friend to call me and ask me if I want to do something."

Now I want cupcakes. D:

Well, we got them. So that's good :)

I usually can, but only if I have my choices in front of me.

"Yep," Avery said, standing up, leading him out the door. She wasn't sure exactly where they were heading, but she figured they could walk around until they found something interesting.

"Hmm..." Cassandra thought about the things they could do now. "Can we get ice cream? I know it's not particularly exciting, but I feel like having some."

Well, I'd send you one, but I don't have any left, nor would it taste very good by the time it got to you. Especially with the weather, it'd probably take an extra week.

Awesome :) I'm pretty excited, my friend and I are going to see KT Tunstall next year. Doesn't quite make up for not getting tickets for Adam Lambert, but nearly.

Even then, I'm awful at it. I just always fear picking something that the other person doesn't really want to do despite giving the option xD

Oh, and by they way, I thought you might find it cool that I have a friend who is the spitting image of Effy from Skins :)

Brandon followed beside her and once they were out, he asked her, "So do you know any particularly good places to get breakfast?" He, of course, didn't know anywhere, and wasn't feeling partial to anything in particular, so he trusted her judgement far more than his own.

"Hey, don't say ice cream isn't exciting. As far as I'm concerned, you can't beat it," Caden said, thinking that was a rather fine idea. "Okay, so, since you decided on that, I'll make an effort. Can I take you to my favourite place for ice cream and you can decide if it's better than where you like to go?" He nodded towards the general direction of where he remembered it to be.

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No worries. I'll probably get one at the mall later this week or something.

Ahaha, have you seen him in concert before though?

I figure if someone is letting me decide, they don't care.

That is awesome:) I love Skins! I've only just started series 3 though, because after I finished series 1, I stopped watching for a while and I just got back into it.

"There's a couple of diners down the street," she said. "I always liked those. There's one that just serves breakfast food. How does that sound to you?"

Cassandra laughed. "Okay, we'll go to your favorite place, then," she said as she followed him. "I don't really have a favorite ice cream place, so I'm fine with anything."

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