Would u eat a rat if u were stuck in a mine?


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Would u eat a rat if u were stuck in a mine?

  • No way!

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  • Maybe

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  • Yes

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  • I don't think so

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  • No

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  • Yes, covered in beetle sauce too!

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Stuck down a Mine?

A rat?

You'd have to catch it first :D

(they are pretty fast and very nasty and aggressive if cornered...)

What would you cook it with?

They don't normally install ovens at the bottom of a mine shaft.. ;)

If I were stuck down a mine, I think I would be more worried about if I had any water to drink... You can survive weeks without food, but not without water ;)

I would! Yeah, "gross!". But you you rather starve to death?

I'd do anything to stay alive. ;)

Love, PawnLeaf

Um... Is there a possibility a spider would be around so I can eat that. I wouldn't want to hurt a rat. :wub:

probably not, there's got to be something down there besides a rat!I would prefer plants or insects over a rat if they were down there. ^_^ Although I would look everywhere for plants first - I love animals! And of course, there is a risk the rat could have diseases, but if that was the absolutely only thing down there, I'd take the risk. :D

I never really thought that rats would be particularly filling. The revolting taste of a live animal in your mouth (and if you don't want to eat it live, you'd have to kill it yourself first) would probably offset any sort of revitalization offered by the small meal. You are also risking being diseased by the thing - the rat would not be worth it.

I'd eat a rock before eating a rat. At least it's got plenty of minerals in it! Oh ho ho ho... hehe.. heh.

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People who were sailing with Christopher Columbus had to eat rats and nasty water for days/months. How do you think they felt? I would probably say NO, scary, nasty, and dangerous to me.


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Actualy I just realized something.

There wouldn't be any rats down there- they would have died from the carbon monoxide.

Actualy I just realized something.There wouldn't be any rats down there- they would have died from the carbon monoxide.

I wouldn't. I'd just eat plants.


First I'd eat my boots. If I came across someone I might eat their boots too if I was that desperate o_O

I'd probably eat other things, ending with the rat if I had to. Cooked hopefully.


ahh, but a leather one? That's meat. well, meat-ish anyway XD

(but then again I prefer trainers... more comfortable.)

hi im jaida007

maybe if i was starvin my tama would to

here are my tama:

v2 v4 name sally age 2 gen 1

trainin bar 4 lb 10

please visit my dog if you dont he will die click here




creatre: :D

trainin bar:9






ceature: ;)

trainin bar full



name:lil g



creature: :D

trainin bar full lb 65

Well I Might. It Depends On the Rat Though. It could Carry Disease. So -

Rats *scratches off "Mine food" list*

Plants-, Some could be Poisonous. so eh,

Plants*scratches off list*

And Insects, They Too could be Poisonous So...

*scratches off list* XD

I guess i'll starve...XD

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