Wii Reviews


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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
I hope this topic hasn't been made, if it has it will be removed. I will post mine later, but I thought I could do this so members could see if the wii game they want is any good.

Mario Kart Wii

This is probaly the best game on Wii, there is a wide variety of characters, there is also excellent gameplay. Wi-fi on there is great fun you can race and battle people from all around the world, I would completely reccomend this game.


Super Mario Galaxy

One of the better Mario games, with an amazing soundtrack and good graphics this instantly won me over. With the Wii message board compatibility it's easy to send your scorecard to a friend via Wi-Fi. The only downfall is the replay value..once you finish the game theres no motive to go back.


The dog island

This game is all right but can instantly get boring, but with the cute graphics, relaxing music it doesn't really matter if it's boring or not. Allthough, this should probally suit younger gamers but for 14.99 it was worth it.


Guitar Hero 3

A good game if your a fan of the series, it's more difficult than the past two and the graphics are awful for the Wii.

The song list is dissapointing but a few songs save it. The boss battles are a nice touch but not really neccasary.


Mario Party 8

Not the best game ever,

Very repetetive,

the DS version is way better but the graphics are quite good. Nintendo have produced better games. Probaly not worth the money.


Super Paper Mario

A rather good game but some of the puzzles can get frustrating. Also a nice mix between RPG and platformer.

The graphics are decent and the music is chirpy, plus theres some good humour and nods to the retro mario games.


Super Smash Bros. Brawl

This is one of the games I reccomend most for the Wii. It has a wide variety of characters and stages. It also requires no skill, as you can easily swich to Easy Mode and win matches rapidly.


Medal of Honor Heroes 2

You play in WWII and a good variety of weapons and good graphics. Even better because you can play via wifi connection. The game is also easy to beat.


Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

My brother has this game. I watch him play it all the time. I should recommend it. It's not too too violent, no gore, I'd give it a 97%.

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zack and wiki

I play it alot. you have to think through every move you make,and its never as easy as it looks. it can get pretty confusing, but worth it. I think its pretty good. 95%

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Explorers of time: I think that its OK because you enter the world of pokemon and explore dungeons while trying to figure out how you became a pokemon. Its the sequel to the original versions. Plus you have a bigger bag more pokemon to recruit its like a easier longer awesome version of the original. Here's some good reasons to get it.

1. On the 2nd time you fight a legendary like Palkia/Dialga they ask to join you.

2. Huge bag awesome IQ to learn.

3.Easy to beat.

[SIZE=21pt]I'll give it a 100%![/SIZE]

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Explorers of time: I think that its OK because you enter the world of pokemon and explore dungeons while trying to figure out how you became a pokemon. Its the sequel to the original versions. Plus you have a bigger bag more pokemon to recruit its like a easier longer awesome version of the original. Here's some good reasons to get it.
1. On the 2nd time you fight a legendary like Palkia/Dialga they ask to join you.

2. Huge bag awesome IQ to learn.

3.Easy to beat.

[SIZE=21pt]I'll give it a 100%![/SIZE]
Actually it's kinda repetitive and the same as Red and Blue but still fun, so 75% for me.

Okami - Stunning graphics, great gameplay, this game is very underestimated. 98%.

It's better than Brawl. It's better than Galaxy. This game is doomed, as it's not gonna sell well (since the cover makes it look silly), but if you want to spend the money, this is a hidden gem. So I beg you, get this today for lots of fun.

I saw Ookami in stores. I wanted to buy it, actually, looked fun :3

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Great game, if you're a hardcore Zelda fan like me, you'll fall in love with it. It's not too hard, has some great graphics, and it helps when you're bored. Nice storyline as well, keeps you guessing 'til the end. A real "page-turner," xP Some very likable characters, also(go Zant! :3). It is a little expensive though, I suggest you get it used if you're gonna get it. And not from EB Games, they make it way expensive.

Over all, a 95%. Definately worth trying.

Who didn't see these two games coming... xD

Trauma Center: Second Opinion

It's a surgery simulation game, the second in the Trauma Center series. This one is a remake of the DS game Trauma Center: Under The Knife. It has the same storyline and characters as Under The Knife, with the exception of an extra chapter, and the "Z Chapters" For every chapter you beat, you unlock a "Z Chapter" level, in the Z chapter, you play as Nozomi Weaver, instead of Derek Stiles. But in the last chapter, the two doctors meet each other at a thingy in Britian. Derek and Nozomi are very special surgeons, because they are one of the only doctors in the world who have the 'Healing Touch' Derek's Healing Touch slows down time, allowing you to work faster. Nozomi's adds 10 vitals for every OK or COOL you get. So, in the game you play as the surgeon Dr. Derek Stiles. He is in his residency, still needing to learn alot. A new nurse, Angie, comes in and she is unimpressed with Derek at first. She pretty much whips him into shape as a real surgeon. Later in the story, you operate on a mysterious pathogen, not knowing it will soon become a huge threat to the world. A state-of-the-art medical place, Caduceus, eventually recruits Derek to help them save the world from GUILT. The storyline is actually very well written, and keeps you guessing through the whole thing. The gameplay is really great, they used the functions of the Wiimote to their advantage. The graphics are really good in my opinion, it's not overly gorey and bloody, it's almost cartoon-y but it still has a good graphic to it. There are three difficulty settings, so no one has to worry about the game being too hard for them. Also, IF DEREK AND ANGIE AREN'T DATING BY THE NEXT TRAUMA CENTER INSTALLMENT I'M GONNA BOMB ATLUS. KEEP A MENTAL NOTE FOR WHEN I'M ON THE NEWS NEXT YEAR xDDD That, my friends, it what happens when you play Trauma Center way too much xD And you might want earplugs, because all Angie ever does is squeal "DOCTOR! VITALS!" At you. xD


I'm gonna do the New Blood review later.

[SIZE=13pt]Wario Ware: Smooth Moves[/SIZE]


I must say, this is a really fun game. xD

It's wacky, funny, silly, and really gets you moving.

It's a good game for anyone that isn't a major gamer, and it's even good for people who are major gamers!

The story line is pretty basic, and you can pretty much beat the game in a day. xD...And beat the bonus stuff in a week.

It's a good game to play with your friends, because it's really fast paste.

Of course, this game does have a few problems. :eek:

Some of the mini games take forever for you to fully understand. xD

And sometimes you can totally screw up in a game due to the fact that your Wii-mote goes wak-o or something.

Not to mention it's not as fun to play without friends or family members. :mametchi:

But all in all, this game gets a...


8/10 or 88%

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Trauma Center: New Blood

It has the same objective as Second Opinion. You play as Valerie Blaylock and Markus Vaughn who both have the Healing Touch. The game takes place 10 years after Second Opinion, when the war against gUILT is over. But a new virus, STIGMA, attacks the world. Then these creepy guys take you hostage and try to kill you with a toy lock. xDDDDDDD AND YOU GET TO A HOCKEY GAME!!!! AND YOU REMOVE A HOCKEY STICK FROM A GUYS ARM! <3333 HOCKEEEEEYYYYYYY! [/spazz] It has the same featurs as Second Opinion, except for a few things. There is a new co-op mode, where you can do surgery with your friend. Or in my case, whizz through the whole operation leaving your friend going all "WTF! YOU'RE FREAKIN FAST!" then realise what you did and let them put the band-aid on. xD And there is an online leaderboard, which shows top scores from around the world. (I DON'T HAVE INTERNET ON MY WIIIII!!! -punches wall-) And Valerie's Healing Touch is total epic win. It saved my a** numberous times against Cardia Stigma. xD


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