Why won't anyone join?


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Um, sorry that this is no help, but what do you mean? o_O And what are RPs? :)
*sigh* R--P. Role Play.

The way I get people to join is practicly, putting: Plz Post!

After that, wait awhile!

Hope I helped! ;)

The way I get people to join is practicly, putting: Plz Post!
After that, wait awhile!

Hope I helped! ;)
Alright, that might help. thanks. :) But as far as other means, what about PMing?



Hey *name*!

Listen, I was wondering, would you be so kind as to join *RP*? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks so much!



I've thought about trying this recently to get people to join my new RP, Guardian Charas.

Is this alright to do?


It depends on who you PM, really. Some people may just think you're scamming them somehow, others might think that the roleplay sounds interesting.

But heres a tip:

If you decide to try that out, I suggest where you put the RP's name, you also put a link to the RP, because some people can be lazier than others and only come if there is a link to the RP ((hey! It sounds like me!)).

That wasn't supposed to be an offence. So don't take it as one. In fact, it was mostly directed at myself XD

Hmm. Well, maybe people just aren't interested in them. Don't bug people about them, thats all. :furawatchi:

I think Pm'ong some people would be ok as long as you dont over do it because then it would be considered spam.

Hope I helped,


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