Why play with your Tamagotchi in class.


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well , im doin homeschool now so it doesnt matter , but i will return to public , my sis will go 2 kindergarten and my parents will be working!and i dont think their boss will like it if they are playing with tamas! wat do i do!?

You can lose it, it may get dropped, stepped on, stolen, left in school, or thrown away or die if you don't pay attention to it MAJOR penalties for bringing a tama to school!

Weeellll, I have an iffy on this:

If your grade is too easy for you, and you are smart, like it is for me, thats okay. Thats why I used to take mine to school, but soo many people's got taken away, and finnaly the rule was made of: "Bring a tamagotchi to school, and it is taken away for a week".So. I stopped. I stopped bringing ALL my VPs to school.

I don't agree. I think tamas can teach things that would normally never be taught in school, how to do deal with death, responceability (on a different level), and much more.

Besides I always take my tamas to school and I have straight As, and at my school alot of my teachers don't really care as long as it doesn't form a serious problem.

I don't agree. I think tamas can teach things that would normally never be taught in school, how to do deal with death, responceability (on a different level), and much more.
Besides I always take my tamas to school and I have straight As, and at my school alot of my teachers don't really care as long as it doesn't form a serious problem.

Plus, I'm gonna have another swing at taking my tamas to school, What I am gonna do is I am gonna bring my running VPs, (Max. 7) Like now my Kodai Djnn Yoyo VP,And three tamas, then play with them while no-one is looking, and in the bathroom. I will have trouble with the Kodai Djinn, though.

once i play with my tama in class and someone took it. luckly i found it or one of my friends found it and it was ok again. ;) :) :lol: :eek:

Ive gotten my tamagotchi taken away before in classjavascript:emoticon(' ;) ')

smilie at least it was a substitute

Needy baby tamagotchi aren't great for school, but children, (young) adults, and adolescents seem okay to me. They do really save my life during dumb lectures I've already heard, or the time I had that substitute who yakked about what college her children went to, and lotsa crap about feild hockey, instead of teaching us. God, she wasted over half our class period! Not that I mind, it's nice to spend 25 minutes bonding with your tamas. wink.gif Anyways, just be aware that your tamagotchi aren't 100% safe anywhere, especially school. So you bring them at your own risk, be well aware of that. After you get into middle school, you're prone to insults and teases about your cyber-friend, so my hobby isn't something I want to scream to the world. I just take them out between classes, and during lunch, and everything turns out fine. smile.gif Note that if they're are affecting your learning, I would pause him, as he will be safe and sound in your locker.
Exactamundo. A teacher from last year, Mrs. Nunn, all she did was talk about Texas back in her day which was like an eternity ago in her little southern accent and omgsshhhh its so boring. And yeah. EXACTLY.

i always bring my tama to school thier is nothin wrong if u are passing and getting good grades fine bring it but if u failed a grade and are failing sum classes well put it on pause and leave it home

i disagree. i bring mine to school everyday because i

1) turn the sound off

2) feed it/play with it during the breaks between classes

I brought mine when I was about to finish 6th grade. Now, I don't. I just pause them for weekdays

i used to bring it to school, i dont anymore though cuz my friend's tama got taken away from the teacher :wub:

I pause them and leave it at home only when it's a baby. But other times I can learn and take care of my tama at the same time. I just turn off the sound.

Besides, the child and teenager only need attention about every thirty minutes, (So I check it every twenty-five minutes and believe me, I can still learn and I've been doing it for two years.) And the adult needs attention about every two hours. I also place it so it's facing me but no one can see it, so I know when it's beeping.


I just keep all my Tamas on pause in my locker or set the time to one minute b4 they go to bed, turn out the lights and change the time back 2 normal once I get home from school. Instead from now on I decide to bring only one each day and play with it between classes and during boring lectures. Should work out OK.

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