Who do you remember most?


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Theres alot of people i remember. Most of them are from the RP section. My first friend on tamatalk (when i joined on my kittygirl_0929 account) was LATIAS when i joined the pokemon RP that Surfer_girl made last year, then my second friend was cuteagotchi, whom is a fellow gaara-fangirl like me. xD, and my 3rd friend is LaurenV3/Neji_girl_0929, We PM each other alot, mostly talking about random things. And theres also Sakura3200, i PM her occasionally. And theres BrambleClaw, and Crowfrost- both Fellow Warriors Fans.

Theres probably more, i dunno.

I would remember SweetKandi. She is totally real and to the point, and never changes herself for others. I would really remember her the most. She keeps me remembering that everyone has an opinion. Thanks sweet kandi!!!!
^.^' Thank you, lol.

I just don't feel the need to sugar coat things xP

Sweet Kandi, always practical and uses her common sense O.O'

PeaceFrog777, has some good ideas about random things and is friendly(My topic about House in Stuff You Watch should explain)

Aww, Locky, I'm flattered. That was so sweet of you to say about me. You're just so nice and thoughtful. I appreciate all the sweet things you've said about me in the past.
I'm pretty sure Sweet Kandi didn't meant it in a evil, non-sensitive. Yes, everyone does have their opinions.

Aw. I am so flattered and appreciated! :D xP

I would want to say more things but I can't think of more.. o.o' Sorry'z.

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