Who do you remember most?


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Bubba28 - Friend!

Sweet kandi - Straight foward. I like her (Not in that kind of way. XD)

Rachelgotchi - Nice

Tama w/pants - I always see her in topics I reply. Freaky. xD

Admin - Because he/she made the site.

Jappyx - My friend.

BellSprout - I wonder why he/she hasnt posted in a while.

If I missed anyone, sorry!


Maybe Locky458. He's knows a lot about tamatalk and he's helped me out before.

I usually figure out most stuff on my own, though.


Rey Mysterio

debby600 (my friend from school)


They are all great. :)

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Rey Mysteriodebby600 (my friend from school)


They are all great. :(
... but that is the most common person I go to. I can tell crazyy*tama everything. We are best buds on TT.

TamaGirliey. 100%. I can trust her and even if she didn't know she'd still make me laugh.
TGD. She's quite smart.

Tamaw/pants. She's also very smart.




Sweet Kandi. She's got straight answers.

Aah, if I skipped you I'm sorry.
Awww! I got mentioned :rolleyes: I feel good now lol.

I don't have too many people I go to to ask people on here, but I got quite a few people I enjoying posting with and talking to privately :D They know who they are :D

And RG, I still think you're 18, even if you're not XD!

There's quite a few people I can talk to here on TT! ^^ (I'm not doing this as some kind of statement of 'popularity' or favoritism, note.)


Ninjas_rock_my_sox -- Very nice, and easy to get along with.

Meowbark -- She's friendly and pretty understanding. =)

Sweet Kandi -- She's honest, and (like most have said already) very straight forward.

Pyonchit -- She's like an RP Buddy. ^^ She's also easy to talk to and get along with, in my opinion.

Emogirl4494 -- Best RP Buddy EVER. (No offence to my other RP buds.) She's awesome.

queenicefire -- Another RP buddy. Hehe.

RachelGotchi -- She's friendly towards everyone! ^^


Yes, I do have more that I could name, But I'd definately have to think a while. :wacko:

I would go to Ninjas-rock-my-sox because she always has something to say to cheer me up or just to make me laugh. She is also very good at answering questions! :wacko:

Whoa! Woly granola bars! I don't know what to say.. Thanks a lot.

Mimtchis- First friend on tamatalk.

GotchiGirl96- Because she was always there when I needed a friend and because she's so cool, were best friends.

Rey Mysterio - She is so funny and sometimes she doesn't notice it! :lol: , when ever I was bored or something she was always there. She is hyper.

GotchiPal/Ninja Yoshi- Best friend on tamazone and she makes tama-zone the best place ever!

Miss Matchmaker- Well she's nice, smart, she always there when I'm bored, helpful, she has cool signatures.

Tamaw/pants- She's the person that mostly helped me when I wasn't feeling good certain days.

Pyonchit: Everytime I had a question she had a answer, and she's like one of my night friends on tamatalk.

TamaGirl_Desy- She was pretty cool, nice, kind, and helpful.

BB (Big Bob)- He's a very good friend of mines.

Anime_Girl- She has times when has good points, and she always was postive when I seen her on the boards.

Bubba28- She is so nice! And she is one of my night friends to. o.o' Well I can only talked to her around 2 am thru' 5 am (time zones)

Fun2- she is always on the fun stuff section, so I always have fun.

Chocosilver- She's hilarious!

Rachelgotchi: She's always online when i need someone good to talk to.

Sorry If I didn't call your name I can't think of no more, my brain hurts.

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I would say this is becoming a popularity contest but Locky458 is nice I find sweet kandi to be too straight up and a bit uncaring but thats me (she said she doesn't care about animal testing and I have strong feelings towards the topic)

p.s im good for advice

I would say this is becoming a popularity contest but Locky458 is nice I find sweet kandi to be too straight up and a bit uncaring but thats me (she said she doesn't care about animal testing and I have strong feelings towards the topic)
p.s im good for advice
Lol. I am uncaring XD I give my opinions and outlooks on situations. If people don't like that that's their problem. Although I do think it's ridiculous you don't like me because I don't care about animal testing. Everyone has their own opinions about things. To not like someone because of their opinions is pretty out there.

Um... Admin?

He knows more about Tamatalk than anyone else does, LOL.

I don't know who'd I'd ask about anything else though. I don't have many close friends on TamaTalk.

" one of my night friends on tamatalk. " That's 'cause I live in the west coast.

"She's also easy to talk to and get along with, in my opinion." D: what? You're the one who's easy to talk to, not me.

GotchiGirl96- Because she was always there when I needed a friend and because she's so cool, were best friends.
Aww, Locky, I'm flattered. That was so sweet of you to say about me. You're just so nice and thoughtful. I appreciate all the sweet things you've said about me in the past.

I would remember SweetKandi. She is totally real and to the point, and never changes herself for others. I would really remember her the most. She keeps me remembering that everyone has an opinion. Thanks sweet kandi!!!!

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