Which College are you going to?


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I don't know what college I'll be going to, but I would love a career as a computer programmer or computer operator or a computer engineer. So I plan on studying computer science if I still want to do that when I go to college.

I'm not quite sure yet, but so far I'm

aiming for Georgine Collage.

I am aiming for three things, but I'm not

to sure which one I want to be.

The things are...

~*I want to start my own Business

~*I want to also become a nurse

~*And maybe even a actor. ^.^ (Don't wanna become really famous though)

So far, I like the business idea best!

Maybe one day you people will start

buying my computer products or food products! ^-^

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Apparently, I just moved to France. I am searching online to find a college I can transfer to.

I'm gonna be a lawyer and I'm probably gona go to University of Marilyn and go to Harvard law school

Wow....collage? I'm in highschool right now. I never really thought about collage.

Thanks for the reminder.

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