When was the last time you puked?


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Erm, about 3 months ago, I had the fever for a month and I was puking non stop, then in disney I drank a shake to fast and I almost threw up, I havent had one scince

I made a kid throw up (Cause Im pretty!XD)

5 years ago was the 2nd last time I threw up.

My record was broken when I threw up at the end of april from a migraine I had. :mellow:

I have a fear of vomit- it scares the crap out of me. I've gone to the doctor because of my phobia, so it would be best for me to leave this topic. Lol.


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I puked like a few monthes ago cause i caught a stomache virus..and the retarded thing is that i got a letter saying if i missed school one more day with no doc. nte i would be sued./...X_x

I puke all the time, but not lately.

Last time was a couple months ago, I caught a bad bug and I threw up everytime I eat or drank water.

So I really couldn't keep water down, it sucked.

I puked like last March. I got home from school and I started getting this huge headache. A few hours later, I threw up.

I got to skip karate that day! ^_^


Bleh. Last time I lost my cookies was... Less than a year ago. Sometime this year.. It was terrible. First my mom got the stomach flu, then me (at 2 A.M) and then my sister.

But I also have acid reflux, which makes me feel very pukey unless I'm eating or drinking something. It's really bad if my throat is dry. So I pretty much almost always have a drink near me, because I absolutely despise the feeling.

*Dies on the floor laughing*

Well about a year ago when I got the stomach virus. The stomach virus was like H, E double hockey sticks for me. It was so terrible, I suffered from dehydration, going to the bathroom a lot, headaches, pains in the stomach, and I can't remember but when I took some Ginger Ale and all the throw up came, ahh it felt good in a way. xP

Also I couldn't eat a lot if I do I would throw it back up or get sicker.

A long time ago. Maybe 6 months. The last time I threw up was probably when I roasted marshmellows. Blech! I do not even like the smell of anything burnt anymore. But, no matter how many times I throw up strawberrys, they will always be my favorite.

OMG, there was this girl in my year, and she was having real bad tummy pains. Then, she went over to tell this really horrible teacher. She threw up over the horrible teacher! I felt bad for her, as it was her birthday, but she has good aim!

Last time I puked was around the last week of April. Eh, I had a little too much to drink x.x'

The only good thing about drinking too much was that I didn't taste the puke, lol.

The last time I vomited was when I ate pickles. Worst tasting vomit ever.

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