Yes, i really agree with you there, the p1/p2 tamagotchies are not the best. I have never owned one but i think they are just a little to baisc, and they die way to fast

Plus it takes forever for them to evolve!!! So this is probably my most least-liked tamagotchi sadly.....
I find this quite ironic, due to the fact it all started with the p1 and p2, he he. Yes they are basic, it takes quite a lot of time for them to evolve, but for me that wasn't the let down...
It was really only the characters, if those were better, then it would've been a really good version. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they exist, due to the fact it all started with them. I really loved them when it was just them back then, but just not the majority of the characters :/
Also they indeed died waaaaaaaaaay to fast, and the lack of breeding (either through standalone, or connection) was a bit sad, cause it had no generation tracking... Though, I always get the nostalgic feeling when seeing one of those, as well as wanting one just for that reason!
We both like other versions more, that makes a lot of sense due to:
More features.
Better characters.
You might even say better looks.
And that for me, says enough BUT:
I can't stress enough, how MUCH I love the special vintage versions (Morino, Oceangotchi, Mothra, Genjintchi, Santa, Angel, and Devil) because they all have special features, and nicks and nacks to them, which is awesome!
This concludes my post, which turned out longer than intended, so no offence taken if you only read parts of it