What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?


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But I have to do that whenever I have a stuffy nose which is pretty much ALWAYS just so I can breath through my mouth lol
Hahaha I understand that! I have a stuffy nose myself at the moment. D:

And I don't hate anyone who does it, it just... makes me cringe when I see it and fills me with the urge to close their mouth with my hand or something. I know. It's super weird. :rolleyes:

Face Book and 6 year olds who have an account on it

People who obsess over One Direction it's soooo annoying
I'd like to extend that to Six year olds with Blackberries / iPhones etc.etc. I don't know why, but that really does bug me. I mean, I understand, younger and younger people are getting into technology, but... really? I don't think a six year old has any need for a phone other than "fitting in"! :rolleyes:

When people say YOLO I'm all like "Unfortunately I can only kill you once".

The only people that are aloud to say yolo are the cast of *******.

Some ppl at my school (this one particular boy really bugs me but others too)

when my bunny scratches me

when my bird sqwaks at me WHEN I JUST WOKE UP!!!

thats about it.

My major 5 are as the following.


5. Tattletalers.(They complain.)

4. Nosy People(They stare at my Tama constantly)

3. Hypocrites(Do I seriously need to explain?)

2. People who hate on things when they haven't tried it.(like my friend who hates Tamas... He calls them many bad words I can't say here)


NUMBER 1. People who think they're "gangster" with "swag" and saying stupid stuff like "YOLO"


Those are my major pet peeves though.

People who sag

Food that is overdone

Bugs, bees and insects


Being really sick

Thats all I can think of for now

When people don't take the head size sticker of their snap backs.

I just want to go up to them and show them how to take it off. It's like they need instructions or something, it's really not that hard to do.

Currently my one major pet peeve is incorrect grammar. Reason being, I know a lot...and I mean, A-LOT, of people who can't seem to fathom that they aren't spelling quite easy words correctly. I'm sort of a grammar Nazi, and everyone knows that. By god, it is beginning to bother the heck out of me. But I guess I just need to get over it because some people just can't spell. Two other pet peeves I have are touching paper when I have fingernails (it just sends chills down my spine and I hate it), and another one is snapping. The snapping one was never a problem for me until I realized it was a problem for one of my best friends. Since I found that out, when people simply do it in my general direction, I want to demise them. :)

My mom asking "who?" instead or "what?".

Like, when I say that something is weird, she asks who.

And in my language it's impossible to mistake someone for something.

Oh, forgot to mention that I hate hearing someone eating, coughing and breathing.

Plus my mom saying "fropper" instead of "pepper".

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1) Annoying forward emails and texts, especially the ones that say things like "If you don't forward this to x people tomorrow will be the worst day of your life!" Seriously, like I'll fall for that. T_T

2) Comic Sans.

3) Papyrus.

4) People who say "Hi" to you over and over and over, even after you say "Hi" back.

5) And like OST, when people don't sneeze or cough into their arms, I hate that!

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