Snipers on e-bay
My itchy cat acting like she wants to pet you, but then suddenly ripping your hand to shreds
People at school going, "Oh yes, Noodle's the smartest person here! She can answer this for us!" or a teacher saying, "Oh, Noodle, can you help those people on this" when I really don't get it myself. JUST BECAUSE I'M IN THE GIFTED PROGRAM AND ALL THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT I'M THE SMARTEST PERSON IN THE WORLD PEOPLE OKAY?! I'm calm now.
People walking slow
People staring over my shoulder at what I'm drawing or doing on the computer
Sour Strawberries
The burning sensation of Blistex
My sister's extremely hard head that I always seem to bump into (I got a swollen lip from that boulder yesterday.

Girly girls
Gossip yes, person over there, I know you're talking about me
Too many Sharpies uncapped in a room at once the same goes for Expo markers
My friend writing on her hands. There's this wonderful invention. It's called paper.
That's the major ones at the moment. I shall certainly add more as I think of them.