M Miss Matchmaker Well-known member Joined Jan 22, 2007 Messages 2,529 Reaction score 3 Jun 5, 2009 #41 Nothing. I haven't written anything today, I was outside. Plus, I'm out of school. There's usually not much on me, maybe a reminder or a smiley face.
Nothing. I haven't written anything today, I was outside. Plus, I'm out of school. There's usually not much on me, maybe a reminder or a smiley face.
R Ripcurl Well-known member Joined Jul 18, 2006 Messages 674 Reaction score 3 Jun 5, 2009 #42 Nothing, lol. I don't write on myself. :furawatchi:
X x.P O K E R F A C E Well-known member Joined Feb 24, 2009 Messages 2,326 Reaction score 25 Jun 6, 2009 #43 Currently nothing.
S Starfire. Well-known member Joined May 14, 2009 Messages 1,048 Reaction score 0 Location Somewhere over the rainbow... Jun 6, 2009 #44 I wrote lawl on my left palm.
N Nix. Well-known member Joined Jan 18, 2009 Messages 130 Reaction score 0 Jun 6, 2009 #45 My left arm is COVERED in lyrics. Seriously, it's totally sharpied. <3
C .:Charm:. Well-known member Joined Jan 19, 2007 Messages 849 Reaction score 0 Location HYPERLAND!!!!!!!!& Jun 6, 2009 #46 Yesterday was my social studies final so I wrote all kinds of important stuff on the front and back of my hand!!! XD
Yesterday was my social studies final so I wrote all kinds of important stuff on the front and back of my hand!!! XD
T tamacrazy_101 Well-known member Joined Mar 1, 2006 Messages 2,837 Reaction score 0 Location Lost in the Abyss. Jun 6, 2009 #47 Nothing. I almost never write on myself.
x.Cant//Knit.x Well-known member Joined Feb 23, 2009 Messages 3,665 Reaction score 10 Location australia. Jun 7, 2009 #48 Just now I wrote ''I <3 Bradie'' on my left palm with lots of tiny hearts around it. It was in black sharpie. I need more colours... Also, that n00b thing is STILL on me.. It won't come off D: D: D:
Just now I wrote ''I <3 Bradie'' on my left palm with lots of tiny hearts around it. It was in black sharpie. I need more colours... Also, that n00b thing is STILL on me.. It won't come off D: D: D:
K kk445 Well-known member Joined Jun 25, 2006 Messages 2,742 Reaction score 1 Location Pennsylvania. Jun 7, 2009 #49 I have a star tattoo, similar to Tila Tequila's, on my ankle. It's Purple and Black. I got it at a carnival thing in my town
I have a star tattoo, similar to Tila Tequila's, on my ankle. It's Purple and Black. I got it at a carnival thing in my town
D DemonSlayer5050 Well-known member Joined Feb 23, 2008 Messages 1,833 Reaction score 1 Location Pennsylvania ;D Jun 7, 2009 #50 I have a Tattoo of The Bat Symbol on my head if that counts xDDD
K kk445 Well-known member Joined Jun 25, 2006 Messages 2,742 Reaction score 1 Location Pennsylvania. Jun 7, 2009 #51 ^ I was there when you got that Only you xD
G GotchiGirl96 Well-known member Joined Sep 10, 2006 Messages 9,440 Reaction score 19 Location New York; United States Jun 7, 2009 #52 At the moment, nothing. I'm starting a new trend - Zero body art plz! xDD
F FireCracker Well-known member Joined Oct 29, 2005 Messages 1,484 Reaction score 0 Location In a dumpster Jun 7, 2009 #53 Im going to write Red Flag lyrics on my hand ''Cast off the crutch that kills the pain, The red flag wavin' never meant the same, the kids of tomorrow don't need today, When they live in the sins of yesterday.''
Im going to write Red Flag lyrics on my hand ''Cast off the crutch that kills the pain, The red flag wavin' never meant the same, the kids of tomorrow don't need today, When they live in the sins of yesterday.''
.:VeganCheeseBurgerFTW:. Well-known member Joined Feb 23, 2009 Messages 2,198 Reaction score 1 Jun 8, 2009 #54 Okay. I get bored sometimes. Knuckles have ' R A W R ' On them. One on each. Then 5 different smiley faces =) xD ): x_x Palm has a big red star with 'STARFISH' written. 6 lines on my wrists. 2 stars. One red, one purple. A snail. A spiral. 'Tramp' A heart 'Hi!' A purple balloon. A birthday cake. 'Happy Birthday Grace!' And squiggles and I tried to colour myself in with orange highlighter but failed.
Okay. I get bored sometimes. Knuckles have ' R A W R ' On them. One on each. Then 5 different smiley faces =) xD ): x_x Palm has a big red star with 'STARFISH' written. 6 lines on my wrists. 2 stars. One red, one purple. A snail. A spiral. 'Tramp' A heart 'Hi!' A purple balloon. A birthday cake. 'Happy Birthday Grace!' And squiggles and I tried to colour myself in with orange highlighter but failed.
X x.P O K E R F A C E Well-known member Joined Feb 24, 2009 Messages 2,326 Reaction score 25 Aug 3, 2009 #55 NO JUNK FOOD.
.:VeganCheeseBurgerFTW:. Well-known member Joined Feb 23, 2009 Messages 2,198 Reaction score 1 Aug 3, 2009 #56 On arm - Debate. Do research. Paper in folder. On hand - Read arm.
x.Cant//Knit.x Well-known member Joined Feb 23, 2009 Messages 3,665 Reaction score 10 Location australia. Aug 3, 2009 #57 Left palm in orange texta; ''Rape!''. Because that word is fun to write --- especially in cursive.
T -Tamacandy Well-known member Joined Jun 14, 2009 Messages 695 Reaction score 6 Location In your toilet. ;] Aug 3, 2009 #58 Beckie Ownz & This weird man with big ears x____o
ChocoToken Well-known member Joined Jun 21, 2009 Messages 845 Reaction score 1 Aug 3, 2009 #59 I can't write with my right hand. x.X In my right hand palm it says 'Aubrey is Awesome'.
X x.P O K E R F A C E Well-known member Joined Feb 24, 2009 Messages 2,326 Reaction score 25 Aug 15, 2009 #60 Left hand: x ANDY ♥