Whats written on you right now?


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I don't really do it when I'm bored. xD I do it when I have no paper.

I have most of my final exam schedule written on my left hand.

"English - 17 Ju

Science - 18 Noschool 24-26

Algerbra - 19

Spanish - 22"

I washed everything off cuz I felt like it.

Now on my left hand is a little :eek: face drawn by Jen during Science where I was immensly bored and we got to use are pens. So it's just a random black :eek: face :)

A bit of the n00b thing is still left on my arm.

Edit: Emoticonsss D:<

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I've drawn over all the lines on my palms, and I have like... Musical notes all over my left arm, drawn by Katie and Luke, of course... Strage.

And VersaEmerge lyrics all over my right arm, I got obsessed during science and maths :)

My stuff from yesterday didn't come off in the shower so it's there but faded.

New stuff:

I can count 7 smily faces.

A star.

'Get notebook for maths rules' [Okay. I kinda destroyed my school diary so my arm is my diary]

On my wrist - 'Bo Burnham' and a frilled lizard stamp.

And I wrote on my chest xD We all did. '<-- ****s! --> No touchy touchy'

And a lot of just scribbles. In various colours.

Oh yeah, and this morning I realised that ''Lol'' was still written on my stomach from about a month or two ago. It's very very weird.

I'm not gonna write anything now, as if mum will see me, I will be banned from all forms of entertainment and fun. And we don't want that...

Julia drew on my arm again. I drew a little too. 8D


A frog turtle thing with wings. It cam from a scribble.

A bird. I told her to make a banana. X3


A Heart

A person blowing bubblegum. I got the idea from This song. I wrote part of the lyrics on my desk.


Left hand: Pointer finger is the Dom finger, It says LOVE YEW and it has designess xD

Middle finger is the Tiff Finger, It says Whoot! and Pwetty stuff

Ring finggaa says Peace with pwetty stuff

and pinky is the love finger with pwetty stuff


11:40 an elephant never forgets!

My teacher asked me to remind her to tell the class something at 11:40, and me being the most forgetful of the class I had to write it down because she said it was 'crutial' ._.

The elephant part was just random, and it sort of had to do with the 11:40 thing :D [SIZE=7pt]edit- typo[/SIZE]

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Lots of tiny black dots from my pen. On my fingers. O:

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A faded purple flower, green star and blue heart on my right hand. It was written with my lovely spiderman textas. <3. Heh heh heh.

And that n00b thing is STILL there.



In art yesterday, we had a pen fight, as we always do, and I ended up with a pink heart on my ear. I can't get it off. >_>


I now have a D:< face on my thumb, each of my left hand fingers saying, "Look at

my arm." And A heart-shaped balloon with a face on my arm, with the lyrics, "~Untie the balloons.

And ground me~"


On my other arm, I have badly drawn musical notes, and a green cloud, with purple eyes. :3

I had a peace sign on my left foot, Like Christofer Drew's tattoo. It washed off in the pool though

On my left knee, I have a colored in star in red ink.

On my right ankel, same thing as knee.

On the heel of my left foot, same thing as ^.

On my right leg, right above my ankel, I have a colored in star with a heart around it.

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