- Some people are just too spoiled and get whatever they want and when they want it. They then brag all about it and make you feel like absolute trash.
- You can meet the strangest people on the bus. I met two hippies who smelt like cucumbers, Adelaide's two most famous mentally challenged people, three random guys from my school, and one of mum's good friends.
- Netball kids can be meannn. One of them called me a female dog. Haaaah.
- Keeley has new clothes! :0
- There are a million people on TT whose names start with a K.
- 17 by Short Stack is the most amazing song out there. <3
- Star Wars is actually reaaaaally cool O: I don't blame Krystal for loving it.
- I can take good pictures that make me look like a vampire. >

- Jen's mum is fine with me sleeping over tomorrow night