What's something you learned today?


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I learned today that a game such as Maple Story, is a lot more fun with someone when you don't gripe and get peeved about silly things within ze game.

I learnt how to roll out of my bed in the morning safely and the least harmless way as possible.

That I am quite talented when it comes to colouring my arm in highlighter.

During this post I learned: The highlighter won't come off. I've got a bright pink left arm. =]

^Did you really need to announce that on one of the most popular topics in NonTT? xD

I learned that Krystal feels the need to announce that I bought AC:WW. xD

- KRYSTAAAAL CHANGED HER SIG :0 She likes to announce things :3

- Blue shoelaces still PWN them ugly grey ones.

- Mum takes forever to make cerealllllll.


Something I learned is that cake can have waaaaay too much frosting. And that I should figure out my ACWW Wifi. X_X

The book Time to Wonder is by the same author of Blueberries for Sal (One of my favorite books when I was younger)

The kid I am baby-sitting for has a stuffed dog named Oatmeal

I have the song I Write Sins not Tragedies stuck in my head.

I learnt very many things yesterday which I forgot to post:

Andy smells nice.

The witnesses of my conversation with Bradie think he has a crush on me.

Standing in front of the speakers during a Short Stack concert will kill your hearing for sure.

Adults like Short Stack too. [For example, Mum!]

Ahh, the learnings of yesterday <3

Today I learned that root beer tastes different if you drink it through a straw. xDD I know, lol

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