What's something you learned today?


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I learned that the day after track hurts... Also, I learned that I am quite addicted to Gossip Girl. Yes, I like these dramas.

That when your Mum specially prepares cream cheese brownies, and take the cream cheese off the top, you will be shamed.

And that Dylan is amused when I mistake the boys' bathroom for the ladies. Dx

That kids in my school know how to protest. o-o

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I have three or four freckles on my right leg that I've never noticed before. 8D

And I have the most sponsors in our class for the annual charity swim this Friday. Thirteen. While everyone else has around six. And I bought a new bathing suit to swim in, but no, I shall not be taking pictures.

I learned that shudder shades really are pwnsome. (I got my own pair!!)

And that ordering the school's roast beef is epic fail.

I re-learned that souviner shops are epic win.

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-Mr K still doen't want me going to -high school name here-.

- -High school name here- has a fish & chips shop nearby 8D

-Esther has a new av and sig which are both amazing <3.

I shouldn't try to outpost Michelle when she's 40 posts ahead of me, it fails.

Ryan from -the other school near us- is so... kind and cute!

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