What's something you learned today?


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If mum tells me I did something I should NOT argue back. I'm darn lucky to have this 30 minutes worth of interwebs.

^ Mum disconnected it and we had to have a repair man come and fix it. She had a spazzy this morning.

I learned Maria is rebel and sneaking on (I do it a bit too)

Ima sneaking onnnn.

I'm only aloud on the compy today for 2 hours.

I've been on for... 8 hours.

I bet my eyes are going crazy.

And I learned that over-eating chips is not good for you :)

I only just realised that my Shaun The Sheep toy makes a sheep noise O:

I thought it was just a toy.

But if you press it's mouth, it bahs!

^ Ermz, that sounded wrong XD
Saying "Ohhhh" and "Ahhh" Sounds very wrong too.

And that kicking the table brings no good. xD
Oh Starry, my gross-minded child, sorry to make your mind go gross.

That sounded wrong toooo. Lololol.

Well, I learned that mum disapproves the ide of getting Spiderman curtains. SHAME.ON.HER.

I learned that I can scissor kick 105cm for highjump, but I can't jump 110...

I learned that I think I have asthma-that-is-not-asthma. That makes no sense. It's like, I feel lke I have asthma, but it's proven tha I don't. But it feels liek it! Maybe I could cal it ATINA. (Asthma That Is Not Asthma) heh, Atina... sounds nice.

Anyways, yup. Oh, and I also learned about heat being transferred from hot to cold.

I learned sooo much and that makes me sooo happy.

I learned HIS second period, third period, and his locker number.

That people think me with my hair tied back, is attractive. I think it looks terrible.

I have tomorrow off school :)

Tomorrow Daddy goes back to work so I have house to myself :)

When wet the floor is slippery [Learned that 3 times today]

An easy way to pi** Ellie and Sarah off is to sing "Happy Birthday Mr President"

I spend too much time on the computer. My eyes spazzed out. Therefore, I am limiting myself to only 1 hour on the computer per day.. sadness.

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