What's something you learned today?


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Yes, I learned the same thing as Maria.

I also learned that Kathy seems to wake up the elderly people in my neighbourhood with her constant screaming and juming.

And that Kaitlin doesn't understand my way of living EITHER.

And omg, they were talking about Sydney and Thailand at school today. Instant thought: Maria, Jaimee, and Starry.

Yes Easterberry, you are a legendary TTer.

I learned new female and male body parts. :D

I hate you, health class, I am officially scarred. T.T

(Oh, and this group of guys told me and 2 other girls that we were tomato-red the whole time x.x)

I learned that you can click on a topic, and then think it's another topic and then post a weird reply.

That's the reason why I edited this ._.

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I learn't that when my mood has been crappy for a while then all of a sudden turns happy everyone around me unsuffers.

I learnt about earthworm reproduction. It's actually quite strange and interesting with my bio class.

^ We're doing genetic engineering and cloning in bio. I actually like it, because it's a lot of ethics. ;3

I learned that tomorrow is my last day of track. O: -dances-

And that the bus I'm riding to Kennywood on Saturday is bus number 2. n__n

Never play chinese whispers with kidergarten kids.

I did, and 'Bradie Webb is the best' turned into 'Baby boom boom bum'.


I learn't about the tricuspid and bicuspid valve.

And if you wear a white blouse in the rain with no umbrella always wear a singlet underneath. You will attract attention if your bra is visable through a wet blouse. Learn't the hard way. [Walked to mall and got bad attention and stole my mates scarf]

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