What's a random fact about you?


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I could literally kill my aunt right now. (She said I have no friends if I act the way I do to her, and I'm like "Well, my friends don't P!ss me off and act like I'm supposed to know that Chris's at the beach!!! *mumbling* Biotch")

I'm really affectionate.

I always have a craving for more clothes, I never feel like I have enough.

I like guys a lot.

I'm a mere 5'2.

I woke up at 10.35am today.


I woke up at 12.07pm yesterday.

I am making coffee.

It's 11.03am right now.

I'm not the same height as anyone.

That just means I'm super tall.. it's almost like a growing desease. Dx

My ankles gone all emo.

I just walk 1km bare foot in the rain.

I put my Bandaid on upside down

Tonight I'm going to see Starlight Express.

My favourite shoes now have a blood stain on them.

Katie being my height make me feel good.

I have podophilia.

I've had it for several years. I just never knew what it was until I learned the word this year. x]

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