What's a random fact about you?


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Well, Its not about me but, My new neighbours [been there like 3 weeks] have been given until 11am tomorrow to get out. Eviction notices FTW.

I dared myself to do something today. I was in the giant Gym and the radio was on and I told myself that I have to download the next song that comes on... it happened to be So Human by Lady Sovereign, so now I'mma downloading it. :)

I'm currently watching Mortified.

I got purple skinny jeans!

I like to live dangerously.

I flirted with a guy I don't know to get a balloon off him xD

He was hot so it was worth it.

I'm wearing a blue headband. :3

I wanna knit a scarf.

I'm so tired cause I had a late night, and woke up super early.

It looks like I type fast only because I hit backspace too often.

I had Oats for breakfast!

I'm taller than my mummy. x3

I'mma going to a Short Stack concert next Friday :)

My kitty is sleeping on mum's bed at this very moment.

I seem to obsess over a new song every week. xDD

I knit in my spare time.

I loooove writing letters.

: D

I take so many pictures, anything that I come across, I snapshot it.

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